Sogai Village in Shigatse: An enviable well-off village

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 17:11 PM

The early autumn breeze, with a hint of coolness, blew into the barley fields of Suogai Xiaokang Demonstration Village in Niandui Township, Jiangzi County, Shigatse City.

The interview group led by the chief editor of the national provincial party newspaper in Xizang set out from the downtown of Shigatse to the southeast, drove out of the Shigatse Airport Expressway, and arrived here along the National Highway 349.

Walking along the hardened path into Suogai Village, on one side of the road are Zhang Dahua and Qingke fields, and on the other side, there is a tree pronounced as "杦 r" in Tibetan, which hides a series of Tibetan style small villas.

But what is even more impressive is the simple and honest smiles in the village, filled with a deep love and longing for life from within.

As a must pass tourist route from Lhasa to Yanghu and Karola Glacier, Suogai Village has benefited from clear development ideas and geographical advantages. In recent years, Suogai Village has developed rapidly and gradually explored the path of rural revitalization and development led by party building, industrial support, and people's livelihood empowerment.

Exploration of "Party Building+" in China and New Zealand

To do a good job in rural areas and promote the revitalization of rural industries, the key lies in the Party, and the revitalization of organizations is the guarantee.

Since 2019, Suogai Village has been actively building the "Party Building+" brand and promoting development with the support of the Jiangzi County Party Committee and Government, as well as the Shanghai 9th batch of Tibetan aid cadres and talents Jiangzi Group.

Early in the morning, the reporter met Wangmu, the rural revitalization specialist of Suogai Village. She is waiting at the entrance of the New Era Civilization Practice Station. During busy farming hours, many villagers send their children here to learn Mandarin and play games.

"Leave it to her, we can all rest assured that the child can still learn something here," said Zhuo Ga, the villager who gave the child away.

"Although our place may not be big, it can truly be considered as' having all five organs'," Wang Mu told reporters with a smile. "Walking inside, there are studios that produce Pulu, Cardan, and Shajuan, as well as live streaming rooms. Usually, production skills training and tourist visits are conducted here."

"The children upstairs can read books, and there is also our happiness wall. There are many activities carried out in the village, such as learning and educating party history, and preaching." Wang Mu pointed to the photo on the wall and said, "This is what we took during the spring plowing preaching. Look how happy everyone is laughing."

Moreover, Suogai Village is the first "Hema Village" in Xizang.

Liu Lai, the propaganda member of the Party Committee of Niandui Township, said, "We have cooperated with Shanghai Hema Company to develop highland barley noodles, highland barley Zongzi, highland barley milk and other products. Suogai Village has 309 acres of highland barley base, where villagers specialize in growing highland barley, and mature highland barley is sold to Shanghai Hema Company. In addition, Shanghai Hema Company also gives 1000 yuan to each household of villagers growing highland barley. In addition, several places in Suogai Village have been leased to the company, and the rent paid by the company is also a dividend for villagers, and it also solves the employment of some villagers."

As of the end of 2022, the per capita annual income of the entire village has increased from 15400 yuan in 2019 to 23200 yuan in 2022, and the collective economic income of the village has reached 360000 yuan.

Pulu Weaves a New Life

When it comes to Jiangzi, besides barley, there is also one thing that must be mentioned - Pulu.

The people of Suogai Village rely on this ancient skill and their diligence to weave a happy new life from simplicity to richness, from immutability to diversity.

Pulu, transliterated from Tibetan, is a type of fabric used by the Tibetan people to sew clothes, robes, hats, boots, and blankets. It is the most common and distinctive textile on the snowy plateau, with a history of over 2000 years.

In history, Pulu has also been a major tribute to Xizang, among which Gyantse Pulu is the most famous, and its weaving skills are well-known throughout Tibet. In 2009, "Gyantse Xiema Pulu weaving skills" was listed as an autonomous region level intangible cultural heritage protection project.

Under the guidance of the teacher Pian Duo, Suogai villager Cipu stepped step by step, and the thread box in his hand shuttled back and forth on the loom. Not only do we need to coordinate our hands and feet, but we also need to keep our eyes fixed. We also need to constantly change the threads of other colors, so that the woven Pulu can have more diverse colors.

As I began to shuttle through the online box, the wooden card thread made a thud twice, and my feet also had to step on the foot pedal in a regular manner. With the entire flowing movement, the lines were tightly arranged, black, blue, orange, blue... a complete piece of cloth appeared like this.

Pulu has a relatively single color, usually black, and the fabric is thicker, so it can only be worn externally. In order to adapt to the market, the craftsmen in Suogai Village have also learned how to make Sha Juan.

At the Shajuan processing plant, the walls of the Chema box painted with woven thread are brightly colored, symbolizing the longevity and good luck of Suogai Village.

"This fabric, made from cashmere and yak wool as raw materials, is rich in color, soft in texture, and comfortable to fit against the body." Cipu said proudly, "This is the Shajuan scarf we collaborated with Shanghai Shajuan Fashion Technology Co., Ltd. You can feel if the fabric is very soft. Next year, the company will take the Pulu from Jiangzi to participate in the Paris Fashion Show in France."

Suo Gai ushers in new changes

This year, the No. 1 central document pointed out that we should vigorously promote the construction of digital villages. Empower rural public services with digital technology, and promote the extension of "Internet plus government services" to rural areas.

In Suogai Village, take out your phone and scan the smart house sign, which not only indicates basic information such as the property and house number, but also adds a service phone number. Villagers can solve problems accurately without going out or running away.

At the home of villager Luo Busu, pots of flowers are neatly blooming in the courtyard, and unfinished books are scattered on the study table. The children are drinking sweet tea and butter tea, enjoying leisure time with their families.

Lobsu is a retired worker and also a veteran party member. When he talked about these changes in the village, he couldn't stop talking.

"The current Suogai Village is different from before. The road surface has hardened and leads directly to the doorstep of each household. The street lights have also been installed, and everyone has improved hygiene. The cow dung wall has also become a clean and tidy wall, and the cow dung is neatly stacked on it. People and livestock are separated. There are also cooperatives in the village, and everyone has jobs, higher income, and better life..."

Suogai Village is a microcosm of Xizang's process of promoting rural revitalization. The villagers' grain income and income increased; The village is clean and tidy, with complete facilities; Rural industrial development, livable and business friendly, with green ecology as the background, effectively enhancing the ideological consciousness, political consciousness, and action consciousness of creating a national ecological civilization highland, and strengthening ecological protection.

The relevant person in charge of Jiangzi County stated that this year is a crucial year for fully implementing the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. All levels and departments in the county adhere to the priority development of agriculture and rural areas, and comprehensively promote rural revitalization with greater determination, clearer goals, and stronger measures, jointly drawing a beautiful blueprint for rural revitalization.

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