Dahongqiao welcomes the first batch of 17 French business rookies in the "China-France 60-year 60-person China Tour" project

Release time:May 27, 2024 11:45 AM

This year marks the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France. Recently, the special project "China-France 60-Person China Tour for 60 Years" was hosted by the France-China Economic and Trade Enterprises and Science and Technology Innovation Promotion Association, with the Hongqiao International Central Business District Management Committee as the guiding unit. Business district launched. The "French Young Entrepreneurs China Tour" delegation composed of the first batch of 17 young French entrepreneurs was awarded a commemorative plaque for the "China-France 60 Years of 60 People Tour to China" project.

Cao Wei, chief representative of the Shanghai Representative Office of the French-Chinese Economic and Trade Enterprises and Science and Technology Innovation Promotion Association, introduced the "Sino-French 60-person trip to China for 60 years" project. He said that at a time when Sino-French relations are booming, it is very meaningful to have the opportunity to welcome the "French Young Entrepreneurs China Tour" delegation in Shanghai and officially launch the "China-France 60-Year 60-person China Tour" special project. The 17-member team is only the first batch of the project. France-China Economic and Trade Enterprises and Science and Technology Innovation Promotion will soon start the selection and formation of the second and third batch of young elites in France. They will choose the opportunity to come to China, especially to participate in this year's 11 The 7th China International Import Expo was held in September.

At the launch ceremony, 17 senior entrepreneurs studying in France and executives from Chinese and French companies served as plaque-awarding guests and awarded commemorative plaques to the 17 rising stars of the French business community who visited China. There are 60 "year commemorative plaques" specially designed and customized by the organizer from 1964 to 2024, symbolizing the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France. The 17 French young people visiting this time correspond to 1964 to 1980. On the "vintage plaque" since 1981, the names of rising stars in the French business community have been waiting for their names.

The "French Young Entrepreneurs China Tour" delegation composed of 17 rising talents in the French business community held discussions with enterprises and industry experts in related industries in the Hongqiao International Central Business District during their stay in Shanghai, aiming to promote project incubation and promote French enterprise technology Introduction and introduction of human resources. Next, the organizers will also arrange for the French youth delegation to visit Chongqing, Ningbo, Jiaxing, Tianjin, Beijing, Shenzhen and other places to provide them with more opportunities to learn about China.

Dahongqiao welcomes the first batch of 17 French business rookies in the "China-France 60-year 60-person China Tour" project
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