AI Creative Short Video|Father's Story

Release time:Jun 16, 2024 17:24 PM

There are many touching stories between General Secretary Xi Jinping and his father, Xi Zhongxun. On October 15, 2001, Xi Jinping wrote a letter to his father. The letter was full of birthday wishes for his father and regrets for not being able to be with his father in person, but more of it was respect for his father's personality and character, mind and style, beliefs and pursuits, and expressed his firm determination to pass on his father's good style and family tradition from generation to generation, and to devote himself to the cause of communism and the people.

In the heart of General Secretary Xi Jinping, both family and country are very important. He has repeatedly stressed the importance of family building and advocated the unity of loving family and loving the country. "Only after self-cultivation can the family be in order, and only after the family is in order can the country be governed, and only after the country is governed can the world be peaceful." The ancients have long explained that the country and family, society and individuals are inseparable as a whole, and have engraved the feelings of family and country in the hearts of the Chinese people.

“I hope to inherit and absorb many valuable and noble qualities from my father.”

——Father’s love is like a mountain, and his actions are his proof. Our fathers may have been like this:

The first time I witnessed the birth of a life, I was excited; every time I taught my children homework, I was patient; the most recent video call, I was nagging...

Fathers are the guides of their children. They hide their unexpressible love in the wrinkles of time, but they will smile happily as their children grow up. They infiltrate good family traditions into the souls of every family member and every offspring, making them an important part of personal character and a spiritual bond among family members.

"We must vigorously promote family and country sentiments throughout society, cultivate and practice the core socialist values, promote patriotism, collectivism, and the spirit of socialism, advocate the unity of loving the family and loving the country, and let everyone and every family contribute to the big family of the Chinese nation."

——Father’s love is boundless and he is loyal to his country. In the common memory of China, there is another kind of “father”.

Qian Xuesen, the "Father of Chinese Missiles", made the new China stand up as the backbone of the nation. Today, the "Dongfeng Express" is sure to accomplish its mission; Chang'e 6 is sampling the back of the moon. The heavy equipment of a great power demonstrates the strength of a great power!

Yuan Longping, the "Father of Chinese Hybrid Rice", has planted Chinese "core" on the land where the spring breeze of reform has blown. Now, we are developing "forest granaries" by the mountains and building "blue granaries" by the water. The "grain" policy of a great country gathers the wisdom of a great country!

Nan Rendong, the "Father of China's Sky Eye", has seen new heights in the new era. Now, he leads the world to "chase stars" and capture the "whisper" of the universe. The Sky Eye of a great country shows the style of a great country!

There are many more stories of such "fathers" in China. From maintaining a small family to building a great country, from polishing a part to exploring the starry sky, they set an example and move forward unremittingly from generation to generation. The family is the smallest country, and the country is made up of millions of families. Deeply rooted in the feelings of family and country is their most loyal bond. "The country is good, the nation is good, and everyone will be good." Creating the Chinese miracle together is their most long-lasting confession to this land.

AI Creative Short Video|Father's Story
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