Working Together to Rebuild a Beautiful Homeland - Various Regions and Departments Make Full Efforts to Do a Good Job in Post Disaster Recovery and Reconstruction. The People | Country | Departments

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 18:39 PM

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, September 7th (Xinhua) - Let's work together to rebuild a beautiful home - all regions and departments are making every effort to do a good job in post disaster recovery and reconstruction

Xinhua News Agency reporters Fan Xi, Ye Haoming, and Zhou Yuan

Since the flood season, many places in China have suffered losses due to rainstorm and flood disasters.

On September 1st, on the playground of Ping'an Town Central Primary School in Shulan City, Jilin Province, children carried out a variety of activities, and the campus was once again full of vitality.

Just half a month ago, this primary school was still a resettlement site for disaster stricken people. Principal Liang Liguo recalled that at that time, the school made military beds in the classrooms, with 12 people living in each classroom. The school has opened a cafeteria to provide three meals a day for the affected population. After the victims returned to their homes in succession, the school carried out comprehensive cleaning and disinfection and sterilization for two consecutive days, and after careful preparation, the school opened as scheduled.

As the floods recede, the work of restoring production and living in the disaster area is rapidly unfolding. On August 17th, the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China made arrangements to "urgently repair damaged infrastructure such as transportation, communication, and electricity", "minimize agricultural losses, ensure national food security", and "accelerate the restoration and reconstruction of public facilities such as schools, hospitals, and nursing homes".

After the rainstorm, Fangshan District of Beijing actively promoted the post disaster reconstruction work such as waterlogging drainage, desilting disinfection and sterilization, and infrastructure repair. On August 18th, after five days of uninterrupted construction day and night, more than 300 rescue team members from China Railway 14th Bureau completed the dredging work of roads and houses in Zhangfang Town and Shijiaying Township in Fangshan District. "We adopt the principle of disinfection and sterilization first, cleaning up level by level, and supplementing epidemic prevention, and gradually carry out the post disaster dredging work of roads and residential houses, try our best to ensure the production and life of local residents, and speed up the restoration of normal order." Song Wenbo, the head of the rescue team of China Railway 14th Bureau, said.

"Electricity is on, tap water is on." In recent days, the post disaster recovery and reconstruction work in the disaster stricken forest areas of Heilongjiang Province has pressed the "acceleration button".

Hu Zhenxiang, a retired employee of Chaihe Forestry Bureau Co., Ltd. of Longjiang Forest Industry Group, drove his own tractor and participated in post disaster reconstruction work with everyone. They formed a volunteer team of more than 30 people, bringing their own tools to help repair flooded roads, damaged houses, and so on. "Although I am getting older, I am not inferior to a young man in my work. In order to restore normal life as soon as possible, let's work hard together," Hu Zhenxiang said.

Drainage and dredging channels, emergency repair of water damaged facilities, public health and epidemic prevention... All work is carried out in an orderly manner.

More than 10 buses with "Welcome Home" banners drove into the village one after another. As soon as they stopped, the villagers eagerly picked up large and small bags filled with pots and pans, bedding and bedding, and got off in an orderly manner, heading straight to their homes.

Starting from late August, more than 37000 relocated and resettled personnel from the Dongdian Flood Storage and Detention Area in Jinghai District, Tianjin have gradually returned. On the banks of the Daqing River, the village, which had been silent for a long time, became lively again.

Comprehensive disinfection and sterilization, maintenance of power supply lines, water supply pipelines and gas pipelines, and early opening of town level hospitals... Wang Zhi, deputy director of the Jinghai District Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters Office, introduced that before the people moved back, Jinghai District had dispatched more than 8000 people in total, comprehensively carried out environmental cleaning, water resources detection and other work in villages in flood storage and detention areas, and moved forward the life service guarantee after the people moved back.

In the face of disasters, unite and overcome difficulties together. Policy after policy has been launched in an orderly manner, and measures have been steadily promoted——

Beijing is accelerating the emergency repair and restoration of public service facilities, further optimizing the spatial planning for rural recovery and reconstruction, continuously strengthening the construction and consolidation of various types of infrastructure such as water, electricity, and gas in rural areas, promoting the strategic layout of "emergency dual use" public infrastructure, and further improving the emergency resilience of rural areas.

