Firm confidence in reform and contribute to the promotion of Chinese-style modernization - Participants talked about learning and implementing the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech at the enterprise and expert symposium | Xi Jinping | Contribution

Release time:May 27, 2024 08:30 AM

Jinan, May 25th: Firm confidence in reform and contribute to promoting Chinese-style modernization - Representatives at the meeting talked about studying and implementing the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech at the enterprise and expert symposium

“To further comprehensively deepen reform, we must closely adhere to the theme of promoting Chinese-style modernization, highlight the key points of reform, hold firmly to the value orientation, and pay attention to methods and methods, so as to add impetus to completing the central tasks and achieving strategic goals.”

General Secretary Xi Jinping hosted a symposium with enterprises and experts in Jinan City, Shandong Province on the 23rd and delivered an important speech. Entrepreneurs and experts attending the meeting said that they must study and understand seriously, be guided by the spirit of the General Secretary’s important speech, face difficulties, pioneer and innovate, continue to push reforms in depth, and contribute to the promotion of Chinese-style modernization.

Bai Chongen, dean of the School of Economics and Management at Tsinghua University, said that the convening of this symposium comes at an important moment when the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China is about to be held. The important speech delivered by General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out a clearer direction of reform and provided fundamental guidance for us to keep close to the theme of reform, highlight the key points of reform, grasp the value orientation, and pay attention to methods and methods.

"To promote Chinese-style modernization with high-quality development, the reform tasks before us are arduous, and there are still many hard bones to gnaw on." Bai Chongen said that General Secretary Xi Jinping proposed at the symposium that we should "closely promote Chinese-style modernization and adhere to goal orientation "Combined with problem orientation" guides us that we must focus closely on the overall goal of reform, start from the deep-seated institutional mechanisms and contradictory issues that hinder the advancement of Chinese-style modernization, identify the root causes of the problems, solve them one by one, and open up a new path for comprehensively deepening reforms. situation.

General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized at the symposium that to further comprehensively deepen reforms, we must grasp the principal contradictions and main aspects of contradictions.

"General Secretary Xi Jinping used the economic system reform as an example to explain at the symposium, and listed the key points of reform such as 'building a high-level socialist market economic system' and 'improving systems and mechanisms that support comprehensive innovation and urban-rural integrated development', so that enterprises can We have a deeper understanding of how reform can grasp the main contradictions and the main aspects of contradictions," said Lei Jun, founder, chairman and CEO of Xiaomi Technology Co., Ltd.

Recently, the newly unveiled Xiaomi new energy vehicles have attracted market attention. Focusing on high-quality development, this private enterprise continues to strengthen technological research and development and product innovation around "low carbon" and "smart". Lei Jun said that it is crucial for enterprises to use reform to stimulate innovation vitality and use innovation to ignite the reform engine. Improving the system and mechanism to support comprehensive innovation is to lift the constraints on the development of new productive forces. This will help our country strive for the initiative in international economic and technological competition, and also give enterprises more confidence to promote industrial innovation with scientific and technological innovation on the new track. Run out of "acceleration".

Hans Duist, CEO of Jiangsu Jicui Sioux Technology Co., Ltd., was so excited that he could not calm down after attending the symposium attentively. The meeting notes were filled with densely packed pages.

In recent years, this company has been committed to introducing the Dutch high-tech R&D cooperation model to China. "From President Xi Jinping's speech, I fully felt the open and inclusive mentality of Chinese leaders and the importance that the Chinese government attaches to foreign-funded enterprises. This gives us more confidence to continue to take root in the Chinese market, focus on enterprise development, and further expand investment in China ." said Hans Duist.

The closer the reform reaches the critical stage and the deep-water zone, the more important it is to keep the value orientation firmly in mind and insist on identifying the reform focus and breakthrough point from the people's urgent needs and worries, so that the people can have a greater sense of gain, happiness, and security.

Chen Lanyun, the person in charge of the Shanshui Yilian Family Farm in Lushan City, Jiangxi Province, returned to his hometown to start a business in 2008, contracting to grow tea in barren hills. Riding on the east wind of reform, he grew from an ordinary individual industrial and commercial household to the person in charge of the family farm that has created hundreds of jobs.

"General Secretary Xi Jinping said that 'grasping reform and promoting development is ultimately to enable the people to live a better life.' This encourages me to better develop farms and drive more people to increase their income and become rich. In order to promote the integrated development of urban and rural areas and deepen the rural Contribute to reform and rural industry revitalization," said Chen Lanyun.

To comprehensively deepen reform, it is crucial to make good use of scientific reform methodology. General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized at the symposium that reform must be broken and established, and if the rules are followed, the results will be twice the result with half the effort. If the rules are not followed, the results will be half the result with half the effort or even have negative effects.

"General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the symposium guided us to scientifically grasp the methods and methods of reform to ensure that the reform achieves actual results." Sun Yongcai, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of CRRC Corporation Limited, said that the General Secretary proposed that reform should "adhere to integrity and innovation" "We must hold on to the direction of progress more firmly, resolutely correct what should be changed and what can be changed, and resolutely not change what should not be changed and cannot be changed. We must not waver or deviate, so as to ensure that the reform cause is stable and long-term.

"Adhering to the party's leadership and strengthening party building are the 'root' and 'soul' of state-owned enterprises. No matter how the reform is changed, we must always unswervingly listen to the party and follow the party." Sun Yongcai said that currently, the new The round of state-owned enterprise reform has entered a critical period. CRRC will keep in mind General Secretary Xi Jinping’s earnest instructions, dare to bite hard bones, dare to venture into dangerous shoals, continue to promote the deepening and practical reform of state-owned enterprises, and unswervingly make it stronger, better, and bigger, and continue to Polish the "national business card" of China's high-speed rail.

Reform is progressing rapidly and steadily, and the reform journey is inspiring. Further comprehensively deepening reform is a complex and systematic project. It requires reform measures in all fields and aspects to work in the same direction and form a synergy. We must pay close attention to implementation with a nail-driving spirit to ensure that the comprehensively deepening reform measures are effective and continue to inject Chinese-style modernization into practice. Strong driving force and strong institutional guarantee.

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