The German Chancellor realized life in this way, and after falling into a Cyclops

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 20:32 PM

Source author: Niu Danqin

At least in my opinion, German Chancellor Scholz is clearly the most likable politician in the world recently.

It's simple, he fell hard and when he made his debut again, he became a Cyclops.

I fell in my right eye and couldn't see anyone, so I decided to wear a black eye mask.

The grand German Chancellor, surprisingly, looked like this, and as a result, Scholz, who looked like an uncle, also won the international reputation of "Pirate Olaf".

Why did it fall?

It is said that I fell while jogging in Berlin. Unlike Biden who enjoys riding bicycles, Trump who enjoys playing golf, and Schultz who has a common hobby, he likes jogging.

But even though it was the safest exercise like this, Scholz still fell and injured himself. As I mentioned in my previous article, there are three reasons for this,

1. It's that one inch of force, I fell;

2. As I got older, I ran over and fell this time;

3. Heavy hearted, lack of concentration, and fell.

But after this fall, Scholz felt much calmer and his vision became more unique. At the Munich Auto Show, he also shared his life's insights: this weekend, I proved one thing: jogging for moderate exercise is still good, but it's best to drive there

The whole audience burst into laughter.

Well, there is a family of cars who have to drive when they should. What are they running for

Schultz is obviously a double word. What kind of car is this old driver driving?

Of course it's a German car.

But at the Munich Auto Show, according to many German media reports, the most eye-catching is not Mercedes Benz, BMW, Audi from Germany, but electric cars from China.

Chinese electric vehicles are targeting the European market. According to the French newspaper Le Monde, "in just a few years, Chinese car companies can become the leaders of the global automotive industry.".

Chinese electric vehicles now require technology, quality, and price. Statistics show that in the first half of 2022, the average price of electric vehicles in China was less than 32000 euros, while the average price in Europe was about 56000 euros.

So, when announcing that "driving is better than jogging," Schultz also encouraged German companies, "don't be afraid of China," and "competition should motivate us, not scare us."

He announced that Germany will invest over 110 billion euros to promote Germany's "automotive revolution" and embrace competition with China.

Having money alone is not enough. Even jogging can still lead to falls, not to mention the bureaucratic issues in Germany.

So, after returning from Munich, in the German parliament, Scholz loudly called for the Germans to unite and break free from the "jungle of bureaucracy" in order to make "our country faster, more modern, and safer.".

He strongly criticized that these bureaucratic practices, as well as the avoidance of risks and the mold of frustration, have caused Germany to stagnate. It is time to take immediate action now.

The German Chancellor realized life in this way, and after falling into a Cyclops

Scholz also pointed out that he himself admitted that the three political parties in his alliance have had too much debate in recent months.

This alliance, known as the traffic lights, Prime Minister Scholz wants to go east, but the Green Party's Deputy Prime Minister Habeck leans towards the west. In terms of foreign policy, Belle Burke, a female Foreign Minister from the Green Party, often competes with Scholz.

This kind of German government has opened the world's eyes and made Germans feel helpless. Data shows that the German economy has fallen into recession and is expected to experience negative growth of around 0.5% this year. Some British media even refer to Germany as the "sick man of Europe".

So no wonder, even if he fell into a one eyed dragon, Scholz still rushed out to work. The situation in Germany is not waiting for him.

Finally, what do you think?

Let's stick to the rough three points.

Firstly, Scholz's fall was quite severe.

Even if a week later, Scholz went to India with his bag to participate in the G20, he still couldn't take off his eye mask. You can also see many scars on your right face.

Jogging can fall like this, Scholz, you're really careless.

Or, what made him so absent-minded and fall like this?

Secondly, Scholz's fall has brought him a lot of clarity.

Encourage German companies to "not be afraid of China", especially by loudly opposing German bureaucracy and admitting that there are too many internal conflicts in their three party alliance, which is rare.

Scholz had his helplessness and his clarity, especially after this fall.

If that's the case, perhaps this fall wasn't in vain.

Well, the fall made my vision even more unique.

Thirdly, can Scholz change the dilemma? It's hard to say.

Regarding Schultz's clamor for anti bureaucracy, I saw a German legislator coldly say in a television interview: "I hope Olaf Schultz recovers soon, but I must say that the photo of him falling into a Cyclops is actually a symbol of his three party alliance two years later - constant melee and debate..."

How did it end up?

Finally, it was like this, with a blue nose and swollen face, even one eyed dragon.

Well, not to mention, it really looks like that!

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