To make Chinese science fiction truly strong, Liu Cixin wrote in People's Daily: Seize the opportunity

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 18:35 PM

Seizing the opportunity, science fiction creation has a broad horizon

The above images show the stills of the movie "Wandering Earth 2" and the sci-fi novel "Three Body Problem".

Core Reading

The highly developed modern sciences of today, such as physics, cosmology, and molecular biology, have shown us a more magical, vast, and unpredictable universe and nature, which contain rich science fiction resources

Since engaging in science fiction creation, I have been constantly searching for story resources from science and technology, striving to use scientific principles as the basis to depict the direct and tangible connection between small people and the vast universe in science fiction novels

Science fiction works help cultivate the imagination of young people, stimulate creativity and innovation abilities. I believe that a considerable number of young readers and viewers will fall in love with science fiction, and thus embark on a conscious exploration of science fiction and science

I embarked on the path of science fiction creation and was greatly influenced by science. When I was a teenager, I saw humans landing on the moon for the first time on Reference News, and the excitement at that time is still unforgettable. For many years, I have fantasized countless times about Chinese people walking in space. Nowadays, the Shenzhou spacecraft constantly shuttles back and forth between heaven and earth. When I see the figure of Chinese astronauts in space on TV, sometimes I feel like a dream: are these true?

In recent years, China's science fiction has developed rapidly and attracted more readers and viewers' love and attention. This is deeply related to the overall development of our society, including the progress of aerospace industry and the popularization of Internet technology. We are in a rapid process of modernization, industrialization, and digitization, full of opportunities and hope, as well as pressure and challenges. People admire the wonders of science and hope that technology will bring a better life to humanity, all of which provide fertile ground for the prosperity of science fiction.

Science is the source of power for science fiction novels

Science fiction is a product of modern technological revolution. In the early 19th century, technological progress propelled the Industrial Revolution, sparking imagination and longing for the future, and thus gave birth to science fiction literature. In the 1920s and 1960s, humanity entered the electrical age from the steam age, and science and technology further demonstrated the tremendous power to change the world. The physics revolution represented by relativity and quantum mechanics also brought people a new perspective. The surprise of scientific power and the longing for the future reached a climax during this period, and science fiction novels entered a prosperous period.

Science fiction novels are based on science and imagination, constructing a science fiction world that is different from the real world. However, science fiction writers imagine the future not to predict it. The quality of a science fiction novel has little to do with whether its predicted content can be realized in the future. Many science fiction writers, including myself, even intentionally choose settings that are unlikely to be implemented to tell stories, showcasing the wonders and shock of science from innovative perspectives, allowing people to feel the beauty of science.

To make Chinese science fiction truly strong, Liu Cixin wrote in People's Daily: Seize the opportunity

People will ask, in the 200 years since the birth of science fiction, countless works have made various assumptions about the future. Will the creativity of science fiction dry up? In my opinion, the creativity of science fiction novels is infinite. Some traditional themes may also radiate new vitality, it depends on how you express them. For example, the classic science fiction short story "Chasing the Sun" tells the story of surviving lunar astronauts who carry solar panels on their backs and use the surface gravity of the moon to jump and chase after the Sun in order to survive. This is a traditional lunar landing theme, and the story is also very simple, but it is written in a shocking way. For example, China's aerospace technology is constantly advancing. If we use the method of "micro realism" to deal with this topic, writing about how an engineering team built a typhoon power station and a human lunar base on the moon would be very popular.

In addition, the advancement of science will constantly generate new fields and provide new themes. The highly developed modern sciences of today, such as physics, cosmology, and molecular biology, have shown us a more magical, vast, and unpredictable universe and nature, which contains rich science fiction resources. It's just that basic science nowadays has more complex theories and more difficult mathematical expressions, making it difficult for non professionals to approach. Fully tapping into these resources is a huge challenge faced by science fiction writers, and it is also the hope for the development of science fiction literature.

Faced with the unknown, science fiction must overcome forgetting with constantly emerging new creations and shocks. To achieve this, one should always maintain a youthful mindset and keep their imagination in sync with the times.

Science fiction releases beauty from scientific equations

Expanding life through imagination is an important mission of science fiction. Many people have watched the science fiction movie "Gravity", which is a very pure science fiction film. It shows us that for science fiction creation, the most important thing is for creators to have a poetic feeling about the universe. Good science fiction works allow us to see a drop of water from the ocean, take people out of their limited perspectives, and experience the broader world beyond reality.

