There are only songs that are not suitable for children. Naren Chaoge, who writes "children's pop songs": There are no children who can't sing.

Release time:May 27, 2024 11:21 AM

Since 2017, Mongolian musician Naren Chaoge began writing songs for children. In his view, every era should have children's songs that reflect children's current lives and emotions. However, there are not many songs on the market that are suitable for children to sing. When children sing adult songs, the lyrics, range, and expression are not suitable.

Therefore, in the past few years, Narenchaoge continued to explore and collaborated with well-known domestic lyricists to create more than 100 songs for children. These songs strive to be close to children in content and emotion, and use currently popular music elements such as folk, rock, and jazz electronic music in their composition and arrangement styles. These songs have been played more than 100 million times on new media platforms.

On May 27, Naren Chaoge's two original albums "Childhood" and "Dad's Tea" were released at Huiyin Blue House in Minhang District, Shanghai. "I just want to do something for the children." Na Renchaoge said, "I have always felt that children's voices are the most beautiful voices. They want to sing about their lives, their studies, and their dreams. I have always felt that there is no Children who can’t sing only have songs that are not suitable for children.”

The album "Childhood" contains 13 original songs by young singer Wang Wanqing. It lasted for two and a half years and was published by Guangdong Audio and Video Publishing House. The single "Childhood" of the same name explores children's innocent perceptions and dreams of the world from a child's perspective. Each piece in the album has a different theme and style, and you can clearly hear the changes in the young singer's timbre.

The album "Dad's Tea" contains 10 original songs by Li Jingyu, which lasted for 5 years and was published by Shanghai Audio and Video Publishing House. The single of the same name pays tribute to family and family ties from a more mature perspective. This song is not only a praise of father's love, but also shows the ordinary but heart-warming moments in the family.

In terms of music style, "Childhood" incorporates elements such as Chinese style and electronic music, while "Dad's Tea" can hear different elements such as folk songs, R&B, rock, and jazz. In addition, two albums "tailor-made" for young singers record the gradual change of their immature children's voices, like a growth diary of their voices.

Naren Chaoge said: "In the process of learning these works, the children understood how to understand and express music, and also understood their own voices better. This also made me strengthen my ideas, retain children's voices, and make children confident I hope I can continue along this path and create more excellent works suitable for children in the future.”

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