Expert: my country's medical security is moving towards standardization, and large-scale sports events are increasing

Release time:May 16, 2024 09:50 AM

May 11 to 17 is Disaster Prevention and Reduction Awareness Week. On the 15th, under the guidance of the Shanghai Municipal Health Commission, jointly sponsored by the Shanghai Patriotic Health Campaign Committee Office and the Shanghai Health Promotion Center, and co-organized by the Shanghai Qingpu District Health Commission and the Shanghai Qingpu District Patriotic Health and Health Promotion Guidance Center Participate in Shared Protection - Public Health Emergency Escort and Healthy Life" Shanghai Health Lecture Hall's special event on health emergency was held at the 3rd Yangtze River Delta International Emergency Rescue Expo. Experts pointed out that my country's medical security for large-scale events is moving towards standardization, but there is still a certain gap compared with the international advanced level.

The 2008 Beijing Olympics, the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, the 2023 Hangzhou Asian Games, the 2024 World Formula One Championship Chinese Grand Prix... In recent years, our country has held more and more large-scale sports events, and the events are of high level and participation. There are many players and a large audience, which puts forward higher requirements for medical security in the event. Chief Physician Shang Hanbing, deputy director of the Emergency Medicine Center and deputy director of the Medical Department of Ruijin Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, introduced that medical support for large-scale sports events has the characteristics of suddenness, diversity, and emergency, and it is necessary to build and improve corresponding medical support The emergency support system is an important cornerstone to ensure the safety of participants and staff, alleviate the pain of the injured, reduce the number of casualties, and ensure the smooth progress of the event.

“Internationally, the medical insurance of many large-scale sports events is usually handled by professional medical institutions or organizations. They are teams with rich experience and professional skills that can provide comprehensive and efficient medical services for the event. Take the World Formula One Championship as an example. , this event is held in many countries around the world every year. The FIA ​​has specially appointed event medical officers to ensure the standardization and synchronization of various medical security matters during the event through close cooperation with local governments and medical institutions. "Qualitative, to ensure the health and safety of athletes and spectators," Shang Hanbing said, "Currently, the event organizing committee is mainly responsible for the medical security of my country's large-scale sports events. Through cooperation with local medical institutions, a professional medical team is formed to provide comprehensive medical care. Services. Although our country is currently unable to reach the international advanced level, it is constantly strengthening relevant regulations and training of professional personnel to promote the standardized and professional development of medical security for large-scale sports events.”

In the lecture hall, Chief Physician Zhu Renyi, director of the Disinfection and Infection Control Department of the Institute of Infectious Disease Prevention and Control of the Shanghai Center for Disease Control and Prevention, said that as the temperature rises, the reproduction rate of bacteria, including pathogens, continues to accelerate, easily causing three types of infectious diseases. The first is intestinal infectious diseases, including infectious diarrhea, hand, foot and mouth disease, bacillary dysentery, typhoid, etc. caused by norovirus; the second is mosquito-borne infectious diseases represented by Japanese encephalitis, dengue fever, etc.; the third is influenza , COVID-19, chickenpox, scarlet fever, mumps and other respiratory infectious diseases. In this event, Zhu Renyi explained the key points of preventing and controlling infectious diseases in summer from the aspects of personal protection measures and household emergency response.

Experts suggest that in terms of personal hygiene habits, the most important thing is to wash your hands frequently. It is also recommended to carry a small bottle of hand sanitizer with you to maintain hand hygiene at all times. Families should pay attention to cleaning and disinfection. Frequently clean and disinfect surfaces of refrigerators, air conditioners, washing machines, water dispensers and other common appliances, as well as rags, cutting boards, tableware and other items to prevent problems before they occur.

Expert: my country's medical security is moving towards standardization, and large-scale sports events are increasing
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"Doctors sometimes act like detectives, uncovering the cocoons, dispelling the fog of illness, and identifying the root cause of patients. At this time, perceptible brain pacemakers are like smart assistants, playing a therapeutic role while also capturing specific EEG signals related to disease symptoms in the patient's brain. It should be noted that achieving this in a complex brain network is as difficult as hearing whispers under the roar of airplanes. The continuous progress of technology can provide patients with more accurate and personalized treatment, and we also look forward to the day when diseases can be overcome." On July 20th, Sun Bomin, director of the Functional Neurosurgery Center of Ruijin Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, led a team of 3. Implantation of the world's most advanced intelligent perceptible brain pacemaker Percept in Parkinson's disease patients ™PC. According to public literature search, this is a national ranking