Promoting the Construction of an Education Powerful Country with Stable and Long Term Development

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 18:46 PM

Focusing on the grand goal of building a strong country and rejuvenating the nation, education plays a fundamental role in consolidating the foundation and strengthening the foundation, standing on the space-time coordinate of comprehensively promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese path to modernization.

From the perspective of the overall scale and level of education, China has built the world's largest education system, and the overall level of modernization of education has entered the ranks of middle and upper countries in the world;

From the perspective of education popularization, the level of education popularization at all levels has reached or exceeded the average level of middle and high-income countries. A more open and flexible education system that serves over 1.4 billion people, is gradually improving, catering to everyone, and suitable for everyone;

From the perspective of the ability to provide high-quality education services, the population receiving higher education has exceeded 240 million, and the average number of years of education for the newly added labor force has reached 14 years, which has contributed to significant changes in the quality structure of the labor force;


A set of data records the solid steps taken by China to promote the reform and development of the education industry, and to stride from an education powerhouse to an education powerhouse.

On September 10, 2018, the National Education Conference was held.

In the past five years since the National Education Conference was held, a series of reform measures have been pushed forward in depth, and China's education has entered a new stage of high-quality development, embarking on a new journey of accelerating the construction of an education strong country.

Cultivate moral character and cultivate socialist builders and successors with comprehensive development in morality, intelligence, physical fitness, aesthetics, and labor skills

"Are you Chinese? Do you love China? Are you willing to China?"

Promoting the Party's innovative theory into textbooks, classrooms, and minds——

At the beginning of the new semester, a collective lesson preparation meeting is taking place on the campus of Renmin University of China.

Promoting the Party's innovative theory into textbooks, classrooms, and minds is an inevitable requirement for fully implementing the Party's educational policy and adhering to the socialist direction of education. It is also a key link in implementing the fundamental task of moral education.

The symposium for teachers of ideological and political theory courses in schools was held, and several opinions on deepening the reform and innovation of ideological and political theory courses in schools in the new era, as well as opinions on strengthening the construction of Marxist colleges in the new era, were issued. The quality and level of ideological and political courses have significantly improved, and the team of ideological and political course teachers has continued to grow and optimize their structure; Practical activities such as "Celebrating the Centenary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China as a Demonstration Micro Party Class", "National University Student Party History Knowledge Competition", and "Rewalking the Long March Road" have been carried out in depth, guiding students to listen to the Party's words and follow the Party to achieve tangible results.

Comprehensive construction of an education system for comprehensive cultivation of morality, intelligence, physical fitness, aesthetics, and labor skills——

Not long ago, students from Beijing Yuying School came to the student farm to pick and sweat, feeling the joy of labor.

For the past five years, labor education has been included in the overall requirements of cultivating socialist builders and successors, and schools in various regions have implemented the five education of morality, intelligence, physical fitness, aesthetics, and labor skills in the entire process of educating people.

Nowadays, labor education in primary and secondary schools has been comprehensively strengthened, and 96 national labor education experimental zones have been established in various regions; School physical education work has shown a new pattern. As of the end of 2022, 99.57% of primary and secondary schools have fully opened physical education and health courses, and the overall physical health status of students is showing an upward trend; A historic breakthrough has been made in school art education, with 99.8% of schools in the compulsory education stage offering music and art classes.

The system and mechanism of educating all staff, the entire process, and all aspects continue to be improved——

School ideological and political work should not be a single line of work, but should be comprehensive. In the past five years, the integration of ideological and political education in primary, secondary, and tertiary schools has been continuously promoted, and the "New Talent Casting Project" and "Great Ideological and Political Course" construction projects have been deeply implemented. The concept of "We must make good use of 'Great Ideological and Political Course' and combine it with reality" has deeply rooted in people's hearts.

Beijing has established practical teaching bases for "Great Ideological and Political Courses" in the Red Mansions of Peking University and the Capital Museum, making good use of red resources and continuing the red bloodline; Shanghai is promoting the reform of ideological and political education and teaching, so that various courses and ideological and political theory courses can go hand in hand, forming a synergistic effect... The reform of talent cultivation systems such as subject system, teaching system, textbook system, and management system is being deeply promoted, and the "three comprehensive education" is integrated into the entire process of school operation and teaching.

