Open cooperation, innovation and sharing

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 18:01 PM

Visitors learn about bamboo products at the International Bamboo and Vine Organization exhibition hall.

Photo by our reporter Wang Di

The staff demonstrated a virtual reality sports training system.

Photo by reporter Li Xinyi from our newspaper

Visitors experience simulated driving.

Photo by our reporter Rong Yi

Exhibiting guests are in discussions and exchanges.

Photo by our reporter Zhang Mengxu

Iranian specialty product exhibition booth.

Open cooperation, innovation and sharing

Photo by our reporter Zhang Yuannan

Exhibition area of the National Convention Center of the Fair for Trade in Services.

Photo by reporter Ren Yan from this newspaper

On September 6th, 2023, the China International Fair for Trade in Services concluded. Low carbon lifestyle, digital technology, smart tourism... New technologies and applications from participating companies from various countries were showcased brilliantly. The Service Trade Fair has achieved more than 1100 achievements, with an internationalization rate of over 20% for offline exhibitors, and the "circle of friends" has further expanded. China shares the development opportunities of service trade with all parties, makes new contributions to enhancing global trade exchanges, and injects new momentum into promoting world economic recovery.


"This year's Service Trade Fair is very popular"

Our reporter Huan Xiang

Vivid oil paintings showcase African charm, uniquely crafted handicrafts embody ingenuity, boxed shea butter piles up in a pyramid shape, and staff dressed in colorful ethnic costumes enthusiastically communicate with guests... The Kana booth located in the cultural and tourism service exhibition area of the Shougang Park of the Service Trade Fair is quite eye-catching.

The front of the booth was crowded with visitors, and the booth manager Ebenso stood in the corridor outside the booth to communicate with everyone. "This year's Service Trade Fair is very popular!" Eben told reporters, "We have brought many cultural, artistic, and creative exhibits from Ghana, hoping to bring a unique cultural experience to Chinese audiences. Our black soap and cocoa oil skincare products are all pure natural and sell very well, which gives us more motivation to further explore the Chinese market."

Open cooperation, innovation and sharing

This is Aben's second time participating in the Service Trade Fair. "The China International Fair for Trade in Services (CIFTIS) has built a platform for us to expand our market and provide opportunities for win-win cooperation among all parties." Aiben said that at last year's CIFTIS, their company successfully signed an agency agreement with a company in Shaanxi, taking an important step in localized operations. "At this year's Fair for Trade in Services, more and more foreign merchants participated. I can intuitively feel the willingness and enthusiasm of foreign enterprises to strengthen cooperation with China, which fully proves that the Chinese market is full of vitality."

For next year's Service Trade Fair, Aiben has made plans: "We will bring higher quality products, organize more distinctive interactive activities, and welcome greater development opportunities!"

"Harvest orders and make friends"

Our reporter Zhang Yuannan

"This cashmere scarf is particularly suitable for you, handmade and from my hometown Pakistan." In the cultural and tourism service exhibition area of the Shougang Park of the Service Trade Fair, the booth of Pakistani businessman Lu Xiaolong was crowded in front of the booth. He warmly greeted the customers in fluent Chinese.

"Every time I come to the Service Trade Fair, I have gained new things. On the first day of this year's opening, I sold over 60000 yuan of products. During the exhibition, many customers from different countries came to my booth to inquire and purchase goods." Lu Xiaolong is already participating in the Service Trade Fair for the third time, and he said, "I know that the booth is very scarce, so I cherish this opportunity. Here, we not only receive orders but also make friends."

In Lu Xiaolong's view, the Fair for Trade in Services places great emphasis on open cooperation and has become an important platform for promoting Pakistani specialty products and showcasing Pakistani culture. "Some carpets are crafted by craftsmen over a period of one or two years and are very exquisite, loved by many Chinese consumers."

"Now we have opened more than 10 stores in China and collaborated with over 3000 local craftsmen in Pakistan, which was unimaginable in the past." Lu Xiaolong said that due to the huge market demand in China, the once endangered wool hand weaving technique is attracting more and more young Pakistani people to learn and inherit. "From the joint construction of the 'the Belt and Road' initiative to the Expo and the Service Trade Fair, China's open platform has brought valuable business opportunities," Lu Xiaolong said excitedly.

"Replacing Plastic with Bamboo" Leading Low Carbon Life

Open cooperation, innovation and sharing

Reporter Wang Di from this newspaper

Walking into the exhibition hall of the International Bamboo and Rattan Organization, a fresh and natural wind blows in one's face, including bamboo bicycles, bamboo soccer balls, bamboo tableware, and bamboo electronic scales. The design of products such as bamboo keyboards and bamboo mice is innovative, and visitors can't help but tap the keyboard and try the feel. In the middle of the exhibition hall, there is a bamboo Mobius ring art installation, representing the meaning of green circulation, which is in line with the "zero carbon service trade" initiative of this year's Service Trade Fair.

The headquarters of the International Bamboo and Vine Organization is located in China. This year marks the third consecutive year that the organization has participated in the Service Trade Fair, and the exhibition hall area has been increasing year by year. "Replacing plastic with bamboo, reducing plastic and carbon emissions" is the exhibition theme of the International Bamboo and Vine Organization this year. In the past few days, the exhibition hall has been bustling with people and promotional materials have been emptied. The official live broadcast of the Service Trade Fair attracted nearly 10000 viewers in less than an hour.

"More and more people are paying attention to, understanding, and liking bamboo and rattan products, which is the most important gain for us to participate in the Fair for Trade in Services." Lu Wenming, Deputy Director General of the International Bamboo and rattan Organization, exclaimed, "Many attendees have shown strong purchasing enthusiasm, fully demonstrating the broad application prospects and consumption potential of bamboo and rattan products leading the new trend of low-carbon life, and further strengthening our confidence in promoting the 'bamboo for plastic' initiative."

