Why choose West Lake alone, reveal the secret! The first day route of the torch relay at the Hangzhou Asian Games

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 19:01 PM

On the morning of September 8th, the torch relay of the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou officially began. The 106 torchbearers set off from the West Lake Yongjin Park Square, ran along Nanshan Road, Hubin Road, Huancheng West Road, and Beishan Street, then entered Gushan Road from Xiling Bridge until the autumn moon in Pinghu stopped, showcasing the characteristics of "three clouds and one city" for 5.2 kilometers.

This is the third time that Hangzhou has received the Olympic torch relay since the 1990 Beijing Asian Games and the 2008 Beijing Olympics. Unlike the previous two torch relay routes, which were completed in one go, this torch relay in Hangzhou has been divided into two routes: the first day relay and the twelfth day relay. Named "Splendid and bustling new paradise", it revolves around the urban development network from the "West Lake era" to the "Qiantang River era", vividly reflecting Hangzhou's urban positioning as a "historical and cultural city, innovative and dynamic city, and ecological civilization city".

How was this torch relay route that carries dreams and passion, attracting widespread attention, unveiled? Recently, a journalist from Chao News conducted an exclusive interview with the operational team of the Torch Relay Command Center for the Hangzhou Asian Games, revealing the Hangzhou story behind the West Lake Line.


Why only choose West Lake for the first day route?

The route plan for the torch relay of the Hangzhou Asian Games was first prepared in 2021.

In mid June this year, the final version of the plan was approved.

Why did Hangzhou, with an area of over 8000 square kilometers, set the starting point for the torch relay at West Lake?

"Hangzhou has three major world cultural heritage sites, and West Lake is the most famous and recognizable landmark of Hangzhou. Therefore, when considering the route, the first thing we want to do is to tell the story of West Lake well," said Du Zuofeng, Deputy Commander of the Torch Relay Command Center for the Hangzhou Asian Games.

Telling a good story about West Lake may seem ordinary, but there are many intricacies involved.

Du Zuofeng said that after setting West Lake as the starting point for the torch relay, the plan underwent three major adjustments, with the most obvious change being to split the torch relay route that was originally completed within a day into a two-day relay.

In the first version of the plan, the starting ceremony will be held on the Gushan Lawn, followed by West Lake Avenue into the Southern Song Imperial Street and Drum Tower, then entering Zhijiang Road from Wangjiang Road, passing through the Qianjiang Third Bridge, and finally arriving at the Hangzhou Olympic Sports Center Stadium.

"We consider that this transmission method has a significant impact on the transportation of the entire city, so in the following adjustments, we will split the entire day into two days of transmission," said Du Zuofeng.

In the second version of the plan, the "crossing the river" section was removed from the first day of transmission, and it still started from the isolated mountain, but where to stop the fire became a topic of intense discussion among everyone.

Du Zuofeng said that during the discussion, it was suggested that the first day of the relay should be stopped near the Broken Bridge, with a total length of 1.8 kilometers and 19 torchbearers arranged, in response to the 19th Hangzhou Asian Games.

Is this plan feasible? During the discussion, it was found that if only 19 torchbearers were arranged for the first day of the relay in Hangzhou, it would be equivalent to having more than 300 torchbearers complete the second day of the relay. At that time, the Asian Games were approaching, and the "front line" of more than 300 people relay would also bring considerable pressure to Hangzhou's transportation.

Why choose West Lake alone, reveal the secret! The first day route of the torch relay at the Hangzhou Asian Games

"This is the biggest challenge we have encountered. On the one hand, we need to tell the story of West Lake well, spread the most beautiful aspect of Hangzhou, and on the other hand, minimize the impact on normal urban transportation." Du Zuofeng said.

After a series of comprehensive considerations, the final plan was determined, in which the torchbearer ran from Yongjin Park to Pinghu Autumn Moon to collect the fire. At the same time, a traffic control method of "blocking in stages and stages, and unblocking in stages" was adopted to minimize the impact on normal urban traffic on the day of transmission.

"The most beautiful side of Hangzhou's city center, with three clouds and one city, is fully demonstrated through the 5.2 kilometer transmission on the first day, allowing the whole of China and Asia to see a beautiful Zhejiang," said Du Zuofeng.

The staff of the Asian Games Torch Relay Command Center measured the torch route


Let people with stories run in places with stories

To tell the story of West Lake well, "people" are crucial. How can the 106 torchbearers become "spokespersons" for the torch relay route?

