Daily Idiom丨Work together to build a community of life on earth and work together to build a clean and beautiful world

Release time:May 22, 2024 08:39 AM

Xi Jinping: People live up to the green mountains, and green mountains will definitely live up to people. Ecological civilization is the historical trend of the development of human civilization. Let us join hands, uphold the concept of ecological civilization, stand responsible for future generations, jointly build a community of life on earth, and jointly build a clean and beautiful world!

This passage comes from the keynote speech delivered by President Xi Jinping when he attended the 15th Conference of the Parties Leaders’ Summit of the Convention on Biological Diversity on October 12, 2021.

The rivers are flowing and the mountains are magnificent. During the four seasons, stars change, flowers, trees and plants change colors, birds and animals migrate and multiply on the earth... The known and unknown nature brings vitality to the blue planet, and also provides the basis for human survival and development. Protecting biodiversity is an inevitable requirement for us to build a clean and beautiful world, promote sustainable development, and build a community of life on earth.

As one of the countries with the richest biodiversity in the world and one of the first parties to sign and ratify the Convention on Biological Diversity, our country has always attached great importance to biodiversity protection. Under the guidance of Xi Jinping’s Thought on Ecological Civilization, we have stepped out of the A path to biodiversity conservation with Chinese characteristics, making China’s contribution to global biodiversity conservation. We have promulgated and revised more than 20 laws and regulations related to biodiversity, including the Biosecurity Law, Wildlife Protection Law, Seed Law, Forest Law, and Marine Environmental Protection Law, and weaved a biodiversity protection network with a strict legal system; The country has mobilized its efforts to establish the first batch of national parks such as Sanjiangyuan, Giant Panda, Siberian Tiger and Leopard, Hainan Tropical Rainforest, and Wuyi Mountain, and strive to maintain and restore the authenticity and integrity of the natural ecosystem and protect biodiversity.

In recent years, various regions and departments have continued to increase efforts in ecological environment construction and protection, and have continuously consolidated the "green foundation" for biodiversity protection. For example, Hainan Province has comprehensively strengthened the protection of Hainan gibbons, replanted the plants that Hainan gibbons like to eat, expanded and improved the habitat range, and used infrared cameras and other equipment for all-weather monitoring. The population of Hainan gibbons has been effectively restored. In Shandong, the continuous improvement of the ecological environment has attracted a large number of rare and endangered species to "settle down". For example, a new world-record snail species was discovered in Fohui Mountain in Jinan, which was named Fohui Mountain Chinese snail; chestnut-eared short-footed bulbuls were discovered breeding for the first time in Changdao. population, a new recorded species of bird was discovered in Mount Tai - the black-throated thrush, etc. These have left vivid annotations for us to draw a beautiful picture of the harmonious coexistence of man and nature.

"If a person does not let down the green mountains, the green mountains will never let down the people." We must realize that the complexity and fragility of ecosystems determine that strengthening biodiversity protection and achieving harmonious coexistence between man and nature cannot be achieved overnight or easily. It requires continuous and sustained efforts over time. We must firmly establish the concept of green development, strengthen cooperation with the international community, jointly respond to global environmental pollution, climate change, biodiversity loss and other challenges, strive to promote global biodiversity governance to a new level, and leave precious resources to future generations. Natural heritage continues to contribute China's strength to building a community of life on earth and building a clean and beautiful world.

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