For the first time, this district cooperated with universities to build an education group. The new school was built in the city's sub-center, and six municipal key schools were involved.

Author:Randy Hahn
Release time:May 27, 2024 10:47 AM

Establishing high-quality education groups led by universities has become an innovative mechanism for a new round of district-school cooperation. On the 27th, as the Putuo District People's Government and Shanghai Normal University signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement, Shanghai Normal University Putuo Basic Education Group was officially established, becoming the first education group in Putuo District to cooperate with universities.

A reporter from Jiefang Daily and Shangguan News learned that the new group consists of Shanghai Yichuan Middle School, the city’s experimental model high school, the newly opened Shanghai Normal University Affiliated School, and other compulsory education schools such as the Second Experimental Affiliated to Shanghai Normal University. , jointly explore the students' through-training model and build a compact basic education group.

The last round of district-school cooperation between Putuo District and Shanghai Normal University began 10 years ago. Now the Second Experimental School Affiliated to Shanghai Normal University operates at a new site in the sub-central area of ​​Zhenru City. During the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, Putuo regarded the Normal University's second-year experimental project as a key education construction project and is continuing to advance according to schedule. Based on the foundation of cooperation and development vision, a new round of district-school cooperation promotes the joint construction of Shanghai Normal University Putuo Basic Education Group, and jointly establishes a high-quality new school featuring the cultivation of innovative talents. The school is also planned to be built in the Zhenru Sub-center. In addition, we also jointly build internship bases and curriculum bases to cultivate outstanding teachers for future education.

Yuan Wen, President of Shanghai Normal University, presented a letter of appointment to Chief President Gao Jie.

It is reported that the group school is led by Shanghai Yichuan Middle School, with principal Gao Jie serving as the group's chief principal. The member schools include the Second Affiliated Experimental School of Shanghai Normal University, which has a nine-year system, and the Shanghai Private New Huangpu Experimental School, which has a nine-year system. , Zhongshan North Road No. 1 Primary School, Putuo District, Shanghai, Luochuan School, Yichuan Middle School Affiliated School, etc. In terms of schooling stage, there is a "vertical connection" between primary school, junior high school and high school; in terms of nature, there is a "horizontal linkage" between public and private schools. The goal of the group's construction is to build a close-knit basic education group that has a certain influence in the city and that combines primary school, primary school and high school, high quality and balance with outstanding talent training, and creates a new carrier for educating people.

At the same time, this basic education group is building a "1N" base featuring science and technology innovation education, where "1" means that all member schools have built a "Shanghai Normal University Science and Technology Innovation Education Base", and "N" is the school's characteristic base, such as The "Basic Science Talent Training Base", "Mental Health Education Base" and "Information Technology Education Base" promote the distinctive and high-quality development of the school.

This new mechanism for the cooperative development of "regions and universities" explores the group construction model of "government-run schools, joint management, and social participation" and establishes a cooperative school-running council as the group's decision-making body. It is composed of relevant departments of Shanghai Normal University, Putuo District Education Bureau, and The members of the school are composed of leaders, and a group secretary-general is established to be responsible for the overall coordination of the group's operations. As a result, operating mechanisms such as resource sharing, project co-construction, teacher mobility, and cadre rotation have been formed, and cross-school and cross-year learning activities for students have been explored to enrich student choices and experiences and give full play to the cluster effect of the group.

During the signing, Putuo District Party Committee Secretary Jiang Dongdong and Shanghai Normal University Party Committee Secretary Lin Zaiyong said that the district and school will use high-level normal universities to take the lead in setting up basic education groups by launching new schools from a high starting point and transforming schools with relatively good assistance foundations. In this way, we will work together to build a number of new high-quality schools with better conditions, higher quality, and satisfaction for the masses in Putuo District. The new group is not only the first regional basic education group in Putuo District led by a university, but also the first regional basic education group under Shanghai Normal University that integrates collaboration and innovative paradigms. A paradigm for district-affiliated schools to form educational groups.

For the first time, this district cooperated with universities to build an education group. The new school was built in the city's sub-center, and six municipal key schools were involved.
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