Outlook · Chronicles of Governance and Governance | No Ethnic Group Can Leave Minority Nationalities | Regions | Ethnic Groups

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 22:10 PM

General Secretary Xi Jinping is very concerned about the development of Yunnan ethnic areas and the lives of ethnic minorities. In January 2015, when Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, President of the State, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission visited Yunnan, he put forward the hope of "striving to become a demonstration zone for national unity and progress" and pointed out that "to achieve a well-off society in an all-round way, no nation can be less."

Yunnan has 26 ethnic minorities, with a population of 15.63 million, accounting for about one-third of the total population in the province. It is the province with the most types of ethnic minorities, ethnic minorities, unique ethnic minorities, and cross-border ethnic groups in China.

◇ The Yunnan Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government keep in mind the entrustment of General Secretary Xi Jinping, and focus on building a sense of community of the Chinese nation, and successively formulate the "Implementation Opinions on Accelerating the Construction of National Unity and Progress Demonstration Zones" and "Regulations on the Construction of Yunnan National Unity and Progress Demonstration Zones" And implementation rules and other policy documents, with development as the "master key" to promote the unity of all ethnic groups, and promote exchanges and exchanges, strengthen the identity of Chinese culture, build a common spiritual home for all ethnic groups, gather the wisdom of the whole province, and promote the construction of a demonstration zone for national unity and progress.

Development is the overall key to solving various problems in ethnic regions. Yunnan plans ethnic work with a development mindset, solves problems in ethnic work with development methods, promotes ethnic unity with the achievements of development, continuously solidifies the material foundation of ethnic unity and progress, and ensures that ethnic minorities and regions work together with the whole country to achieve comprehensive prosperity and modernization.

Nowadays, in Dulongjiang Township, Gongshan County, Nujiang Prefecture, where the Dulong ethnic group resides, industries such as grass fruit, Dulong cattle, beekeeping, and tourism have shown initial results. The Dulongjiang Scenic Area has been successfully established as the first 4A level tourist attraction in Nujiang Prefecture. It was once a remote and rarely visited place, and has become a "heart nourishing secret realm" that tourists aspire to.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the distribution pattern of ethnic population in Yunnan has continued to deepen towards "large mobility and integration", with more and more ethnic minorities entering cities for employment, entrepreneurship, and settlement. Ethnic minorities account for 72% of the urban migrant population in the province.

◇ Nowadays, the Spring Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, Water Splashing Festival, Torch Festival, Munao Zongge Festival, etc. have become the common festivals of all ethnic groups. The cultures of all ethnic groups blossom and all rivers return to the sea, blending and converging into the "great beauty" of Chinese culture.

Wen | "Liaowang" Newsweek reporter Wang Changshan Ji Zhepeng word strong Yan Yong

"My family has four generations living together, and there are four ethnic groups out of more than 20 people." When talking about the ethnic situation at home, the 77 year old Tibetan elder He Wanchun has a clear mind and speaks fluently. Her spouse, an 80 year old Naxi elderly person, and Mingzhi sat on the side with a smile, watching her.

He Wanchun and He Mingzhi have a daughter and four sons: the eldest daughter and husband are Tibetan, and their daughter-in-law is Lisu; The eldest son's wife is of the Naxi ethnic group; The second son's daughter-in-law is from the Naxi ethnic group, and his eldest son-in-law is from the Bai ethnic group; The third son's wife is of the Naxi ethnic group; The fourth son's daughter-in-law is from the Tibetan ethnic group... and the home of the elderly man Wanchun is located in Qibei Village, Tacheng Town, Weixi Lisu Autonomous County, Diqing Prefecture, Yunnan Province. This place is located at the junction of Yunnan, Sichuan, and Tibet provinces, with multi-ethnic settlements and multicultural integration.

