Sudden! More than 60 Katyusha missiles were fired at Israeli troops

Release time:May 16, 2024 15:43 PM

According to a report by Agence France-Presse on May 16, Lebanese Hezbollah fired more than 60 rockets at Israeli army positions on the 16th in retaliation for the Israeli army’s nighttime air strikes in eastern Lebanon.

According to reports, Lebanese Hezbollah said in a statement that its armed personnel used "more than 60 'Katyusha' rockets" to launch attacks on several Israeli military positions. The statement mentioned that the targets of this attack included Israeli military positions on the Golan Heights.

The Lebanese National News Agency reported earlier on the 16th: "The outer reaches of the mountains in eastern Lebanon encountered five enemy attacks at midnight."

The report also said that the attack in the Baalbek area "caused one citizen to be slightly injured" and caused a fire.

According to the report, a source close to Hezbollah told AFP that one of the air strikes "hit a Hezbollah military camp."

An Israeli military spokesman said: "We did launch air strikes into Lebanon, targeting terrorist targets related to Hezbollah's precision missile program."

According to reports, the Baalbek area in the Bekaa Valley is a stronghold of Hezbollah in Lebanon and borders Syria.

Lebanese Hezbollah said on the 15th that it launched a drone towards a military base near the Israeli city of Tiberias. This is one of the most in-depth attacks the organization has launched against Israel since the beginning of the current round of Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

Sudden! More than 60 Katyusha missiles were fired at Israeli troops
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