There are also 13 Chinese people, and Time magazine rated the world's top 100 AI figures, except for Musk and Ultraman

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 19:16 PM

·"This group of 100 people is a map of the relationships and power centers that drive the development of artificial intelligence in many ways. They are competitors and regulators, scientists and artists, advocates and executives - humans who compete and cooperate, and their insights, desires, and shortcomings will shape the direction of this increasingly influential technology."

·On this list, the youngest is 18 year old Sneha Ravanur, and the oldest is 76 year old Jeffrey Hinton, with a total of 40 women. Based on appearance and surnames, there are 13 Chinese people on the list.

"The uniqueness of artificial intelligence is also the most frightening and celebratory aspect, as it can match some of our own skills and go further to accomplish things that humans cannot. The ability of artificial intelligence to mimic human behavior has become a defining characteristic. However, behind every advancement in machine learning and large-scale language models is actually humans, both the often overlooked human labor force that makes large-scale language models safer to use, and the individuals who make crucial decisions about when and how to best use this technology." On September 7th local time, Sam Jacobs, editor in chief of Time magazine, wrote that Time is best at reporting on characters, which reminds them of launching TIME. 100 AI list.

Time magazine launched the TIME100 AI list and conducted interviews and reports on these selected individuals.

This list includes the 100 most influential figures in the field of artificial intelligence selected by the magazine, divided into 4 categories.

In the leader category, there are well-known figures such as Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI, Robin Lee, CEO, chairman and co-founder of Baidu, Elon Musk, founder of xAI, Kai Fu Lee, chairman and CEO of Innovation Works, Huang Renxun, co-founder, CEO and president of Nvidia, and Demis Hassabis, CEO and co-founder of Google DeepMind, DeepLearning AI founder Wu Enda, entrepreneur and investor Mark Anderson and other industry giants.

In the category of innovators, there are Chinese American science fiction writer Jiang Fengnan and musician Grimes, the mother of Musk's children.

Grimes, a musician and mother of Musk's children.

In the category of shapers, there are former Google CEO Eric Schmidt, UAE AI Minister Omar Al Olama, Taiwan, China's "Digital Development Minister" Tang Feng, US Congressman Liu Yunping and AI related senior officials from several countries or regions.

In the category of thinkers, there are Turing Award winner and "AI Godfather" Jeffrey Hinton, Turing Award winner and Meta Chief AI Scientist Yang Likun, and Turing Award winner and Science Director Joshua Bengio of the Montreal Institute of Learning Algorithms. These three individuals are collectively known as the "Big Three of Deep Learning". In addition, Li Feifei, professor of Stanford University, Zeng Yi, deputy director of the Brain Intelligence Research Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, director of the Artificial Intelligence Ethics and Governance Research Center, and Stuart Russell, professor of the University of California, Berkeley, were also selected.

Professor Li Feifei from Stanford University.

Zeng Yi, Deputy Director of Brain Intelligence Research Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Director of Artificial Intelligence Ethics and Governance Research Center.

Regarding the selection process, Time magazine stated that its editors and journalists spent several months collecting suggestions from dozens of sources, compiling hundreds of nominations, and forming the final result.

"We interviewed almost everyone on this list to understand their views on the path of artificial intelligence today." We hope to focus on industry leaders at the forefront of the AI boom, individuals outside of these companies working to address deep-seated ethical issues related to the use of AI, and innovators around the world trying to use AI to address social challenges, "said Naina Bayekar, executive editor who led the work.

On this list, the youngest is Sneha Ravanur, 18-year-old founder and president of Encode Justice, and the oldest is Jeffrey Hinton, 76, with a total of 40 women. Based on appearance and surnames, there are 13 Chinese people on the list.

"This group of 100 people is a map of the relationships and power centers that drive the development of artificial intelligence in many ways. They are competitors and regulators, scientists and artists, advocates and executives - humans who compete and cooperate, and their insights, desires, and shortcomings will shape the direction of this increasingly influential technology." Time wrote.

Attachment: TIME100 AI Complete List


1. Dario Amodei and Daniela Amodei, CEO and President of Anthropic

Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI

3. Demis Hassabis, CEO and co-founder of Google DeepMind

4. Robin Lee, CEO, Chairman and Co founder of Baidu

5. Cl é ment Delangue, CEO&Co Founder of Hugging Face

6. Lila Ibrahim, Chief Operating Officer of Google DeepMind

7. xAI founder Elon Musk

There are also 13 Chinese people, and Time magazine rated the world's top 100 AI figures, except for Musk and Ultraman

Raquel Urtasun, CEO and Founder of Waabi

9. Alex Karp, co-founder and CEO of Palantir Technologies

10. Entrepreneur and investor Reid Hoffman

11. Greg Brockman, co-founder and president of OpenAI

12. Entrepreneur and investor Marc Andreessen

13. Sandra Rivera, General Manager of Intel's Data Centers and Artificial Intelligence Division

14. Aidan Gomez, CEO and co-founder of Cohere

15. Entrepreneur and investor Daniel Gross

16. Li Kaifu, Chairman and CEO of Innovation Factory

17. Microsoft Chief Scientist Jaime Teevan

18. DeepLearning AI founder Wu Enda

19. Kevin Scott, Chief Technology Officer and Executive Vice President of Artificial Intelligence at Microsoft

20. Huang Renxun, co-founder, CEO, and President of NVIDIA

21. Clara Shih, CEO of Salesforce AI

22. Alexander Wang, CEO and Founder of Scale AI

23. Mustafa Suleyman, CEO and co-founder of Inflection AI

24. Marc Raibert, Executive Director of Boston Dynamics Artificial Intelligence Research Institute


1. Writer Jiang Fengnan

2. Writer Charlie Brooker

3. Musician Holly Herndon

4. Pelonomi Moiloa, CEO and co-founder of Lelapa AI

5. Musician Grimes

6. Neal Khosla, CEO and co-founder of Curai

7. Artist Stephanie Dinkins

There are also 13 Chinese people, and Time magazine rated the world's top 100 AI figures, except for Musk and Ultraman