Outlook · Chronicles of Governance and Governance | No Ethnic Group Can Leave Minority Nationalities | Regions | Ethnic Groups

There are still many multi-ethnic families like the He Wanchun family in Yunnan. Yunnan has 26 ethnic minorities with a population of 15.63 million, accounting for about one-third of the province's population. It is the province with the most types of ethnic minorities, ethnic minorities with a history, unique ethnic minorities, and cross-border ethnic groups in China. Coming to Yunnan, it feels like walking into a colorful and splendid ethnic culture "Hundred Flowers Garden", where various ethnic groups thrive and thrive on the land of Yunling, becoming close as one family and developing hand in hand.

General Secretary Xi Jinping is very concerned about the development of Yunnan ethnic areas and the lives of ethnic minorities. In January 2015, when Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, President of the State, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission visited Yunnan, he put forward the hope of "striving to become a demonstration zone for national unity and progress" and pointed out that "to achieve a well-off society in an all-round way, no nation can be less."

On December 16, 2016, the State Ethnic Affairs Commission and the Yunnan Provincial People's Government signed an agreement in Beijing to jointly promote the construction of Yunnan as a demonstration zone for ethnic unity and progress.

The Yunnan Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government kept in mind the entrustment of General Secretary Xi Jinping, and focused on building a sense of community of the Chinese nation, and successively formulated the "Implementation Opinions on Accelerating the Construction of National Unity and Progress Demonstration Zones", "Regulations on the Construction of National Unity and Progress Demonstration Zones in Yunnan Province" and Implementation rules and other policy documents, with development as the "master key" to promote the unity of all ethnic groups and promote exchanges and exchanges, strengthen the identity of Chinese culture, build a common spiritual home for all ethnic groups, gather the wisdom of the whole province, and promote the construction of a demonstration zone for national unity and progress.

At present, 13 provinces and cities and 100 units in Yunnan have been named as national demonstration states and cities for ethnic unity and progress, with a number ranking among the top in the country. 3845 provincial-level demonstration counties and units for ethnic unity and progress have been named, as well as 1065 demonstration schools for ethnic unity and progress. Yunnan is implementing key engineering projects such as the "Pomegranate Red" Project, the "Branch Prosperity and Strong" Project, the "Ten Counties, Hundred Towns, Thousand Villages, and Ten Thousand Households" Demonstration and Leading Project for Ethnic Unity and Progress, and the Construction of Modern Border Happy Villages to promote the improvement and upgrading of demonstration zone construction.

Yunnan Provincial Party Secretary Wang Ning said that in order to make the people of all ethnic groups in the border areas happier and healthier, Yunnan will promote the development and opening up along the border, and make the ethnic areas in the border areas more prosperous and stable. Protecting and developing the border is the sacred mission of Yunnan. We will adhere to the consolidation of ethnic unity on one hand and the development of ethnic regions on the other, ensuring that no ethnic group falls behind in the new journey of modernization construction, and creating a model of ethnic unity and stability in China's border areas.

In Dizhengdang Village, Dulongjiang Township, Gongshan Dulong and Nu Autonomous County, Yunnan Province, Li Wenshi, an elderly member of the Dulong ethnic group, and his daughter are weaving a Dulong carpet. Photo by Cao Mengyao/This magazine

Grasp the "master key" of development

The long-term communication, exchange, and integration of multiple ethnic groups is the profound historical foundation of Yunnan's ethnic unity and progress. The cultural heritage of the Neolithic period in many parts of Yunnan includes tribal imprints of ethnic groups such as the Di Qiang, Yue, and Pu.

The ethnic minority settlements in Yunnan, with beautiful scenery and abundant resources, have harsh natural conditions, inconvenient transportation, limited information, low cultural level of the masses, and outdated production methods. Yunnan once had 88 key counties for national poverty alleviation and development work, among which the proportion of ethnic minority impoverished population in deeply impoverished areas reached 46.4%.

