Talking about the image of teachers on the screen, today's Teacher's Day

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 20:35 PM

The Chinese nation is a nation that respects teachers, values education, and values teacher ethics. Wandering in the corridor of Chinese film and television art, a series of works on children's, youth, campus, and family themes have shaped a series of teacher images with unique forms of expression and rich audio-visual language. Some of them are the protagonists, some are supporting role, and some are even just a glance. Together, they form a teacher image atlas with a sense of the times. The images of teachers on these screens reflect the changing circumstances of teacher groups in different eras, and also reflect the unique social function positioning and ideal moral expectations of the public towards this professional group in the process of education and even the entire social development. In the new era, with the development of social economy, educational concepts have changed, and people's aesthetic tastes have become increasingly diverse. How to better shape the image of teachers in film and television works, and stimulate rational thinking from all walks of life on "what is education, what is teachers, and what is the future of education", this issue urgently needs to attract industry attention.

Screenplay materials and images for the movie "Teacher: Good"

Character personalities go from singular to diverse

From the traditional intellectual image of "eating a bowl of rice and drinking a gourd of water in a humble alley" to the new teacher image of constantly achieving self-improvement in the face of various challenges during the period of social transformation, film and television works have gone through a process of evolution from single to multiple, and from flat to three-dimensional in shaping the image of teachers.

In the movie "Flowers of the Motherland", Teacher Feng patiently guides mischievous, arrogant, and unsociable students with gentle guidance; In "Chunhui", Teacher Ling bears the heavy burden of his family, but still remains passionate about the education industry; In "The Smile in the Candlelight", Wang Shuangling moved the students with love and was called "Mom" by them; In "Beautiful Feet", rural female teacher Zhang Meili silently dedicates herself on the loess ground, teaching a group of "mud children" in a mud house; In "No One Can Be Missing", substitute teacher Wei Minzhi went to great lengths to find students who dropped out of school in order to fulfill her promise of "no one can be missing"; In "Meng Erdong", Meng Erdong carries medical advice in his arms, endures the torment of illness, and continues to work overtime to teach teachers and students until he falls on the podium... Chinese film and television creations often use images such as "spring silkworms", "gardeners", and "candles" to express the teacher's selfless dedication and the spirit of dedication. To summarize with a sentence from the movie "Feng Zhiyuan", "There is a personality called a model for all, a life called no regrets, a spirit called selfless dedication, and a sentiment called dedication and dedication.". These perfect representations of morality and character bear obvious educational functions, reflecting people's imagination and expectations of the teaching profession in a specific era.

Talking about the image of teachers on the screen, today's Teacher's Day

With the development of the times and social progress, people's concepts are constantly changing, and the concept of film and television creation is constantly updating. Character shaping has become more personalized and diverse, and more and more vivid, three-dimensional, and full of teacher images with personality charm and emotional tension have emerged. Gu Yuetao in "The Sky at the Age of 18" has a bold personality and a childlike heart, treating children as friends and transforming a class with constant conflicts into a team full of sunshine. In "Youth School", Teacher Sa appears to have a domineering personality and is extremely strict, often making golden phrases in the classroom such as "no hardship or fatigue, no taste in high school, no struggle or struggle, it's equivalent to living in vain". However, she silently cares about the psychological state and development direction of each student. In "Teacher · Good", Miao Wanqiu appears rigid and stubborn on the outside, but always shows a warm side in the process of fighting with children's intelligence and courage. She inadvertently picks up the students who have caused trouble from the police station and calls the students who practice aerobics to go home for dinner. The teachers in these film and television works may have limited abilities and knowledge, and unique personalities. Some of them may feel at a loss in the face of an increasingly open social atmosphere; Some people, faced with the temptation of material things, inevitably have mixed feelings in their hearts. But these "minor flaws" and "imperfections" restore the true work and life status of teachers, reminding the audience that teachers are also ordinary people and can suffer from professional burnout, family crisis, or self doubt, which can cause pain and confusion. Under these foreshadowings, it is only by demonstrating teachers' persistence in their educational responsibilities that they can shake people's hearts and enable the teacher community to promote themselves through images, achieving value recognition.