The seeds of ideals and beliefs take root and sprout in the hearts of teachers and students. "Please rest assured that the party has me as a strong country!" At the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the CPC, the youth oath on Tiananmen Square is a sonorous and powerful oath, but also the mission of a generation of young people.

Building Strong Teachers and Building a Large Scale, High Quality and Professional Teacher Team

Attending training and preparing lessons carefully... The teachers at Zhongyi Township Primary School in Shizhu Tujia Autonomous County, Chongqing are busy preparing for the new semester. In recent years, the conditions for running schools have further improved, and the protection of rural teacher benefits has continued to strengthen.

For the past 5 years, a high-quality teaching team has supported the high-quality development of education:

——The atmosphere of respecting teachers is becoming increasingly strong.

The recognition, reward, and selection publicity system represented by "People's Educators" and "Role Models of the Times", "National Education and Education Role Models", "Most Beautiful Teachers", as well as National Model Teachers, National Excellent Teachers, and National Education and Teaching Achievement Awards, are gradually improving. The ideological and political education of teachers and the construction of their professional ethics and conduct have been continuously strengthened. The Ten Guidelines for Professional Behavior of Teachers in the New Era and the Opinions on Strengthening and Improving the Construction of Teacher Ethics and Conduct in the New Era have been introduced, and the construction of teacher ethics has entered a track of institutionalization, standardization, and rule of law.

——The measures to strengthen teachers have been implemented and proven effective.

Starting from 2021, the Ministry of Education will implement the "Excellent Teacher Plan" to train around 10000 undergraduate normal students annually for primary and secondary schools in 832 poverty-stricken counties and central and western land border counties; In 2023, the National Excellent Primary and Secondary School Teacher Training Plan will be launched to support the "Double First Class" construction of universities in cultivating excellent graduate level teachers for primary and secondary schools; The "National Training Program" has been deeply promoted, and the action plan for improving the scientific literacy of primary and secondary school teachers has been launched... A new situation has been formed in the education system for teachers with Chinese characteristics.

——The policy of benefiting teachers warms people's hearts.

In the past five years, the status and benefits of teachers have been improved, and the sense of professional achievement, happiness, and honor of the majority of teachers have been further enhanced. At present, various regions have basically achieved the policy requirement that the average salary income level of compulsory education teachers should not be lower than the average salary income level of local civil servants; The housing security system, mainly consisting of public rental housing, affordable rental housing, and jointly owned property rights housing, is constantly improving, providing more security for teachers to live and work in peace and contentment; At present, 715 counties in 22 provinces in the central and western regions of China have implemented rural teacher living subsidy policies, covering approximately 73000 rural schools and benefiting approximately 1.3 million teachers.

One document after another, one policy after another, and one action by one to solidify the foundation have elevated the political, social, and professional status of teachers, turning them into the driving force for teachers to forge ahead. A large number of outstanding teachers, such as Yu Yi, Wei Xinghua, Gao Mingxuan, and Zhang Guimei, have devoted themselves to the teaching world, becoming excellent models for teachers with their determination to love education and their steadfast adherence to fame and fortune.

Nowadays, the number of full-time teachers at all levels and types in China has reached 18.8036 million. This large-scale and high-quality professional teacher team supports the world's largest education system and the Chinese nation's dream of becoming a strong education country.

Deepen reform and enhance the systematic, holistic, and collaborative nature of education reform

Yangko "Dancing with the Fan", Paper Cuttings catwalk "Recalling Thirty Li Pu", martial arts "Men should be strong"... In the performance of the report on the acceptance results of the second classroom term of Suide Experimental Middle School in Yulin City, Shaanxi Province, the smiling faces were full of vigor and vitality, which was particularly moving against the background of the five-star red flag in front of the teaching building.

New things are pushed together, and every day is born without stagnation. Reform is the fundamental driving force for the development of education.

——Fully implement the fundamental task of cultivating morality and talents, and establish a long-term mechanism to promote the physical and mental health and comprehensive development of students.

In July 2021, the General Office of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council issued the "Opinions on Further Reducing the Homework and Extracurricular Training Burden of Students in Compulsory Education", which clearly proposed to "strengthen the main role of school education, deepen the governance of extracurricular training institutions, resolutely prevent behaviors that infringe on the interests of the masses, build a good education ecosystem, effectively alleviate parental anxiety, and promote the comprehensive development and healthy growth of students.".