Outlook · Chronicles of Governance and Governance | No Ethnic Group Can Leave Minority Nationalities | Regions | Ethnic Groups

Development is the overall key to solving various problems in ethnic regions. In recent years, Yunnan has planned ethnic work with a development mindset, solved ethnic work problems with development methods, promoted ethnic unity with the achievements of development, continuously consolidated the material foundation of ethnic unity and progress, and ensured that ethnic minorities and ethnic regions achieve comprehensive prosperity and modernization together with the whole country.

"Over the past ten years, the average annual growth of the gross domestic product of Yunnan's ethnic autonomous areas has been 9.5%, higher than the provincial average. Ethnic minority areas and the whole country have simultaneously built a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way." Lama Xinggao, director of the Yunnan Ethnic and Religious Affairs Commission, said that Yunnan pays attention to the combination of "governing the belly" and "governing the brain", and the combination of "reinforcing the weak points" and "promoting the advantages", so as to build a strong sense of the Chinese national community, pool the joint efforts of Chinese path to modernization, promote high-quality infrastructure, distinctive industrial development, and equal public services in ethnic minority areas, and continue to improve people's livelihood in high-quality development.

A moderately prosperous society in all respects, living a good life together. The Dulong, De'ang, and Jino ethnic groups... Yunnan has 11 ethnic groups with smaller populations, which are the "hard bones" in poverty alleviation.

We will make every effort to win the battle against poverty. In November 2020, all 9.33 million rural impoverished people in Yunnan Province were lifted out of poverty, all 88 poverty-stricken counties were removed from their ranks, and all 8502 poverty-stricken villages were removed, solving the overall regional poverty problem. Eleven ethnic groups with small populations have lifted themselves out of poverty as a whole, fulfilling the solemn promise of "building a moderately prosperous society in all respects, and not a single ethnic group can be left behind.".

Poverty alleviation is just the first step, and better days are still ahead. On May 11, 2022, with the official operation of the 35 kV interconnection project, Dulongjiang Township was connected to the National Grid. In July 2022, seven 5G base stations built by China Mobile Gongshan Branch in Dulongjiang Township will be officially put into use, realizing full coverage of optical fiber network and 5G signals. "Internet plus+education" and "Internet remote medical care" will be fully implemented, making it difficult to go to school and see a doctor a history.

Nowadays, in Dulongjiang Township, Gongshan County, Nujiang Prefecture, where the Dulong ethnic group resides, industries such as grass fruit, Dulong cattle, beekeeping, and tourism have shown initial results. The Dulongjiang Scenic Area has been successfully established as the first 4A level tourist attraction in Nujiang Prefecture. It was once a remote and rarely visited place, and has become a "heart nourishing secret realm" that tourists aspire to.

As of the end of 2022, the forest coverage rate in Dulongjiang Township reached 91.3%, with over 85% of households owning motor vehicles. The per capita net income of farmers reached 16034 yuan, and the average household deposit exceeded 50000 yuan.

High altitude workers from Southern Power Grid are carrying out grounding work for the 35 kV grid connection project in Dulongjiang Township, Gongshan County, Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province. Southern Power Grid is providing maps for the project

Fill in the gaps and enhance people's well-being through the popular support project. 16 years ago, a photographer recorded a moment in Nujiangzhou: Yu Chunhua and Yu Caimei from the village group of Qiaomaga in Majimi Village, Maji Township, Fugong County, leaned against each other, crossed the Nujiang River on a rope, and went to school on the other bank. The delicate and thin sisters were hanging on the steel rope, and the river under them was turbulent.

On December 30, 2018, the Qiaoma Bridge was completed, and the sliding rope withdrew from the transportation "stage", becoming a "living fossil" that witnessed the development and changes of Qiaomaga Village. Now, the two sisters in the photo, one is a nurse and the other is planting grass and fruit to develop the industry, and they are running their own happy lives.

