Promoting the Power of Civilization that connects ancient and modern times - Observation Expo of the 6th Silk Road (Dunhuang) International Cultural Expo | Culture | Silk Road

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 18:04 PM

Lanzhou, September 6th, Xinhua News Agency (Xinhua) - Inspiring the Power of Civilization that connects ancient and modern times - Observation of the 6th Silk Road International Cultural Expo

Xinhua News Agency reporters Song Changqing, Ma Xinran, and Zhang Wenjing

Thematic forums such as the "Second Dialogue of Friendly Organizations of Ancient Civilizations", "Forum on Inheriting the Silk Road Culture and Constructing a New Form of Civilization", cultural exhibitions such as "Silk Road Bamboo Slips and Cultural Relics Exhibition", "Dunhuang Culture Theme Exhibition", and wonderful performances such as "Meet Dunhuang", "Golden Bell Star" the Belt and Road "National Concert"... At the site of the sixth Silk Road International Cultural Expo opened on the 6th, the beauty of history and humanity, ethnic customs, and inclusiveness and openness were fully displayed.

It coincides with the 10th anniversary of China's proposal to jointly build the "the Belt and Road". Behind the Dunhuang cultural dramas are the constant bursts of Chinese cultural innovation and creativity in the new era, and more importantly, the eternal charm and style of the times shown by the Silk Road civilization that runs through the ancient and modern times and integrates the east and the west.

On September 6th, the attending guests visited the Dunhuang Cultural Theme Exhibition at the 6th Silk Road International Cultural Expo. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Ma Xiping

Using meetings as a medium to deepen cultural exchanges and mutual learning

"People walking through spread their respective cultures along the way like exotic spice seeds they brought to distant lands," said Valerie Hansen, a professor at Yale University in the United States, "the Silk Road that changed history.".

As China's comprehensive exposition with the theme of "the Belt and Road" international cultural exchange, Dunhuang ICIF is also a microcosm of East West cultural exchange and fruitful.

From Xinjiang, Gansu and other local specialties to more than 50 fine paintings of 14 countries along the "the Belt and Road", such as France, Italy, Russia, etc., the 10000 square meter "Major Play" cultural exhibition area is brilliant.

Promoting the Power of Civilization that connects ancient and modern times - Observation Expo of the 6th Silk Road (Dunhuang) International Cultural Expo | Culture | Silk Road

On the 5th, the reporter met Berkyeva Surigun Berdimeradovna, Deputy Director of the Science and Technology Department of the National Museum of Turkmenistan National Cultural Center, who was attending the conference for the first time. She and her colleagues were busy arranging the exhibition booth.

"As the guest of honor of the Cultural and Art Fair, in order to promote the culture and art of Turkmenistan, we have brought dozens of exquisite collections." Beldi Meradovna said that he also had a wish to come to Dunhuang, hoping to have a deeper understanding of Chinese culture and go back to tell his friends.

More than 1000 important guests from over 140 countries, including Chinese and foreign dignitaries, experts and scholars, have been invited to attend the exhibition, exhibiting over 10000 exhibits... Since 2016, the Dunhuang Cultural Expo has become an important window for outsiders to observe China's expansion of cultural openness to the outside world, with impressive exhibition scale, number of guests, internationalization level, and transaction results.

By 2022, China and 142 countries along the "the Belt and Road" have signed agreements or memorandums in the field of culture and tourism, and established alliances such as the Silk Road International Theater, museums, art festivals, libraries, and art galleries, forming a pattern of multiple interactions.

On September 6th, the attending guests visited the exhibition and sales activities of cultural and creative products and cultural tourism equipment at the 6th Silk Road International Cultural Expo. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Ma Xiping

Expanding Circle Development: Jointly Promoting Cooperation in the Cultural and Tourism Industry

A 100 person Singapore tour group recently entered Gansu, embarking on a journey along the Silk Road and the Hexi Corridor. Tourists say, "Walking into Dunhuang and learning about it will make you fall in love with it." In the first half of this year, Dunhuang received a total of 5.9746 million tourists, reaching 9.7915 million by the end of July.

On the 6th, at the Jiuquan Cultural and Creative Products Exhibition booth at the Cultural Expo, Wang Ying, a staff member of the Jiuquan Municipal Bureau of Culture, Sports, Radio, Television, and Tourism, said, "The blind box of Dunhuang murals, the quiet deer singing small night lamp, and the three rabbits enjoying the colorful painted fruit plate... In less than 2 hours of opening, it sold for nearly 3000 yuan, and many foreigners came to buy cultural and creative products. Last year, the sales of Dunhuang cultural and creative products reached over 40 million yuan."

Attracting about 150 well-known enterprises from both domestic and foreign countries to participate, with an expected signing capital of over 13 billion yuan, covering various aspects such as cultural and tourism health preservation, cultural and tourism complexes, cultural and tourism technology, and scenic area improvement; More than 20 domestic and foreign enterprises will go to Dunhuang, Jiayuguan, Jiuquan and other places to inspect corresponding projects and enterprises, and seek cooperation opportunities

Promoting the Power of Civilization that connects ancient and modern times - Observation Expo of the 6th Silk Road (Dunhuang) International Cultural Expo | Culture | Silk Road

During the Cultural Expo, through online broadcasting, immersive dramas, and in-depth tourism, the rich history and traditional culture of the Silk Road were revitalized, inherited, showcased, and communicated with the world through "technology+", "creativity+", and "tourism+" methods.

Industry insiders believe that with the help of international events, China will continue to deepen international cooperation in the cultural and tourism industry, which will also drive the development of related industries. The broad prospects will help promote benefits to more countries and regions along the Belt and Road.

On September 6th, the attending guests visited the 6th Silk Road International Cultural Expo. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Ma Xiping

Joining Hands towards "New": Beauty and Together Refreshing People's Hearts

As a scholar studying Dunhuang culture, 37 year old Professor Olivia Pronkina from Gansu University of Political Science and Law has participated in three sessions of the Cultural Expo.

16 years ago, Oliva watched a Chinese dance program called "Thousand Handed Guanyin" in her hometown of Penza, Russia, which marked the beginning of the Dunhuang era.

"Culture can connect different countries, religions, and ethnic groups, and the reason why our lives are rich and colorful is because of the connection between cultures," she said.

In Cambodia, the protection and restoration work of the Cambodian royal palace site is underway. This is the third phase of China's aid to the protection and restoration of cultural relics in Cambodia, following the Zhousa Temple and Chajiao Temple.

From the protection and restoration of the ancient city of Shiva in Uzbekistan to joint archaeology between China, Saudi Arabia, and Laos... new scenes of diverse and interactive cultural exchanges are emerging.

Promoting the Power of Civilization that connects ancient and modern times - Observation Expo of the 6th Silk Road (Dunhuang) International Cultural Expo | Culture | Silk Road

"The Chinese government has provided us with various scholarships and assisted in the construction of the Colombo Port City. After graduation, I want to join a Chinese company in Sri Lanka to continue promoting exchanges between the two countries," said Jeff, a Sri Lankan international student studying at Beijing Language and Culture University.

"The history of the Silk Road is a condensed world history, and it is the most dazzling stage of human civilization." The famous British historian Peter Francopan wrote in "The Silk Road".

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