Artist Sougwen Chung

9. Crist ó bal Valenzuela, CEO and co-founder of Runway

10. Film producer Lilly Wachowski

11. Karya CEO Manu Chopra

12. Amini CEO and Founder Kate Kallot

13. Associate Professor Ziad Obermeyer at the University of California, Berkeley

14. Character Noam Shazeer, CEO and co-founder of AI

15. Alison Darcy, Founder and President of Woebot Health

16. Nathaniel Manning, Chief Operating Officer and Co Founder of Kettle

17. Tushita Gupta, Chief Technology Officer and Co Founder of Refuberd

18. Andrew Hopkins, CEO and Founder of Exscientia

19. Artist Linda Dounia Rebeiz

Richard Socher, CEO and Founder of

21. Keith Dreyer, Chief Data Science Officer, Brigham General Hospital, Massachusetts

22. Moonhub CEO and Founder Nancy Xu

23. Japanese cartoonist Rootport


1. Alondra Nelson, Researcher and Policy Advisor at Princeton Institute of Advanced Studies

Ian Hogarth, Chairman of the UK Frontier Artificial Intelligence Working Group

4. Meredith Whittaker, President of Signal

James Manyika, Senior Vice President of Google Research, Technology, and Society

6. Jack Clark, Co Founder and Policy Director of Anthropic

Anna Makanju, Vice President of Global Affairs at OpenAI

8. Omar Al Olama, Minister of Artificial Intelligence of the United Arab Emirates

There are also 13 Chinese people, and Time magazine rated the world's top 100 AI figures, except for Musk and Ultraman

Artist Kelly McKernan

10. Eric Schmidt, co-founder of Schmidt Futures

11. Margrethe Vestager, Executive Vice President of the European Commission

12. US Representative Anna Eshoo

13. Richard Mathenge, organizer of the African Content Reviewers Alliance

14. Sneha Revanur, Founder and President of Encode Justice

15. Tristan Harris, co-founder and executive director of the Humanity Technology Center

16. Founder and Chief Artist of the Algorithm Justice Alliance, Joy Buolamwini

17. Eliezer Yudkowsky, co-founder of the Machine Intelligence Research Institute

18. Verity Harding, Director of the Artificial Intelligence and Geopolitics Program at the University of Cambridge

19. US Congressman Liu Yunping

20. Sarah Chander, Senior Policy Advisor for European Digital Rights

21. Nina Jankowicz, Vice President of Information Resilience Center

22. Co founders of Wadhwani AI, Romesh Wadhwani and Sunil Wadhwani

23. Elham Tabassi, Deputy Director of Emerging Technologies at the National Institute of Standards and Technology in the United States

24. Dan Hendrycks, Executive Director of the Artificial Intelligence Security Center

25. Jess Whittlestone, Policy Director for Artificial Intelligence at the Long Term Resilience Center

26. IPVM founder John Honorich


1. Geoffrey Hinton, Honorary Professor at the University of Toronto

2. Professor Li Feifei from Stanford University

3. Cognitive scientist Abeba Birhane

4. Shane Legg, co-founder and chief AGI scientist of Google DeepMind

5. Rumman Chowdhury, CEO and co-founder of Human Intelligence

6. Zeng Yi, Deputy Director of Brain Intelligence Research Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences

There are also 13 Chinese people, and Time magazine rated the world's top 100 AI figures, except for Musk and Ultraman

7. Timonit Gebru, Founder and Executive Director of the Distributed Artificial Intelligence Research Institute

8. Kate Crawford, Professor at the Annaberg School of Communication and Journalism at the University of Southern California and Founder of Knowing Machines

9. Pushmet Kohli, Vice President of Research at Google DeepMind

10. Ilya Sutskever, co-founder and chief scientist of OpenAI

11. Professor Yejin Choi from the University of Washington

12. Yann LeCun, Chief Artificial Intelligence Scientist at Meta

13. Inioluwa Deborah Raji, Researcher at Mozilla Foundation

14. Max Tegmark, co-founder and president of the Future Life Research Institute

15. Yoshua Bengio, Scientific Director of the Montreal Institute of Learning Algorithms

16. Emily M. Bender, Professor at the University of Washington

17. Margaret Mitchell, Chief Artificial Intelligence Ethics Scientist at Hugging Face

18. Paul Scharre, Executive Vice President of the New US Security Center

19. Jan Leike, Joint Leader of OpenAI's "Super Alignment" Project

20. Founder of the Alignment Research Center, Paul Christiano

21. Kalika Bali, Chief Researcher at Microsoft India Research Institute

22. Stuart Russell, Professor at the University of California, Berkeley

23. Arvind Narayanan and Sayash Kapoor, professors and doctoral students at Princeton University

24. Shakir Mohamed, Research Director at Google DeepMind and Founder of the Deep Learning Indaba Project

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