"The China International Fair for Trade in Services (CIFTIS) is a great platform for disseminating knowledge, helping to enhance the international community's understanding of the value of bamboo and rattan, and attracting more enterprises and research institutions to join the bamboo and rattan industry." Lu Wenming said that bamboo and rattan products are widely popular at the CIFTIS, reflecting the growing popularity of green and low-carbon concepts in people's hearts.

Empowering Smart Tourism with Digital Technology

Our reporter Qiang Wei

Applying for an electronic visa, booking international flights and hotels on travel websites, searching for travel guides on social media, and using attraction mini programs to purchase tickets and obtain guide information online... The World Tourism City Development Report shows that compared to 2021, the "intelligence" of tourism in most global tourist cities has significantly improved in 2022.

At this year's Service Trade Fair, the World Tourism Cities Federation and the Beijing Municipal Government jointly held the 2023 World Tourism Cooperation and Development Conference, inviting guests from 30 countries and regions to discuss innovative development in the tourism industry. The World Tourism City Development Report released by the conference pointed out that with the advancement of technology and the empowerment of digitalization in the tourism industry, "smart tourism" is developing rapidly.

Open cooperation, innovation and sharing

"The development of the tourism industry cannot be separated from data," said the Mayor of Seville, Spain, Sanz. "We have established a Smart Tourism Office, committed to building smarter and more sustainable cities while developing the tourism industry."

UN World Tourism Organization official Lorena Villar said that building a global tourism database can help cities carry out data management, further showcase the characteristics of tourist cities, and promote the development of the global tourism industry.

Yin Yong, Mayor of Beijing and Chairman of the Council of the World Tourism Cities Federation, said, "Currently, the world tourism industry is at a strategic turning point from market recovery to high-quality development. We need to work together, seize the opportunity, accelerate the upgrading of the tourism industry, and achieve sustained recovery and prosperous development."

Showcasing the latest achievements to the world

Reporter Li Xinyi from this newspaper

Intelligent adjustment of insulin titration based on the patient's blood glucose curve, making blood glucose management more precise; Urge patients to monitor and record their blood sugar on time through the application program... At this trade fair, Sanofi Group, a French pharmaceutical enterprise, demonstrated the latest research and development results of support projects for patients with type 2 diabetes.

This project was jointly developed by Sanofi and the China Medical and Health Development Foundation, and the related achievements have been promoted and used in over 150 hospitals in China. By relying on the software designed for the project, patients can always grasp their disease control situation, and doctors can also view patient health data in real-time in the background, providing online diagnosis and treatment, medication adjustments, and follow-up reminders to patients.

"As the largest comprehensive exhibition in the global service trade field, the Fair not only serves as a platform for global enterprises to strengthen communication and cooperation, but also sends a signal of China's openness, inclusiveness, and win-win situation to the world. With this platform, Sanofi can showcase the latest achievements to global consumers," said Zhu Hailuan, Vice President of Sanofi Greater China.

Currently, China is Sanofi's second largest global market and one of the most important strategic markets. Zhu Hailuan stated that the Chinese market is the key engine driving Sanofi's future growth. "We hope to help achieve the 'Healthy China 2030' goal through innovative solutions and cooperation results, and provide more comprehensive and high-quality health services for Chinese consumers."

Open cooperation, innovation and sharing

Advanced technology enriches user experience

Our reporter Liu Ge

By utilizing artificial intelligence engines to accelerate inference, all information collection, including fingers, actions, and even facial expressions, can be completed on a single mobile phone, and users' actions and expressions can enter the metaverse in real-time.

During this year's Fair for Trade in Services, Qualcomm presented the world's first generative artificial intelligence large model terminal side demonstration that can fully run on smartphones at its booth. It can perform up to 20 steps of reasoning and create corresponding images based on user described needs.

Qualcomm has participated in the Service Trade Fair for four consecutive years, and this year, with more interactive and experiential on-site displays and demonstrations, it vividly presents the innovative cooperation achievements with Chinese partners in cutting-edge technology fields such as 5G, big language models, and virtual reality.

At last year's Service Trade Fair, Qualcomm, Zhonghe Group, and China Mobile collaborated to showcase a 5G boundaryless augmented reality gaming experience solution. This year, the tripartite cooperation has once again achieved new results, achieving a metaverse application experience based on the integration of 5G existing networks in the network industry.

"China continues to promote high-level opening-up to the outside world. We attach great importance to the Fair for Trade in Services as an important platform for showcasing innovation, sharing experiences, and promoting cooperation." Qualcomm's Chairman in China, Meng Pu, said, "The continuous participation and participation in the past four years reflects Qualcomm's commitment to innovation and cooperation, and also shows our confidence in the development prospects of the Chinese market."

Multiple "85 generation" cadres have been promoted to department level, and another "85 generation" cadre has taken over! Recently, member of the Standing Committee | Yu Zhou | assumed new positions
Multiple "85 generation" cadres have been promoted to department level, and another "85 generation" cadre has taken over! Recently, member of the Standing Committee | Yu Zhou | assumed new positions

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Jing Jianfeng stated that 32 years have passed since the Cold War, and the United States has not only failed to eliminate remnants of the Cold War such as the "Five Eyes Alliance" and bilateral military alliances, but has also concocted a "quadrilateral mechanism" and trilateral security partners, dividing camps and provoking confrontation based on ideology. The United States disregards regional stability for its own selfish interests