Photo materials and pictures of the TV drama "Chasing the Light"

Educational philosophy from teaching to educating people

Some film and television creators unilaterally equate teachers with those who "teach", teaching students the content of a certain subject in the book in a one-way manner. But in reality, education is an interactive process, and teachers are not just disseminators of knowledge, but also companions and guides of students. Therefore, expressing the daily interaction and emotional exchange between teachers and students, highlighting the charisma of teachers and their influence on students, is also an essential aspect of shaping the image of teachers. For example, in the "Great Exam", the young homeroom teacher Li Xiaoxu would accompany student Tian Wenwen when she was sick, and also communicate with her classmates when she was treated coldly, eliminating misunderstandings and prejudices between them. In "The Day of Chasing Light", Hao Nan timely gave a warm hug to his student Jia Kun when he was scolded by his father, and comforted him that after losing his brother, he had to look forward and move forward to avoid studying. In "I'm Waiting for You in the Future," Hao Huihui uses games to defeat his students in order to prevent them from getting addicted to games. He also watches basketball games with the children and discusses his favorite basketball stars with them. These teachers not only teach students the knowledge in textbooks, but also care about what students want in their hearts, what happens in life, and what their shining points are. They guide them in the right way to seek life ideals and realize life values.

The shaping of character images should be implemented in the communication of ideas and the excavation of ideas. Specifically, when it comes to the image of teachers, it should demonstrate their cultivation of student personality and the forging of their souls. The kindergarten teacher Lu Chuan in "Go! Mom" is familiar with early childhood psychology, able to guess the thoughts of young children, solve their confusion, protect their self-esteem, and unleash their potential. He helped anxious parents of young children during their transition to primary school to recognize the essence of education and warned them not to blindly immerse themselves in the sense of achievement of being a "chicken child". In "The Day of Chasing Light," Hao Nan, the homeroom teacher of the third year of high school, does not judge heroes based on scores, but upholds the preparation concept of achieving dreams. He first carefully understands the level and ability of the students, and then guides them to set goals based on their actual situation, guiding them to learn efficiently and grow healthily on this basis. These film and television works present and discuss the advanced teaching concepts and unique teaching methods held by teacher figures, describing their help to alleviate psychological anxiety for parents and engage in spiritual communication with children. They respond to the public's concerns about hot educational topics from different dimensions and promote the healthy development of the education industry.

Talking about the image of teachers on the screen, today's Teacher's Day

Photo materials and pictures of the TV drama "Da Kao"

Innovative development from life to art

In recent years, film and television creation has achieved fruitful results in shaping the image of teachers, from carrying educational functions to serving artistic creation, from presenting teaching content truthfully to reflecting human nature in a broader sense. But while we see the results, we should also realize that compared to the outstanding contributions made by the vast group of teachers in China, there is still much room for improvement in film and television creation. Some works have homogenized teacher images and patterned storylines, while others deconstruct teacher images through strong sensory stimuli such as violence, making them vulgar, superficial, and entertaining, in order to meet the aesthetic psychology of some audiences and achieve commercial purposes such as increasing topic awareness and attracting attention. These issues have invisibly deepened the public's stereotypical impression of teachers, and even caused misunderstandings among the general public about the teaching profession, which should raise the industry's vigilance.

In the new era and new mission, the education plan is teacher centered. Exploring how to better portray the spiritual style of contemporary teachers in film and television dramas, creating a social atmosphere of respecting teachers and valuing morality, promoting the progress of social education concepts, and promoting the development of national education is a practical task for China's education development to the current stage, and also a social responsibility that film and television creation should bear. Firstly, creators should further delve into life, empathize with the voices of teachers, understand their work and life status, present a real and rich educational landscape through artistic conception and aesthetic forging, refine the complex social psychology nurtured by the times, set it as a public agenda, inspire the audience to examine themselves and think about life in the process of plot evolution and public opinion discussion, and thus form a spiritual force to promote social development and progress.

Secondly, in response to the phenomenon of solidification and homogenization in shaping the image of teachers, further expand the scope of material selection. For example, in the context of rural revitalization, shaping the image of rural teachers who have made achievements in rural education; Starting from the details of education and teaching reform, problem student growth, class management, ideological and moral education, sports and art education, we aim to shape the image of pioneers, intelligent teachers, and creative teachers; To shape the image of an expert who is both an educator and a technology worker, busy on the podium and laboratory, dedicating themselves wholeheartedly to scientific research and development; Create an image of an ordinary teacher who is diligent, dedicated, and full of human vitality.

Talking about the image of teachers on the screen, today's Teacher's Day

Imparting knowledge, cultivating personality, and shaping soul are always the common colors of teachers. The image of teachers on the screen is not only a portrayal and description of their current state, but also a reflection and exploration of how the teacher profession will develop in the context of social change. For film and television creators, how to combine the needs of the new era, shape typical teacher images, attract social attention, stimulate people's resonance, and form a joint force of the whole society to promote educational development is still a long and arduous task.

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