Outlook · Chronicles of Governance and Governance | No Ethnic Group Can Leave Minority Nationalities | Regions | Ethnic Groups

In the past decade, Yunnan has strengthened the construction of the "Five Networks" infrastructure, with 11 airports operating in ethnic areas. Five ethnic autonomous prefectures have entered the era of high-speed rail, and all townships and administrative villages in ethnic areas have 100% access to hardened roads and postal services. 4G networks and broadband have achieved full coverage, and the qualified rate of rural drinking water quality has basically reached the national average level.

Focusing on key areas such as employment, education, and healthcare, Yunnan has made various livelihood projects a popular project, and carried out special actions to stabilize employment and increase income in rural areas of ethnic regions. It has promoted the transfer of employment from other regions, promoted the equalization of basic education and public services in urban and rural areas of ethnic regions, comprehensively established basic medical insurance, major illness insurance, medical assistance, and other guarantees, and continuously enhanced the well-being of people of all ethnic groups.

At the relocation and resettlement site in Tuoping Village, Pihe Township, Fugong County, Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province, the relocated residents are sewing baseball in the poverty alleviation workshop. Photo by Hu Chao/This magazine

Revitalize the border and enrich the people, and create a modern border happy village. The Yong'e Village Village Group in Masan Village, Mengka Town, Ximeng Wa Autonomous County, Pu'er City is located on the China Myanmar border and is one of the natural villages with relatively complete preservation of Wa culture in Ximeng County. In recent years, this border village has embarked on a path of integrated development of agriculture and tourism.

Naneng, a college graduate from the village, returned to her hometown in 2014 and opened an inn and restaurant. In the past two years, she has started live streaming sales, helping villagers sell agricultural products such as honey, and providing free explanation services for tourists. "The infrastructure of the village is getting better and better now. The industry is thriving, and many young people who go out to work have returned," she told reporters.

Since 2015, on the basis of deepening the implementation of the "Revitalizing the Border and Enriching the People" action project, Yunnan has continuously implemented two rounds of the "Three Year Action Plan for Improving the Production and Living Conditions of the Border People". During the 13th Five Year Plan period, the average annual growth rate of GDP in 25 border counties in Yunnan was 9.2%, higher than the national and provincial average levels.

Since 2021, Yunnan has invested over 13.6 billion yuan in provincial-level funds, focusing on achieving economic development, social undertakings, infrastructure, grassroots governance system and capacity, border prevention and control, and border people's ideological concepts. Efforts have been made to build 374 border administrative villages into modern border happy villages with solid foundations, prosperous industries, beautiful environment, good living conditions, stable borders, and strong party building. Building rich border models, stabilizing border demonstrations, and guarding border barriers, cadres and masses of all ethnic groups are full of enthusiasm.

Demonstration and guidance, comprehensively promoting rural revitalization. There are more and more new events such as hiking tours and food competitions; In 2022, the per capita income of the poverty-stricken population in the entire township reached 17500 yuan... Jino Mountain Township is a gathering place for the Jino ethnic group. The last ethnic minority recognized after the establishment of the People's Republic of China has embarked on a new journey of rural revitalization, from being the first to lift themselves out of poverty.

In October 2021, a meticulously crafted Jino drum, carrying the gratitude of the Jino people towards the Party and the desire to "cheer" for China, was transported from Jino Mountain in the southwest border to the capital city of Beijing and collected at the National Museum of China.

The Jino ethnic group is a microcosm of the leapfrog development of various ethnic groups in Yunnan. As of now, Yunnan has implemented four rounds of "Ten Counties, Hundred Towns, Thousand Villages, and Ten Thousand Households" demonstration and leadership projects, creating 50 demonstration counties, 396 demonstration townships, and 5205 demonstration villages, achieving the combination of ethnic unity and progress with rural revitalization, and the combination of increasing income and enhancing identity among the masses; In 2022, 323600 people were monitored in 8 autonomous prefectures to prevent poverty return, and 226700 people at risk of returning to poverty have been eliminated.

