Is the seafood business of Chinese fishermen okay?, Seafood after Japan releases nuclear wastewater. Reporter | Live | China

Release time:Apr 15, 2024 14:34 PM

On August 24th, Japan initiated the discharge of contaminated water from the Fukushima nuclear power plant into the sea. On that day, the General Administration of Customs suspended the import of Japanese aquatic products, and the State Administration for Market Regulation issued a statement, attaching great importance to food safety and price supervision. The seafood business of fishermen along the coast of Jiangsu and Zhejiang in China has also been affected.

Seafood live streaming room surrounded by onlookers

At midnight on August 24th, the livestreamer Shang from Lianyungang, Jiangsu, was still selling seafood live. "You can rest assured to eat, our seafood is all safe, and the production date is before today." Shang Shang was so anxious that he almost cried and kept repeating the same few words. She used red watercolor pens to write keywords such as "sell out and switch careers", "no radiation", and "domestic products" on white cardboard, and then pasted them on her body, displaying them in the most prominent position in the live broadcast room.

At noon that day, Japan initiated the discharge of contaminated water from the Fukushima nuclear power plant into the sea. Many people are concerned that seafood may be contaminated by nuclear weapons, even if it comes from the waters of our country. Enbei is also selling seafood on e-commerce platforms. When he saw the news, he was first angry and then felt helpless, unable to stop it. As soon as I opened my phone, there were all relevant messages, "When will it affect China's waters? Some say it will take 57 days, while others say it will take 240 days, but people's awareness of seafood prevention will immediately arise."

The anchor is still live streaming.

Is the seafood business of Chinese fishermen okay?, Seafood after Japan releases nuclear wastewater. Reporter | Live | China

The seafood live broadcast room was immediately brought to the forefront of the spotlight. The comments in the Shangshang comment section are constantly being updated, "These days may not be a big problem, I really dare not eat in a week." "Who knows if there is radiation, I can't eat it for free, I can't eat it for free." "Let's switch careers early, seafood sellers are about to lose their jobs." Similar cold words keep popping up, and she can't figure it out. Such a scene left Shang at a loss for a moment. She trembled in her voice, tears in her eyes, suppressed her crying, and hurriedly displayed her products.

There are many people watching the excitement. On the evening of Shang Shang's live broadcast, hundreds of thousands of people flooded into the room, and at most, nearly 30000 people were online simultaneously. Her live streaming account has just over 500000 followers, and on weekdays, there are usually less than 1000 people watching her live streaming. According to Enbei's observation, there are many live streaming rooms with a surge in traffic, "which will flood with a large wave of internet slang, making irrational comments with rhythm, saying that seafood is toxic and cannot be eaten." However, there are more friendly voices. Many netizens expressed their support in the comment section, and some even went to the account backend to leave messages encouraging, "Chinese fishermen are not wrong, anchor cheers!"

The subsequent impact is still unknown

What is the impact of Japan's nuclear contaminated water discharge into the sea on China? Can local seafood be eaten? The reporter contacted several experts and scholars from Ocean University and received unanimous responses: relevant experiments have not been conducted yet, making it difficult to make scientific evaluations, and conclusions cannot be drawn at present.

However, in the eyes of many consumers, it has almost become an established fact that China's seafood products will also be contaminated.

Is the seafood business of Chinese fishermen okay?, Seafood after Japan releases nuclear wastewater. Reporter | Live | China

Someone wants to seize the last chance and quickly stock up. On the 24th, Shangshang's live broadcast room sales surged to the 16th place on the overall sales list. Many people are watching live broadcasts, buying seafood such as shrimp and hairtail in boxes and freezing them, with a shelf life of up to 2 years. Shang Shang released all the stocks as much as possible, most of which were stocked for the Mid-Autumn Festival, and sold them a month in advance. The reporter observed that among the top 20 live streaming platforms on the overall sales list that night, seafood live streaming rooms occupied 3 seats. The average order value of seafood products is not high, and the audience is also small. Such sales results have rarely appeared before.

Some seafood products have also been neglected. The seafood anchor's live broadcast room in Zhoushan, Zhejiang is much quieter in their thirties. He mainly sells Zhoushan swimming crabs. "Swimming crabs still need to be eaten fresh and live, different from fish and shrimp, and cannot be prepared in advance." This year's Zhoushan swimming crabs started fishing in early August, and the current quantity is not large. Recently, there have been many tourists visiting Zhoushan to eat crabs, and the price is relatively high, but it is also normal. The yield of fishermen going out to sea for fishing is relatively stable. There is not much change in prices in the offline market, but there are clearly fewer people watching live broadcasts online and fewer people placing orders. Some people go to the live broadcast room to see if the crabs can still be eaten, so they leave. Sales are declining, and over time, the price of swimming crabs may decline.