Looking closely at the guidebook in the hand of Yang Qianyue, a staff member of the Asian Games Torch Relay Command Center, the answer surfaced.

On this thick guidebook, the length of each torchbearer's run and the exact location corresponding to the handover point are carefully marked. "On average, each torchbearer runs a length of 48 meters, and when encountering problems such as trash cans, particularly dense trees, or affecting shooting lighting along the way, there will be a few meters of fine tuning before and after."

In order to ensure the precise positioning of the 106 torches, the command center staff conducted six full line measurements of the torch relay route starting from April this year. From the initial rough measurement of the overall route length, to the allocation of road sections and point shooting, and finally to the determination of the final points, each measurement is carried out in the early morning hours, ensuring that every intersection point is traceable without traffic control.

During the follow-up survey, the reporter noticed that the staff were holding a distance measuring instrument, "picking out details" one meter at a time, and then performing point marking spray painting. For example, in Beishan Street, when meeting landmark buildings such as the Sea Salt Museum, the West Lake Expo Museum, and the CPC Hangzhou History Museum, the points must be accurately stuck in front of the landmarks. "A lot of preliminary preparation is to quickly and accurately find the location on the day of the torch relay," said Du Zuofeng.

In addition to the repeated adjustment of points, the coordination between the team and the torchbearer is also crucial.

During the torch relay, in addition to the "C position" torchbearers, there are also point attendants and flame protectors, involving a large number of vehicles, including pilot vehicles, media vehicles, TV live broadcast vehicles, torchbearers, volunteers, and torchbearers. The distance maintained between the convoy and torchbearers affects the overall effectiveness of the torch relay.

Regarding these issues, the Torch Relay Command Center conducted repeated exercises in a closed area in Fuyang to carry out the adjustment and adjustment of "people" and "vehicles". "After multiple studies, the convoy basically moves forward at a constant speed of about 5 kilometers. The torchbearer is 6 meters away from the TV live broadcast vehicle, and the car behind the torchbearer is about 25 meters away from the vehicle. Based on this calculation, the time length is relatively controllable." Du Zuofeng said.

One important factor in telling the story of West Lake well is to have the "right" people tell it.

"We have also carefully considered the arrangement of the relay points for the torchbearers, allowing those with stories to run in places with stories." Du Zuofeng revealed that the Torch Relay Command Center has comprehensively considered the correlation between the torchbearers and relevant points on the transmission route, ensuring that the torchbearers' points are interrelated with the iconic road sections, especially the first and last sticks, and is striving for excellence in selecting the most suitable candidates.

Why choose West Lake alone, reveal the secret! The first day route of the torch relay at the Hangzhou Asian Games

Landscape sketch along the first day torch relay route


Let every torchbearer "run through the scenery"

Just 5.2 kilometers, but it is eye-catching. How to make every torchbearer run through the scenery? Hangzhou city has put in a lot of embroidery effort to add the finishing touch to this already beautiful route.

Shao Weihua, Deputy Director of the Environmental Improvement Task Force and Deputy Director of the Urban Management Bureau of the Hangzhou Transportation and Maintenance Command, introduced that starting from March this year, Hangzhou will focus on improving the environmental atmosphere along the 5.2 kilometer torch relay route. "The temperament of West Lake is characterized by a light color ink wash. Any improvement or enhancement should focus on the coordination of movement and stillness, as well as green and color, so that landscape sketches and West Lake scenery complement each other."

Hangzhou has set up 17 green landscape ornaments along the torch relay route, and has upgraded and renovated the building facades on both sides of the road, flying pipelines, shop signs, night lighting, and the fifth facade. Shao Weihua said that in the past six months, there have been more than ten modifications to the plan, incorporating aesthetic expert opinions to better integrate environmental improvement with West Lake aesthetics, presenting a delicate, beautiful, and harmonious atmosphere for welcoming the Asian Games——

The Hubin Road Pedestrian Street in Shangcheng District has been replaced with 10 brand new 360 ° panoramic small square screens, displaying promotional posters for the Asian Games and photos of the "Ten Scenes of West Lake";

The Youth Palace Square has launched a new sports themed landscape sketch;

The planting of flowers in the tree pond and hole of Beishan Street not only solves the problem of exposed loess, but also adds colorful decorations along the road.

"By enhancing the landscape, the culture and charm of West Lake can be better highlighted. It is hoped that during the Asian Games, the" heaven on earth, the most beautiful Hangzhou "can be presented to citizens and tourists, adding glory to the Asian Games." Shao Weihua said.

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