Two cities in Shaanxi have clarified the names of multiple cadres!

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 20:32 PM


Zhouzhi County

Recently, Zhu, the leader of the Sixth Discipline Inspection and Supervision Group dispatched by the Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission of Zhouzhi County, was reported for sheltering the reported individuals during his work. The Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission of Zhouzhi County promptly analyzed and initiated the investigation procedure. After careful verification, it was determined that the report was false, and a letter was promptly sent to clarify the name of Zhu.

Since the beginning of this year, the Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission of Zhouzhi County have clarified and corrected the names of 5 party members and cadres who were falsely reported through written clarifications and other means, continuously sending a strong signal of support and encouragement for those in charge, and protecting the enthusiasm of party members and cadres to work and start businesses.

High tech Zone

In recent years, the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Commission of the High tech Zone has always adhered to the combination of strict management and kindness, with equal emphasis on incentives and constraints. It has regularly carried out work to clarify and correct names, as well as investigate and punish false accusations. It has highlighted the "three focuses", carefully arranged, consolidated responsibilities, and vigorously promoted efforts to help party members and cadres who have been wrongly accused and falsely accused to unload their burdens and take action lightly, inspiring everyone to dare to take responsibility and actively take action. As of now, the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Commission of the High tech Zone has clarified and corrected the names of two party members and cadres who were falsely reported.

Xixian New Area

In order to effectively protect the enthusiasm of party members and cadres in their work and entrepreneurship, the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Working Committee of Xixian New Area regards the solid promotion of clarifying and rectifying names, investigating and punishing false accusations and framing as important measures to implement a fault-tolerant, error correcting, and incentive mechanism. It adheres to the principle of combining rectification and rectification, actively explores and practices, and takes a clear stance of taking responsibility for the responsible, supporting the staff, and shining a sword at the false accusers, continuously creating a clean and positive political ecology in the development zone. And the clarification and rectification work will be included as an important task this year, forming a linkage mechanism where the Party Committee takes charge of overall planning, the Discipline Inspection Commission takes charge of implementation, and departments strengthen coordination, with the main leaders personally coordinating and the team members specifically coordinating.

In 2023, the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Working Committee of Xixian New Area organized the disciplinary inspection and supervision organs in the entire region to handle the acceptance, handling of clues, and error correction of petitions and reports. They carried out a large-scale investigation, investigation, and implementation of error correction for duplicate cases and problem clues. This year, a total of 5 party members and cadres and 3 units who received false reports were clarified and corrected.

Lianhu District

The Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission of Lianhu District have conscientiously implemented the "three distinctions", with the Petition Office serving as the "vanguard". Based on the introduction of institutional documents such as the "Measures for Clarifying False Reports and Accusations", they have issued the "Work Plan for Deepening the Promotion of Clarification Work and Serious Investigation and Punishment of False Accusations and Fraudulent Acts", refined work measures, and clarified work standards. Include "one case, one evaluation" in the process of handling false reports and accusations, improve and perfect six document templates, and prepare the "Guidelines for Clarifying and Correcting False Reports and Accusations" to further standardize and normalize the clarification and rectification work. Implement a "big bottom line" for false reports and accusations, guide the responsible departments to strictly control "screening, evaluation, implementation, and effectiveness", and develop clarification plans for false reports and accusations that should be clarified based on individual and specific circumstances, and initiate clarification work.

Xi'an Public Security Bureau

Clarifying names to make police officers more responsible

Discipline Inspection and Supervision Team of the Municipal Public Security Bureau

"This clarification of my name has completely relieved me of my ideological burden. I will continue to adhere to strict, fair, standardized, and civilized law enforcement, better fulfill my duties and serve the people." After receiving a clarification letter from the Discipline Inspection Commission of the Public Security Bureau, Zhou, a police officer at the airport police station, excitedly said.

"Thank you for the organization's clarification!" Upon receiving the clarification letter, Liu, a police officer from the Wang Police Station of the Lintong Branch of the Public Security Bureau, immediately expressed his gratitude to the Discipline Inspection Commission of the Branch.

Clarifying their names helps them to untie their emotional knots and take action lightly, enhancing their awareness of serving the people and enforcing law impartially. It also highlights the clear attitude of the public security disciplinary inspection system as a responsible person and escorting officials.

As of now, the disciplinary inspection and supervision team of the Municipal Public Security Bureau has guided 22 public security disciplinary inspection institutions at all levels in the city to carry out clarification and name correction, including 19 police officers, auxiliary police officers, and 3 grassroots police stations.

Carrying out clarification and name correction is an important measure for disciplinary inspection and supervision agencies to motivate their actions and create a good political environment.


"This false report once caused me a lot of trouble, and now I can finally let go of my mental burden," said Shen, a staff member of the Jiazhou Street Office in Jiaxian, Shaanxi, after receiving a clarification letter.

Previously, the Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission of Jiaxian County, Yulin received reports from the public regarding the issue of Shen's unauthorized destruction of land for returning farmland to forests. Through retrieving materials, conducting interviews, and conducting on-site visits, no relevant issues were found, indicating that the report was false. In July of this year, the Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission of Jia County resolved the problem clues and clarified the name of Shen who received false reports according to the procedure.

"We cannot 'clarify it all', we need to timely understand and clarify the ideological dynamics, work performance, and psychological state of cadres after the rectification," said the person in charge of the petition office of the county discipline inspection and supervision commission. The discipline inspection and supervision commission of the county has established and improved a heartwarming follow-up mechanism for clarification work, formulated personalized follow-up plans, and urged the unit to strengthen ideological guidance and positive guidance, effectively clarifying and correcting the second half of the article.

Adhere to the combination of strict management and kindness, with equal emphasis on incentives and constraints, improve and perfect the mechanism for clarifying and correcting names, and clarify the applicable situations, basic procedures, and methods of clarifying and correcting names. Optimize the process of handling false reports and accusations, in accordance with the principles of "hierarchical responsibility and centralized handling" and "who verifies, who clarifies", for those who meet the requirements of clarifying and rectifying their names, face-to-face clarification, meeting clarification, and notification clarification will be adopted. Through "one person, one case", accurate clarification and rectification of the names of cadres who encounter false reports will be carried out, removing ideological burdens, eliminating negative impacts, and stimulating the confidence and courage of cadres to work and start businesses. Since 2021, the Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission of the county have clarified and corrected the names of 26 cadres.

At the same time, efforts will be made to increase the investigation and punishment of false accusations and framing, and those who constitute violations of discipline and law will be thoroughly investigated and severely punished in accordance with laws and regulations. Strengthen guidance at the source, encourage the masses to reflect problems truthfully, and minimize the occurrence of false accusations, false accusations, and other situations.

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