Old IP brands are returning in droves, followed by "Fengshen" and "Honglou"

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 20:31 PM

This summer, the movie "Fengshen First Part" attracted a group of "tap water". It is based on the Ming Dynasty novel "Fengshen Yanyi" and the Song and Yuan Dynasty vernacular "King Wu's Conquest of Zhou and Pinghua", and Ji Fa's growth experience becomes the clue that connects the entire story.


This is not the first time that the story of "Fengshen Yanyi" has been adapted. The TV drama "Fengshen Bang" was once popular throughout the country and is still an unforgettable childhood memory for many people today.

As the summer season draws to a close, a trailer for the movie version of "Dream of the Red Chamber" has ignited the audience's curiosity, with both anticipation and debate. For example, whether casting is appropriate, whether Fu Huadao can restore the original work, and so on.

Speaking of which, it's not just the first installment of "Fengshen" that people are familiar with. The four famous works have actually undergone multiple adaptations and remakes. Why target classic works in film and television adaptations?

A rich mine adapted from an IP

The preference for classic works in film and television adaptations has actually been revealed for a long time.

Taking "Journey to the West" as an example, starting from "Princess Iron Fan" in 1941, there have been numerous films and TV dramas related to "Journey to the West" that have been released or broadcasted. In recent years, there have also been well received animated films such as "Journey to the West: The Return of the Great Sage".

Old IP brands are returning in droves, followed by "Fengshen" and "Honglou"


The same goes for Romance of the Three Kingdoms. The 94th edition of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is a very successful TV drama, which not only popularized a group of actors, but also the soundtrack in the drama. Even now, many viewers can easily hum a segment.

This phenomenon is not surprising. Classic works often go through the sedimentation of time, with distinct personalities and rich content. Simply picking out a protagonist or a story leaves enough room for imagination for later creators.

On the other hand, many classical masterpieces and mythological legends have a wide audience and have accumulated a considerable fan base. As long as you don't make too outrageous changes, audiences will buy it to some extent, making it easier to break even in film and television dramas.

In short, they are IP "rich mines" that can provide a continuous source of nutrients for film and television adaptations. They can be filmed like gourds or drawn from them, and it is natural for them to be favored.

Some are constantly receiving positive reviews, while others are difficult to articulate

However, the adaptation of classic IP into film and television works presents both opportunities and risks. There are quite a few good shots, and there are also many who have stepped on lightning.

Previously, there were 87 versions of "Dream of the Red Chamber" and 86 versions of "Journey to the West" with good reviews. The plot was smooth, the rhythm was compact, the lines were catchy, and the original work was respected but not confined to it. Today, it is still a "white moonlight" in the hearts of many viewers.

Old IP brands are returning in droves, followed by "Fengshen" and "Honglou"


In 2019, "Nezha's Demon Child Descends" attracted a wave of fans after its release. It does not repeat the myths and legends that people remember, but takes a different approach and tells a story that twists fate and breaks prejudices, which is highly recognized by the audience.

The first installment of Fengshen also has a significant adaptation of the original work, with Ji Fa as the core protagonist. At first, he admired King Yin Shou of the Shang Dynasty. After experiencing various impacts such as the tragic death of his elder brother Boyi Kao and the pursuit of his friend Yin Jiao, he was able to distinguish between good and evil and resolutely returned to Xiqi.

Ji Fa, Yin Jiao, and others all have a relatively complete growth curve, and their behavioral logic is not abrupt. For example, Ji Fa's change in attitude towards Yin Shou from admiration to disgust can be reasonably explained in the film. The audience is more receptive to such adaptations.

As mentioned earlier, some adaptations have gone through time accumulation and market testing before finally being accepted by everyone, while others are not. Some movies and TV dramas claim to be classic IPs, but their effects are indescribable.

The new TV series Journey to the West has sparked a lot of controversy, such as the overly modern lines and Sun Wukong's resemblance to Voldemort. As for the new TV series "Dream of the Red Chamber", the appearance of the "copper coin head" and the acting skills of some actors have been criticized to this day.

That is to say, if the story is told reliably and the production is relatively excellent, these adapted film and television dramas generally have a good reputation. If there is no sincerity and the filming goes unnoticed, even if it can gain temporary attention through the topic, the final episode will inevitably be rejected.

How can we find emotional resonance?

Old IP brands are returning in droves, followed by "Fengshen" and "Honglou"

It is understandable that film and television dramas draw inspiration from classic works or mythological legends, but attention should be paid to the degree and direction of adaptation.

In the 1980s and 1990s, TV dramas adapted from the four ancient Chinese classics had a huge impact. For example, the character tone and story direction of the 94 version of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" generally conform to the original work, shaping classic film and television images such as Zhuge Liang and Guan Yu.

Some film and television dramas, originating from classics but distinct from them, reshape characters and find emotional resonance with current audiences. "Nezha's Demon Child Descends" is like this, Nezha is the reincarnation of the magic pill, and also a child who breaks prejudice and seeks self.

Completely copying the original work does not necessarily lead to good film and television works. When it comes to adaptation, director Jiaozi once said that as long as it can serve contemporary audiences and conform to the spirit of the times, it should be a good adaptation.

From the perspective of the audience, what they dislike is not the adaptation, but the meaningless "fabrication". They are most afraid that a single operation will dissolve the logical structure of the original work, and then the new story will not be told well, resulting in a dense plot slot and making it impossible to continue watching.

There are many factors that contribute to the success of a film and television work, including acting skills, plot, and so on. On the basis of respecting classics, film and television works need to be innovative, but they cannot create gimmicks to attract attention. Whether their quality is up to standard ultimately depends on the audience and time.

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