Outlook · Chronicles of Governance and Governance | No Ethnic Group Can Leave Minority Nationalities | Regions | Ethnic Groups

Tourists take a boat to visit Xianrendong Village in Puzhehei Scenic Area, Wenshan Zhuang and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province. Photo by Lan Hongguang/This magazine

You have me in you, I have you in me

"Since then, we have been united with one heart and one mind to the end, and under the leadership of the CPC, we have vowed to strive for building an equal, free and happy family..." In the National Unity Park of Ning'er Hani and Yi Autonomous County, there is a monument of national unity vows set up in 1951, engraved with the signatures written in Chinese, Dai, and Lahu languages by several ethnic representatives of the then Pu'er Prefecture after they made the vows, which is known as "the first monument of national unity in new China".

Through the wind and rain, it has remained steadfast over time. The National Unity Oath Monument bears witness to the unity, love, and mutual assistance of the people of all ethnic groups in Yunnan.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the population distribution of various ethnic groups in Yunnan has continued to deepen towards "large-scale migration and integration". More and more ethnic minorities are entering cities for employment, entrepreneurship, and settlement. Ethnic minorities account for 72% of the urban migrant population in the province.

Intermarriage, sibling matchmaking. In Zhengjiazhuang, Sanying Town, Eryuan County, Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture, more than 120 households of seven ethnic groups, including Han, Tibetan, Bai, Dai, Naxi, Lisu, and Yi, gather here. The walls of Bai ethnic houses are painted with auspicious Eight Treasures, and Bai tie dyeing is hung in the Tibetan courtyard. The Dai ethnic group's treasure gourd, Yi ethnic group's cow head jewelry, and Naxi ethnic group's Dongba script painting complement each other on the street... For many years, people of all ethnic groups in Zhengjiazhuang have intermarried and engaged in hand and foot matchmaking.

In recent years, Yunnan has continuously improved policy measures and institutional guarantees for the integration of various ethnic groups into cities, and established cross regional alliances with 15 provinces across the country to serve the floating population of ethnic minorities. Kunming and other cities in Yunnan have been designated as "National Demonstration Cities for Service and Management of Ethnic Minority Floating Population".

In March of this year, party secretaries from 34 communities in Kunming, Dali, Chuxiong, and Qujing jointly signed the "Cross regional Alliance Co construction Agreement for Interembedded Ethnic Unity and Progress Demonstration Communities", exploring the establishment of a mechanism for the co construction of the Interembedded Ethnic Unity and Progress Demonstration Community Alliance. The social conditions for people of all ethnic groups to live, learn, build, and work together in cities are constantly improving.

Creating National Unity and Progress on Campus. Wei Jia, a post-2000 Wa ethnic student from Cangyuan Wa Autonomous County, Lincang City, was admitted to Yunnan Normal University's Law major in 2018. During her studies, she became a member of the Pomegranate Seed School. With the careful training of teachers, Wei Jia joined the CPC in 2021. After graduating from university in 2022, Wei Jia voluntarily signed up to participate in the Western Volunteer Service Program for College Students and became a grassroots service worker in his hometown.

"The 'Pomegranate Seed School' has made me realize more deeply that going to school is not to leave my backward hometown, but to stop being backward in my hometown," she said.

Outlook · Chronicles of Governance and Governance | No Ethnic Group Can Leave Minority Nationalities | Regions | Ethnic Groups

The Pomegranate Seed School is one of the specific practices of Yunnan Normal University in carrying out the creation of ethnic unity and progress.

In recent years, Yunnan has carried out a series of promotional and educational practical activities to tell stories of communication, exchange, and integration among various ethnic groups. Combining the historical evolution, geographical regions, campus landscapes, public spaces, and other realities of various schools, integrating Chinese cultural symbols and visual images of the Chinese nation into campus cultural construction, interpreting the connotation of the Chinese national community with distinctive campus culture, and building the ideological cornerstone of safeguarding national unity and ethnic unity in the hearts of students.