In early August of this year, a large number of fishing boats crossed the Zhujiajian Bridge in Putuo District, Zhoushan City, Zhejiang Province, heading to the East China Sea for fishing. Shen Jizhong

"For us, Japan's discharge of nuclear wastewater is like a 'blow to the head'," said Sanzo. He is a native of Zhoushan, and many of his family and friends are engaged in the seafood industry. Most of his ancestors went fishing at sea, and those without boats went to factories and warehouses for packaging and sorting. The young people returned to their hometowns to start businesses and started live streaming sales on e-commerce platforms. The family's livelihood is almost entirely based on this. "For generations, we have been living by the sea, and I don't know if we can be reliable this time."

"When I think about these fishermen in our village, it feels uncomfortable." Shang Shang said, "We are young and knowledgeable, and we can still switch careers. In the future, we will continue to sell clothes and cosmetics, and they will rely on a fishing boat to support our family for a lifetime. What can we do next?" Shang Shang is a post-90s person who grew up in a fishing village. His father is a fisherman who has been fishing for 40 years, and his family has two fishing boats. Her live broadcast room was set up by the seaside, and occasionally the sound of a whistle could be heard, indicating that the fishing boat had returned to port.

Is the seafood business of Chinese fishermen okay?, Seafood after Japan releases nuclear wastewater. Reporter | Live | China

Many practitioners have thought of changing careers, but no one can make up their minds. They have decided to focus on the present, while keeping a glimmer of hope and expectation for the future. For them, seafood is their career, and the ocean is their home, both of which are difficult to part with.

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Only local players are allowed to play and foreign aid is strictly prohibited. More than 600 village basketball teams are participating, and a large-scale "village BA" in a city in Zhejiang province is starting. Local | Baishuiyang Town | Foreign Aid

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Go to Tiantai Mountain to see the flowers and tall trees | branches and leaves | flowers and flowers

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1. An Anhui first level official has been investigated, and Yang Zengquan, former deputy director of the Anhui Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and a first level inspector, is suspected of serious violations of the law. He is currently under investigation by the Anhui Provincial Supervision Commission. Yang Zengquan, male, born in November 1962, is from Linquan, Anhui Province. He is a member of the Communist Party of China and holds a postgraduate degree. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Engineering and a Master's degree in Management. He has served as the Deputy Manager, Deputy Director of the Technology Development Department, and Deputy Director of the Comprehensive Business Department of the Grain and Oil Feed Industry Company of the Chaohu Regional Grain Bureau, Deputy Director of the Science and Technology Commission of Chaohu City at the prefecture level, Director of the Grain Bureau of Chaohu City at the prefecture level, Deputy Mayor of the People's Government of Hefei City, Deputy Director of the Grain Bureau of Anhui Province, Deputy Director of the Agriculture and Rural Department of Anhui Province, and First level Inspector. Member of the 10th Anhui Provincial Political Consultative Conference, Standing Committee Member of the 11th Anhui Provincial Political Consultative Conference, Deputy Director of the Social and Legal Affairs Committee, and 12th Anhui Provincial Political Consultative Conference

But twenty or thirty years ago, many people thought it was a small city, and although Hefei was expensive, it was considered a hometown of the provincial capital | Shanghai | Hefei
But twenty or thirty years ago, many people thought it was a small city, and although Hefei was expensive, it was considered a hometown of the provincial capital | Shanghai | Hefei

I am a native of Wenzhou. I came to Shanghai during my youth and have been studying, living, and working ever since; My grandparents are from Ningbo. Before the establishment of the People's Republic of China, they came to Shanghai to study and become apprentices; On weekdays, I always say that being from Zhejiang is not wrong, even if I am half a Shanghai native. When traveling in the Jiangsu Zhejiang region, there is a high probability of climbing up with people to get to know my hometown. In recent years, the high-quality integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta has been in full swing, and Anhui has actively participated in it. There have been more business trips to Anhui and more people from Anhui have met in Shanghai. In order to quickly build closer relationships, I often say that I am from Hefei: the old courtyard of the provincial government on the middle of the Yangtze River, adjacent to Xinhua Bookstore; At the intersection of Huaihe Road Pedestrian Street, next to the courtyard of the old municipal government is the Jianghuai Grand Theater; If you go on an outing and ride your bike westward out of the moat, you can go to Dashu Mountain and Dongpu Reservoir; as for