Now VR can be visited, and the good news of "Shanghai is liberated" comes from here. 75 years ago

Release time:May 27, 2024 09:54 AM

"Didi, drip, drip..." "Shanghai is liberated" 75 years ago, a simple public radio "XA" signal with only 5 characters was sent from Zhenru International Radio and spread to all parts of the world.

The former site of Zhenru International Radio is located at No. 6, Zhenda Road, Taopu Town, Putuo District. Walking along Taopu West Road and arriving at the No. 1 Zhenda Road Bridge, you will see a park with a commemorative plaque hanging prominently at the entrance. Engraved on the card is: "On May 27, 1949, Zhenru International Radio, under the protection of CCP members and staff, returned to the hands of the people and sent a telegram of the liberation of Shanghai to the world."

Deep in the park, there are three radio station buildings built in the 1930s. They are the former site of Zhenru International Radio. They are currently the offices of the IDC Puxi Operation Center of the Shanghai Telecom and Network Department and the four mobile network areas of the Department of Telecommunications and Intercommunication. The former site of Zhenru International Radio has been preserved almost in its original appearance - a corner of the main building has the words commemorating the founding of the foundation. The radio transmission tower and wartime bunker that have been preserved to this day all reveal the imprint of the war years.

In 1930, Zhenru International Radio was completed and established, becoming "the largest international radio station in the Far East". This is also an international radio station established by the Chinese themselves, changing the status quo in which China's international communications sovereignty has long been usurped by foreign telegraph companies since the Opium War. Zhenru International Radio also attracted the attention of the "Father of Radio" Marconi. In 1933, Marconi and his wife visited China and visited the radio station to inspect the operation of the computer room.

On December 7, 1933, Marconi, the father of radio, visited China.

As the radio station continues to develop, its influence gradually expands. In 1936, international telegrams transmitted through Zhenru International Radio occupied 50.3% of the national market. Before the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War in July 1937, the number of direct circuits connected to Zhenru International Radio once reached the fourth place in the world and could reach major cities in the world, laying a solid foundation for my country's self-organized international communication network.

Zhenru International Radio was the only international communications organization operated by the state in my country at that time. Its unique and pivotal role also led to its bumpy fate in the war-torn years.

Zhenru sending station Marconi style sending machine and control table

In many major battles such as the "January 28" and "August 13" Songhu Anti-Japanese War, Zhenru International Radio suffered heavy bombing and severe damage from the Japanese invaders. But it is also known as a radio station that "cannot be destroyed by planes". Even in times of war and severe situations, it always sticks to its post and maintains the smooth flow of international communications through guerrilla tactics.

On May 27, 1949, the first telegram of the liberation of Shanghai was sent to the world from here.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Zhenru International Radio continued to play an active role in my country's external communications. It was responsible for major international events such as the Geneva Conference in 1954, my country's first atomic bomb in October 1964, and Nixon's visit to China in 1972. Convey the voice of China to the world.

In addition, Zhenru International Radio also launched the "Voice of Pujiang" radio station, building a communication bridge for compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Strait.

In 1951, Zhenru International Radio was merged into the Shanghai Telecommunications Bureau, and was referred to as "CGRA" to the outside world. Nowadays, with the development of communication technology, the radio station has taken on new vitality: a number of domestically leading and world-class cloud data centers have been built here.

The reporter learned from Taopu Town that the former site of Zhenru International Radio is now an important communication hub unit of China Telecom. For safety and protection reasons, this place is not open to the public, but this does not mean that you cannot get a glimpse of its historical features and red heritage. In order to inherit and carry forward this red telecommunications spirit, the "VR takes you to visit Zhenru Red Education Base" section was officially launched recently. You can visit the former site of Zhenru International Radio online and experience the rich historical atmosphere and revolutionary spirit in an "immersive" way.

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