Jiading, the "doorstep" national defense education center, was opened to "build the dream of national defense rejuvenation"

Release time:May 27, 2024 10:20 AM

On May 27, the Xincheng Road Subdistrict National Defense Education Garden, the first street-level national defense education garden in Jiading District, was opened. More than a hundred community residents, students, party and league members, retired soldiers and militia representatives visited as the first batch of spectators to celebrate. The 75th anniversary of the liberation of Shanghai.

The National Defense Education Park of Xincheng Road Street is located at No. 16, Yingyuan Fourth Lane. The exhibition hall is themed "Building Dreams for National Defense and Revival" and takes "Chinese Dream, Strong Army Dream, My Dream" as the design core, using "paper airplane" clues It runs through the theme areas of national defense, fire protection and civil defense. The thirteen exhibition items include national defense, fire protection, and civil defense, and their functions integrate daily services, emergency response, and wartime response. In addition to the exhibition hall, there are also check-in points such as the indoor "National Defense Lecture Hall" and the outdoor "Small Training Ground", which can carry out militia training, air defense drills, fire drills, etc.

Through the exhibition, citizens can learn about the changes in my country's national defense concept, the history of the reform of the military rank system, models of modern weapons and equipment, and relief stories of the unity of the military and civilians in different eras. In the "National Defense Lecture Hall" used for education and training activities, you can learn how to seek help in distress, stampede protection, nuclear, biological and chemical safety protection and other knowledge. In addition to watching, you can also experience it. In order to allow children to acquire knowledge through gamified teaching, the exhibition hall also has interactive content such as touchable interactive projection walls and military uniform "dress-up", playing Morse code, and defense-themed outdoor games.

"After reading the introduction in the exhibition hall, I realized that the place where I live has been a strategic military location for city defense since 1219. It was called Yanhaimen in the Yuan Dynasty," said Zong Yuan, a resident. "I have seen Morse code in TV dramas. I saw that there are cracking games here, so I came to try it. Through the visit, I not only learned about my country's national defense construction and military construction, but also realized the importance of information security protection through the game. "Yang Siyuan, a young member of the league, said.

Shen Yue, the person in charge of the Xincheng Road Subdistrict National Defense Education Garden, said that the garden gathers the needs of all ages and occupations and aims to create a national defense garden for all people, inspire patriotism and national pride, and pass on red culture from generation to generation. In the future, the park will also carry out diversified services such as parent-child educational interaction, red study, corporate team building, printing and hair contact network, retired military service, militia and reserve personnel training, and carry out various national defense-related training and educational presentations in a form that is popular with the masses. Bring national defense education to residents and promote national defense education to be deeper and more practical at the grassroots level.

The ceremony also announced the "Resounding Voice" Veterans Volunteer Interpretation Team and the "Red Inheritance Fire Pass" veterans' volunteer service projects to nourish children's hearts.

Jiading, the "doorstep" national defense education center, was opened to "build the dream of national defense rejuvenation"
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