Science is the source of power in science fiction, but the beauty of science is trapped in the equations of science, and ordinary people need to make tremendous efforts to glimpse its glimmer of light. And once she is presented to people, the power of soul shock and purification is enormous, which is difficult for other literary genres to achieve. Science fiction is a bridge to the beauty of science, releasing this beauty from equations and presenting it to the public.

The success of science fiction novels largely depends on the grandeur and shock of their fantasies. The Big Bang theory of modern cosmology is both spectacular and heart wrenching; The long process of life evolution is winding and romantic; The poetic view of time and space in general relativity, the elf like microcosm in quantum physics... The world scenes revealed by these sciences far exceed our imagination. How can writers present the beauty of such science?

"Macro details" is a unique technique in science fiction novels. Novels must have details, but in science fiction literature, the concept of details has changed. For example, the science fiction novel "Singularity Fireworks" depicts the Big Bang from a "super perspective", and creating the universe is just a "fireworks show". The novel uses only a few hundred words of "details" to describe the dialogue and feelings between two people before and after setting off fireworks, but in time and space, it encompasses the history of the universe since the Big Bang, showcasing a surreal picture beyond the universe. In my opinion, such "macro details" best reflect the characteristics and advantages of science fiction literature.

Since engaging in science fiction creation, I have been constantly searching for story resources from science and technology, striving to use scientific principles as the basis to depict the direct and tangible connection between small people and the vast universe in science fiction novels. At the beginning of the universe's birth, it was smaller than atoms. At that time, all things merged into one, which determined that the small parts of the universe had a natural connection with the grand whole. Even if the universe expanded to today's scale, I believe this connection still exists, and the evolution and changes of the universe are closely related to everyone's life and destiny. In my creation, I have been striving to imagine various possibilities of concrete connections between humans and the universe, and trying to turn this imagination into exciting and shocking stories.

Of course, science fiction novels do not always depict the future and imagination, but also reality and the present. Taking the novel "Three Body Problem" as an example, the first part has a strong sense of reality, providing readers with a platform for imagination to take off; The second part is a long journey from reality to imagination; The third one is a relatively pure science fiction novel, with a strong "science fiction fan" color. Starting from reality and reaching the ethereal and distant world is a typical structure of traditional science fiction, and it is also the narrative mode that Chinese science fiction readers are accustomed to moving from reality to the future.

Seizing Opportunities to Promote the Innovation and Development of Science Fiction

To make Chinese science fiction truly strong, Liu Cixin wrote in People's Daily: Seize the opportunity

Science fiction movies have had a great impact on me, and my storytelling and visual construction have been influenced by them. Images have power, and many sci-fi imaginations can only be expressed through visualization. In this regard, film and television have a great advantage over text.

However, due to the low cost of creating and publishing science fiction novels, the readership is relatively fixed, and writers have more room for creativity and expression, allowing them to try more innovative ways. Science fiction films and TV shows have much higher costs and require more attention. Faced with a more complex audience, they need to find the maximum common divisor. Therefore, innovation in form and content needs to consider the acceptance of all aspects and make many balances in artistic expression.

In recent years, science fiction literature and science fiction film and television have leveraged their respective strengths, especially in adapting some science fiction novels into film and television works, allowing science fiction to reach a wider audience and driving the growth of the science fiction industry. To develop science fiction literature today, we need to find ways to expand the base of Chinese science fiction writers and allow more talents and works to emerge. The development of science fiction film and television requires an increase in talent and experience reserves, allowing the new generation of science fiction writers, directors, and producers more opportunities to participate in creation. It is also necessary to strengthen international cooperation in the field of science fiction film and television, and accumulate more mature production experience.

Promoting the development of science fiction has also put forward requirements for our literary theory commentary. For example, science fiction creative techniques such as "macro details" urgently require theoretical refinement to form a conscious way of expression. Science fiction commentary should also keep up with the times, break free from the stereotype of viewing new works and phenomena with an old perspective, and promote science fiction creation with innovative theories and sharp and energetic commentary.

Science fiction works help cultivate the imagination of young people, stimulate creativity and innovation abilities. Science fiction education can be appropriately introduced into school education, adding science fiction content to textbooks, and cultivating children's interests through online science fiction. It is believed that a considerable number of young readers and audiences will fall in love with science fiction, thus starting their conscious exploration of science fiction and science.

Chinese science fiction has shown great momentum and momentum, and we must seize this opportunity to make it truly strong.

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