"There are fewer extracurricular training classes for children, lighter homework burdens, and more time spent on sleep, exercise, and practice." "Classroom teaching in schools is more efficient, homework design is more scientific, and after-school service quality is higher." The firsthand experiences of students and parents demonstrate the effectiveness of the "double reduction" policy. Effectively reducing the unnecessary burden on students and returning education to a good ecology is transforming the deep expectations of the people into reality.

In the past five years, the reform of the education system and mechanism has been continuously deepened, and multiple reform measures have been implemented successively. The public service system for urban and rural preschool education has been basically established, and the policy of exemption from exams and nearby enrollment for compulsory education and "citizen enrollment" has been fully implemented. The management system reform of school autonomy is gradually deepening... Adhering to the principle of promoting comprehensive development through the combination of the five educations has become a consensus of the whole society.

——Make good use of the educational evaluation baton, deepen the reform of the examination and enrollment system, and reverse the utilitarian trend in education.

The reform of educational evaluation is a historic and practical challenge, and also the most difficult "hard nut" to crack in the process of educational reform and development. In October 2020, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council issued the "Overall Plan for Deepening the Reform of Education Evaluation in the New Era", which was the first programmatic document on the reform of the education evaluation system in New China. As a result, the long-standing problem of evaluation systems that only rely on scores, education, diplomas, academic papers, and hats has begun to be solved.

At Jinan University, teachers are divided into different types such as teaching, research, and research, and professional and technical qualification evaluation is no longer solely measured by papers; In Hangzhou, Zhejiang, the evaluation of students' final grades is divided into academic level evaluation, performance evaluation, developmental evaluation, and formative evaluation. Rich growth records have replaced the "only score" transcript... The reform practice has fully proved that solving the problem of educational evaluation baton is a key step to comprehensively and fully stimulate the vitality of education development.

At the same time, in recent years, the comprehensive reform of the college entrance examination has also taken solid steps towards the established goals. At present, 29 provinces have launched comprehensive reforms of the college entrance examination, and the new college entrance examinations in the first three batches of 14 provinces have been smoothly implemented. Focusing on major national strategic needs, the "Strong Foundation Plan" has been launched and implemented, and a group of students with aspirations, interests, and talents in basic discipline research have stood out.

——Enhance the ability of education to serve economic and social development, and provide talent and intellectual support for the construction of an innovative country.

Faced with the rapid progress of a new round of technological and industrial revolutions, how to focus on national strategic needs, target key core issues, and accelerate technological breakthroughs? How to better integrate the development of technology as the primary productive force, the cultivation of talent as the primary resource, and the enhancement of innovation as the primary driving force? Taking reform and innovation as the driving force, enhancing the support and contribution of education to high-quality development is a necessary path.

Over the past 5 years, a set of data has witnessed the reform effectiveness of education in serving economic and social development: universities have received over 60% of the three major national science and technology awards and over 80% of the National Natural Science Foundation projects; The construction of "Double First Class" leads and drives various regions to increase their efforts in the construction of 410 local high-level universities and 1387 local advantageous characteristic disciplines; Vocational education offers over 1300 majors and over 120000 specialized points, covering various fields of the national economy

Adapting to the new development pattern and building a hard power to support the long-term development of the country, more and more innovative, composite, and applied talents are emerging, and the development of the education industry is showing vigorous vitality.

Raise the banner high and strengthen the Party's comprehensive leadership over educational work

The Xi'an Jiaotong University West Relocation Museum, with exhibits and pictures, tells the story of a magnificent history. In the 1950s, a group of diplomats responded to the call of the Party and the country to "pack their backpacks and set off" and moved from Shanghai to Xi'an.

The high and fluttering party flag is faith and direction.

——Promote the Party's leadership to the bottom, horizontally to the edges, and fully cover.

In January 2022, the General Office of the Communist Party of China Central Committee issued the "Opinions on Establishing a Principal Responsibility System under the Leadership of Party Organizations in Primary and Secondary Schools", proposing to improve the institutional mechanism for giving full play to the leadership role of Party organizations in primary and secondary schools, ensuring that Party organizations fulfill their leadership responsibilities of guiding direction, managing the overall situation, making decisions, organizing teams, leading teams, and ensuring implementation.

