The United States' provision of depleted uranium weapons to Ukraine has been opposed by multiple parties as a "criminal act"! | Worldview Ukraine | Depleted uranium bomb | United States

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 18:44 PM

On September 7th, according to comprehensive reports, following the UK's announcement in March to provide depleted uranium bombs to Ukraine, the US Pentagon announced on September 6th that it will transport depleted uranium bombs to Ukraine. The further escalation of the United States has made the situation increasingly tense and has been questioned and opposed by multiple parties. Russia has issued a stern warning that the US move is actually a criminal act.

The United States "consciously transports lethal weapons"

According to the US Department of Defense, this batch of depleted uranium shells is part of the $175 million military aid announced by the US to Ukraine. The 120mm shells containing depleted uranium cores will be used by the Abrams main battle tank. The United States plans to deliver to Ukraine this autumn.

Data image: A 30mm depleted uranium armor piercing bullet.

In response, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Riyabkov stated that the announcement by the United States to provide Ukraine with depleted uranium bombs is not only a step towards escalating the situation, but also reflects the United States' blatant contempt for the environmental impact of using such ammunition. He said, "This is actually a criminal act, and I cannot provide any other comments."

He stated that hundreds of materials citing environmental experts, doctors, and chemists have been published around the world regarding the potential irreversible damage this weapon may cause to the environment, but the United States is "indifferent to anything".

Riyabkov said, "They understand that it will not be used on their territory. They don't care who will come into contact with it there... what consequences this will have for those who are fighting, and what future generations living on this land will encounter."

He also stated that it is dangerous for NATO countries to exert open military pressure on Russia, "and now this pressure is gradually pushing us towards armed conflicts between nuclear powers."

The Russian Embassy in the United States stated in relevant comments that the US move is "inhumane" and will incur a heavy cost for future generations.

The United States' provision of depleted uranium weapons to Ukraine has been opposed by multiple parties as a "criminal act"! | Worldview Ukraine | Depleted uranium bomb | United States

The comment states that the United States is very aware of the dangers of depleted uranium bombs and is consciously transporting deadly weapons. "The actions of the US government have exposed their true face, as they are indifferent to Ukraine's current situation and the future of its European neighbors."

Data image: Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Building.

After the United States announced the provision of depleted uranium bombs, UN Secretary General's Deputy Spokesperson Farhan Hack stated that the UN "opposes the use of depleted uranium bombs anywhere in the world.".

The International Alliance for the Prohibition of Uranium Weapons also opposes the use of depleted uranium bombs, believing that ingesting or inhaling depleted uranium dust can bring health risks, including causing cancer and congenital defects.

In response to the White House's statement that "the transfer of depleted uranium bombs to Kiev does not pose a radioactive threat" and "this is a common type of ammunition," Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zakharova sharply asked, "Is this a lie or foolishness?"

Harmful to the ecological environment and public health

Internationally, there has always been a heated debate about the use of depleted uranium bombs. The US Political News Network previously pointed out that before making this decision, the US government had been engaged in months of debate.

Depleted uranium ammunition refers to ammunition made from weapons grade enriched uranium as the main raw material, supplemented by other alloys. Its working principle is the same as ordinary armor piercing ammunition, using the high hardness, high density, and high melting point of depleted uranium alloy to penetrate the target.

Edward Gaist, a nuclear expert and policy researcher at Rand Corporation in the United States, described it as "so dense... it can continuously penetrate armor; its high temperature can cause combustion."

The United States' provision of depleted uranium weapons to Ukraine has been opposed by multiple parties as a "criminal act"! | Worldview Ukraine | Depleted uranium bomb | United States

The Associated Press reported that the United States developed this armor piercing shell during the Cold War to destroy Soviet tanks, including the T-72 tanks currently encountered by the Ukrainian army. The US military also added depleted uranium to the ammunition fired by the A-10 close range air support attack aircraft, known as the "tank killer".

However, depleted uranium is a heavy metal with mild radioactivity, and long-term exposure can have serious impacts on human health and the environment. The International Atomic Energy Agency has warned that "protective clothing should be worn" when dealing with depleted uranium bombs, and "public awareness activities are needed to avoid people coming into contact with these ammunition.".

Reuters pointed out that radioactive materials may increase the difficulty of post-war cleanup in Ukraine. Parts of the country are already covered with cluster ammunition, other unexploded ordnance, and a large number of landmines.

Moreover, the chemical toxicity of depleted uranium should not be underestimated. The 2022 report of the United Nations Environment Programme states that toxic substances in depleted uranium and common explosives can irritate the skin, cause kidney failure, and increase the risk of cancer.

US tanks have used depleted uranium ammunition and depleted uranium enhanced armor during the Gulf War, invasion of Iraq, and in Serbia and Kosovo. This not only seriously endangers the local ecological environment and public health, but the US military has also questioned whether some of the diseases faced by its soldiers may be related to the use of these shells and armor.

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