On the day when I approached the fishermen's guardians without listening to crying, I would rather listen to cursing

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 20:31 PM

Affected by the residual cloud system and monsoon around the typhoon "Haikui", in the early morning of September 8, many places in Guangdong issued a red warning for rainstorm, and the relevant departments in various places acted quickly to reduce the impact on the production and life of the masses. From wind and flood prevention, grassroots party members and cadres are fighting on the front line. In Raoping County, there is a team of over 800 grid workers who have been fighting for more than half a month to prevent wind and flood, safeguarding the safety of fishermen in one area. 24 hours, today's close-up, let's take a look at the busy day of grid worker Xu Shuo in Zhelin Town, Raoping County, Chaozhou City, before and after Typhoon "Haikui" hit.

Xu Shuo, member of the Party Committee and grid worker of Zhelin Town, Raoping County: Below is the sea. Two consecutive typhoons are astronomical tides with relatively high tide levels. Coupled with heavy rainfall, it may cause our embankments to collapse, which is quite dangerous.

This is the second inspection of the night by Xu Shuo, a cadre of the Zhelin Town Committee in Raoping County. Zhelin Town is a fishing port located at the border of Guangdong and Fujian. The continuous attacks of typhoons "Sula" and "Haikui" have had a significant impact on Zhelin Town.

On the day when I approached the fishermen's guardians without listening to crying, I would rather listen to cursing

Xu Shuo, member of the Party Committee and grid worker of Zhelin Town, Raoping County: The precipitation is a bit heavy, and it may have been soaked. The soil has become loose, so please report to the Water Bureau first. Because the typhoon is still affecting, we cannot take any action during this period, fearing that it may cause danger.

Xu Shuo is a cadre of the Party Committee of Zhelin Town and also a grid worker. He is responsible for geological disasters, flood control, and the safety of fishermen and fishing boats during typhoons and flood seasons. For two consecutive typhoons, Xu Shuo has not returned home for half a month. The focus of the inspection that night was on the fishing port dock.

Xu Shuo, member of the Party Committee of Zhelin Town, Raoping County, grid worker: All 532 town managed fishing boats in our town are assigned to our grid workers. Each person hooks several boats, and every day we need to check where they are located and if there are any difficulties that need to be solved.

On the day when I approached the fishermen's guardians without listening to crying, I would rather listen to cursing

On this day, Xu Shuo patrolled important embankments, docks, and village entrances back and forth, almost soaking in the rain. Even wearing a raincoat, he couldn't stop the rain from pouring into his neck. He said that all colleagues are the same, and every year during typhoons and flood seasons, they are stationed at the emergency center of the town government and prepared for the situation.

Xu Shuo, member of the Party Committee of Zhelin Town, Raoping County, and grid worker: All of us must be on duty, and it will last for a period of time without seeing any family members, even though we live relatively close. Living in the county town like me, it's about 20 kilometers away and I haven't seen any children for two weeks. Every grassroots civil servant in coastal towns is in this state, including village level officials, who are within reach and cannot return home. They live in the village, but they can't go home either.

Xu Shuo, member of the Party Committee and grid worker of Zhelin Town, Raoping County: These are the clothes that got wet today. Four sets of clothes have already been wet today. I really want to wash clothes but there is no place to hang them. My colleague has been living here for several days now.

On the day when I approached the fishermen's guardians without listening to crying, I would rather listen to cursing

Early in the morning, Xu Shuo, who had only rested for less than three hours, was already patrolling the dock before the typhoon made landfall, and as soon as he arrived, he noticed that fishermen were preparing to go out to sea.

Xu Shuo, member of the Party Committee and grid worker of Zhelin Town, Raoping County: Currently, the wind is already very weak, but we cannot foresee some events, such as a sudden strong gust of wind. If you are in the open sea, it is like a typhoon where the water flows rapidly. If you are on the sea and the ship's engine malfunctions, the ship will drift away with the current and drift further away.

Finally persuading a fisherman to return to the shore, a fishing boat on the other side of the dock is also departing from the safe harbor and heading towards the sea. Xu Shuo became anxious and jumped onto the speedboat to chase the fishing boat.

On the day when I approached the fishermen's guardians without listening to crying, I would rather listen to cursing

As the "Sea Anemone" center moved further away, the wind and rain in Zhelin Town temporarily eased. Xu Shuo, who had been busy all morning, finally had a hot breakfast with his colleagues. Two consecutive typhoons have exhausted the grid workers, but no one has shouted for exhaustion. However, sometimes the fishermen's lack of understanding makes them feel somewhat uncomfortable.

Xu Shuo, member of the Party Committee and grid worker of Zhelin Town, Raoping County: Especially when someone like him got caught in the rain and had a fever and cold, he still had no choice but to come down after 7 pm when he received a call today.

Zhelin Town Fishing Port has over 13000 fishing rafts, which are all the belongings of fishermen. Although the typhoon warning has been lifted, the power of "sea anemones" is still there. For grassroots cadre Xu Shuo, he dare not relax for a moment and continues to go out to sea to inspect the safety of fishing rafts in the face of wind and rain.

On the day when I approached the fishermen's guardians without listening to crying, I would rather listen to cursing

Xu Shuo, member of the Party Committee of Zhelin Town, Raoping County, and grid worker: Every time a typhoon strikes, the most frequently mentioned phrase by leaders from the province, including our town, is that they would rather listen to cursing than crying. We grassroots party members and cadres must be at the forefront and play a leading role. No matter how hard it is, we must persist. The safety of the people's lives is the most important responsibility on our shoulders.

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