Primary and secondary schools in Baota District, Yan'an City, Shaanxi Province fully leverage the leadership and supervisory role of party organizations to achieve scientific, democratic, and lawful decision-making on major issues; Yizhang County in Hunan Province adheres to the deep integration of party building and business, actively explores integrated development models such as "party building+teacher ethics and style" and "party building+moral education", and solves the problem of "two skin" between party building and business

Improving the leadership system in primary and secondary schools, adhering to and improving the system of principal responsibility under the leadership of university party committees, and establishing party organizations in all private universities. Over the past five years, various regions have focused on implementing the important decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee on education, continuously improving the education leadership system of unified leadership by party committees, joint management by party and government, and each department assuming its own responsibilities. We have promoted the Party's leadership vertically to the bottom, horizontally to the edges, and fully covered, with the Party flag always flying high on the front line of education. The education field has become a strong battlefield for adhering to the Party's leadership.

Practice has proven that the leadership of the Party is the greatest political advantage in running education well, and it is the greatest confidence and source of confidence for China's stable and far-reaching education.

——Grassroots party organizations have become strong fortresses for combat.

"Where there is central work, there are Party members and Party organizations." The Party Committee of Harbin Institute of Technology firmly establishes the orientation of "all Party work to branches", and sets up more than 100 Party branches around Party member experts, major projects, advanced models, etc., building Party branches on the forefront of science and technology, on the front line of national major needs, and on the front line of young talent growth;

In the face of difficulties, Party members should take the lead in tackling them. The "Yuegong-1" Graduate Party Branch of Beihang University, established with the support of the "Yuegong-1" major scientific research project team, has created the world's longest and highest closed closed survival experiment record, continuously inspiring student Party members to serve major national strategies and write papers on the land of the motherland.

Strengthening the Party building and strengthening the foundation is the key. In recent years, the role of grassroots party organizations has been continuously played, becoming the most caring and reliable organization for teachers and students.

In order to enhance the political function of grassroots party organizations in universities, promote the deep integration of party building work and school development, since 2018, the "benchmarking and striving for excellence" construction plan for university party organizations has cultivated and created 31 demonstration university party committees, 297 benchmark departmental party organizations, and 2740 model party branches, radiating and driving the comprehensive progress and excellence of grassroots party organizations in universities across the country. The proportion of "dual leaders" among party branch secretaries of university teachers nationwide has reached 97.04%, and the proportion of "dual leaders" among party branch secretaries of university teachers directly under the Ministry of Education has reached 99.94%.

Nowadays, party organizations at all levels in 210000 universities across the country are increasingly becoming strong battlegrounds, and 5.88 million party members are striving to become advanced models for work and entrepreneurship. The cohesion and centripetal force of the education front have greatly improved, converging into a magnificent force for building an education strong country.

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China clearly proposes to build an education strong country by 2035, and to coordinate and deploy education, science and technology, and talent, sounding the horn of accelerating the construction of an education strong country.

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Multiple "85 generation" cadres have been promoted to department level, and another "85 generation" cadre has taken over! Recently, member of the Standing Committee | Yu Zhou | assumed new positions

In recent years, more and more young cadres born in the 1980s and 1990s have appeared in important positions in local party and government departments. Recently, another cadre born in 1985 was appointed as a new employee. Yu Zhou, a "post-85" cadre who was introduced by Nanping, Fujian Province, as a doctor of Peking University eight years ago, has gone to Mount Wuyi to take office. According to the news of "Mount Wuyi News" on the WeChat official account, on June 1, a meeting of Mount Wuyi City's leading cadres was held, announcing that the Fujian Provincial Party Committee and Nanping Municipal Party Committee had decided that Yang Qingjian would serve as a member of the Standing Committee of Nanping Municipal Party Committee and continue to serve concurrently as the Secretary of Mount Wuyi Municipal Party Committee; Yu Zhou is a member, standing member and deputy secretary of Mount Wuyi Municipal Party Committee. The official website of Mount Wuyi Municipal Government has been updated recently, and Yu Zhou's resume appears in the column of "Municipal Government Leaders". According to public information, Yu Zhou, male, Han ethnicity, born in May 1987 in Luoshan, Henan Province, is a member of the Communist Party of China and a graduate student

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