Hebei Province has incorporated post disaster reconstruction into the overall plan of accelerating the construction of an economically strong province and a beautiful Hebei. Before the start of winter this year, we will ensure that disaster affected people can return home or move into new homes, and live safely and warmly during the winter; Before the flood season in 2024, fully complete the reconstruction work of flood control projects caused by water damage; Complete all reconstruction tasks before the flood season in 2025.

The Emergency Department of Liaoning Province guides the emergency management departments in disaster stricken areas to do a good job in providing basic living assistance to the affected people, deploying the restoration and reconstruction of damaged houses due to disasters, and soliciting central natural disaster relief funds from the state for emergency relocation and resettlement of affected people and the restoration and reconstruction of damaged houses due to disasters

In post disaster reconstruction, we need to guard the granary to ensure production.

The grain production of the three northeastern provinces accounts for more than one-fifth of the national grain production. A battle to fight against disasters and harvest is unfolding on the black soil.

The Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of Heilongjiang Province dispatched 11 guidance groups and 9 key work groups to 9 key cities and counties, including Wuchang and Shangzhi, to investigate and guide agricultural disaster prevention, reduction and relief work; The Agriculture and Rural Affairs Department of Jilin Province has established a special team for agricultural disaster prevention and reduction, adopting a "cadre+expert" model, and providing coverage for 9 cities and prefectures in zones and sections, striving to minimize disaster losses; The Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of Liaoning Province issued a notice to increase investment in machinery and manpower, carry out field management such as fertilizer and water regulation in the later stage, and adjust and transport disaster relief production materials such as fertilizers, pesticides, vaccines, etc.

Currently, it is a critical period for autumn grain production. Various regions and departments quickly took action: the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs dispatched 10 working groups and 24 scientific and technological teams to the disaster stricken front lines. Relevant departments urgently issued 732 million yuan of agricultural production disaster prevention and relief funds, and the Ministry of Finance arranged 2.4 billion yuan to support 14 provinces in the north to implement "one spray and multiple promotions" for autumn crops such as corn and soybeans. The disaster stricken areas completed the planting and replanting of 84000 mu of short growth period crops

Financial services and support are essential for post disaster reconstruction.

The State Administration for Financial Supervision and Administration has proposed to strengthen financial support for disaster damaged houses, farmland, roads, water and power supply and other facilities, proactively connect with the list of disaster affected enterprises, and comprehensively adopt methods such as adjusting repayment plans, extending loans, and reducing financing costs to help disaster affected enterprises overcome difficulties.

In the workshop of Yanglin Food Co., Ltd. located in Zhuozhou City, Hebei Province, the machines are running rapidly, and the company manager Yang Yunqiang is busy arranging production tasks.

In August, many places such as Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei suffered losses due to rainstorm and flood disasters. "After the disaster, we quickly received a prepayment of 2 million yuan from the insurance company, and we will also receive a final prepayment of 3.24 million yuan in the coming days." Yang Yunqiang said that this money is a timely help, which can solve the current liquidity difficulties and help enterprises quickly resume work and production.

The reporter learned from the interview that in the face of the disaster, various insurance institutions have simplified the claims process and improved the efficiency of claims according to the principle of "special matters and urgent matters", achieving full compensation and early and fast compensation, effectively improving the quality of claims services. Post disaster insurance claims have to some extent alleviated the financial pressure on enterprises and the general public, providing guarantees for post disaster reconstruction and resumption of work and production.

Rebuilding our home, more forces are gathering.

The National Development and Reform Commission has issued a special notice to deploy relevant provinces to vigorously implement work as a substitute for relief in flood prevention, disaster relief, and post disaster recovery and reconstruction. The State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council has proposed to guide central enterprises to cooperate with local governments in planning and constructing post disaster recovery and reconstruction. The Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Water Resources have allocated 1.5 billion yuan of national flood storage and detention area compensation funds to support Tianjin and Hebei in compensating for water damage losses caused by crops, professional aquaculture, economic forests, housing, and household agricultural production machinery during the use of national flood storage and detention areas

The flood recedes, hope rises.

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