All levels and types of schools promote the Party's educational policies and ethnic policies through carriers such as school mottos, school emblems, school songs, school magazines, bulletin boards, campus radio, and campus television stations, and promote the original mission of the school to "educate people for the Party and talents for the country". They strengthen the deep understanding, emotional resonance, and belonging recognition of Chinese culture among teachers and students of all ethnic groups, and forge a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation.

Unity and mutual assistance create "pomegranate red". On the eve of the Mid-Autumn Festival every year, Kunming Jinxing Community will hold a dinner for 100 ethnic groups to unite. Residents and restaurants in the area will gather together a table of dishes to have a reunion dinner in the form of crowdfunding. This is one of the activities of the "Binlong Saihi" ethnic unity and mutual assistance mechanism.

In Dai, "Bin Nong Sai Hi" means a friend who has no blood relationship but is like a brother and sisters. Nowadays, this mechanism originating from Menglian County, Pu'er City has been widely promoted, and people helping people, households helping households, and ethnic groups helping ethnic groups has become a popular trend, becoming a vivid footnote to promote communication, exchange, and integration among various ethnic groups.

In recent years, Yunnan has innovatively implemented the "Pomegranate Red" project, covering 13 projects in seven aspects: theoretical research, communication and integration, creation of ethnic unity and progress, economic development, cultural construction, education and training. Yunnan has refined the implementation of the National Ethnic Affairs Commission's "Youth Exchange Plan for All Ethnic Groups", "Interembedded Development Plan for All Ethnic Groups", and "Tourism to Promote Communication, Exchange, and Integration Plan for All Ethnic Groups". In 2022, more than 6000 people participated in various levels and types of youth exchange activities in Yunnan, and 5.9 million rural labor force were transferred and employed in 8 autonomous prefectures. A group of "New Dali people", "New Lijiang people" and others settled in real estate.

When conducting research in Cangyuan Wa Autonomous County, Lincang City, the reporter saw that the natural villages here have achieved full coverage of cultural and sports activity venues and equipment, and have also established football characteristic schools and Wa Mountain Youth Choir. Since 2022, two football teams from Mengdong Wanxiao in the county have participated in the Yunnan Youth Football Tournament, winning the championship and runner up respectively. Wang Farong, the "Backbasket Youth", won the championship of the Guangzhou Station of the National Youth Tennis Tour.

In today's Yunnan, the distribution of ethnic groups is intertwined, culturally inclusive, economically interdependent, and emotionally connected. You have me and I have you.

Tourists Leisure in Heshun Ancient Town, Tengchong, Yunnan Photo by Chen Xinbo/This Magazine

Building a shared spiritual home for the Chinese nation

Outlook · Chronicles of Governance and Governance | No Ethnic Group Can Leave Minority Nationalities | Regions | Ethnic Groups

The Yunnan Plateau region, located on the southwestern border, has been a gathering place for ethnic minorities since ancient times and a frontier area for the formation of a unified multi-ethnic country.

Since 2021, a large number of Han Dynasty bamboo slips, mud seals, large building foundations, and abundant artifacts have been unearthed from the Jinning Hebo Site, indicating that the central government of the Han Dynasty has exercised its governance over Yunnan, adding important evidence to the formation and development of a unified multi-ethnic country in China. This discovery is of great significance for Yunnan to tell stories of communication, exchange, and integration among various ethnic groups through historical and cultural means, and to strengthen the sense of community among the Chinese nation.

In recent years, Yunnan has promoted the "Cultural Enrichment of Yunnan" initiative, implemented the "Prosperous and Strong Branches" project, promoted the prosperity and development of ethnic culture, effectively enhanced Chinese cultural identity, and focused on building a shared spiritual home for the Chinese nation.

Love the country and the party, unite and unify.The people of all ethnic groups spontaneously wrote "resolutely supporting the leadership of the CPC" into the patriotic convention of national unity and village regulations.

In recent years, Yunnan has always regarded "feeling the favor of the Party, listening to the Party's words, and following the Party" as the primary content to strengthen the sense of community of the Chinese nation, strengthen ideological guidance, implement the "Red Flag Fluttering" project, widely carry out educational and practical activities such as "the glory of the Party shines on the border areas, and the hearts of the people in the border areas are aligned with the Party", promote the fine tradition of wholeheartedly following the Party, and continue the spirit of national unity.

Promote the popularization of the national common language and writing system. At Habuma Village Primary School in Mujia Township, Lancang County, Pu'er City, located on the border between China and Myanmar, more than 100 students are mostly Lahu children. Principal Yang Qixiu is pleased that in recent years, children have become more confident and generous, daring to express themselves, and speaking Mandarin more and more fluently.

"Since first grade, schools have been teaching students Mandarin, and some classes' average Chinese grades can reach over 70 points or even higher. Compared to when I first started teaching, my grades have doubled or tripled." Yang Qixiu said that in recent years, many schools in remote mountainous areas have not only spacious and bright teaching buildings, but also gradually equipped with various electronic information technology teaching equipment, allowing children who learn Mandarin to see a broader world.

Promoting and popularizing the national common language and writing is the fundamental work for all ethnic groups to enhance their national identity, ethnic identity, and cultural identity. Since 2016, Yunnan has organized 14906 ethnic minority teachers to participate in Mandarin training; Organized more than 2200 college student volunteers to visit 46 counties in 14 provinces and cities to carry out social practice activities promoting Mandarin as a theme; Establishing 1876 national universal language and writing popularization villages, and completing the standardization construction of language and writing in 15801 schools to meet the standards; Implement a special project to promote the popularization of common languages and scripts in ethnic and less populous countries, and promote the action of "learning Mandarin before school" and the "homophonic children's language" project.

At present, the proportion of ethnic minorities in Yunnan who can speak Chinese exceeds 98%, and the popularization rate of Mandarin among preschool children aged 3 to 6 reaches 99%.

Enhance Chinese cultural identity. Recently, the "Spring Dai Dance Challenge" has become a hot topic on the internet, and Dai dance music as a soundtrack has become popular on social networks. The original creator of the dance music is the Gengma Dai and Wa Autonomous County Ethnic Song and Dance Troupe. The average age of members of this ethnic cultural work team is less than 20 years old. The team excavates, organizes, and innovatively arranges ancient intangible cultural heritage and other cultural elements, showcasing a "youthful state" and achieving innovative inheritance and development.

Outlook · Chronicles of Governance and Governance | No Ethnic Group Can Leave Minority Nationalities | Regions | Ethnic Groups

In recent years, Yunnan has solidly promoted the protection, inheritance, and innovative development of excellent traditional cultures of various ethnic groups. Through extracting elements, creating exquisite products, and showcasing innovation, Yunnan has told the story of the Chinese national community and the history of the great motherland created, developed, and consolidated by all ethnic groups.

Promote the construction of a database platform for ethnic minority ancient books in Yunnan, and use digital platforms to carry out the rescue and protection of ethnic ancient books, as well as the management and utilization of digital resources; Regularly hold cultural and sports activities such as ethnic minority traditional sports games, ethnic folk song and dance performances, and national unity and progress stages; Compile the "Collection of Documents on Ethnic Minority Chinese Cultural Identity in Yunnan" and the "Series of Ancient Books on Strengthening the Awareness of Chinese Ethnic Community in Yunnan Province"; To create 211 visual image engineering projects for the Chinese nation, establish and highlight Chinese cultural symbols and the image of the Chinese nation... Yunnan adheres to the organic combination of protecting and promoting the excellent culture of all ethnic groups with the inheritance and construction of Chinese culture shared by all ethnic groups, promoting the "flourishing and vigorous" of Chinese culture.

Nowadays, during the Spring Festival

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