Netizen: Suggest removing it!, Teach children to cry, make noise, and hang themselves? This animated short film was roast by parents

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 20:28 PM

Recently, a web animated short film called "Magic Princess Snow White" has caused strong dissatisfaction among many parents. A Jiangxi parent angrily roast that the "cartoon" taught children to "cry, make trouble, and hang themselves", which led to children's moral kidnapping, threatening parents, and lying

Being called a "bad mother" by children, parents angrily say: it's all their fault!

The parent stated that after watching the animated short film "Magic Princess Snow White" for a month, their child often imitated the plot of the animation, calling her "bad mother" and threatening their parents with words like "if you don't buy me a toy, I will..." in order to achieve the goal of buying toys. Angry mommy calls, "I hope this animation is taken down!"

Netizen: Suggest removing it!, Teach children to cry, make noise, and hang themselves? This animated short film was roast by parents

The mother's voice has gained a lot of recognition from parents online, and they have expressed that "there is really a problem with this animation!" Some netizens said that their children are also affected and often cry and make a scene. Some curious netizens, after watching the animated segment, also exclaimed "destroying the Three Views" and expressed "this time I am standing as a parent"

"The animation 'White Snow Belle' has a lot of crying and crying scenes, and deliberately exaggerates family conflicts in the plot, which has a great impact on children's personalities! Ms. Wang from Chaoyang, Beijing, told the Legal Research Institute that her child suddenly liked to talk about 'Mom's favoritism' and 'Mom doesn't love me' for a period of time.". Even if it's just giving two children toys of different colors, younger children will get angry and cry, calling them "bad mothers" and saying "Mom doesn't love me" one by one. Ms. Wang, who was at a loss, could only comfort and explain over and over again.

Until one day, while her youngest daughter was watching an animation on her tablet, Ms. Wang, who was tidying up household chores, suddenly heard a sharp cry from the animation - "Mom, you're biased!" Shocked, Ms. Wang realized that her daughter's transformation was likely due to the influence of the animation.

Netizen: Suggest removing it!, Teach children to cry, make noise, and hang themselves? This animated short film was roast by parents

"Because my child is young, I would choose some puzzle animations for them to watch. I don't know how this animated short video was seen and liked by the child." Ms. Wang checked the playback records of the video software and asked the child before determining that the child should have accidentally stumbled upon the 'White Snow Belle' animation after watching a normal animation. Afterwards, she often clicked on it in the playback records to continue watching. Ms. Wang, who was filled with regret, exclaimed, "It's really impossible to prevent it!"

Highlighting crying and exaggerated plot... Some animated short videos exaggerate children's shortcomings

It is understood that the anime "Magic Princess Snow White Belle" reported by parents is a short online animation video featuring animated characters resembling "Snow White" and "Belle Princess", accompanied by exaggerated lines, actions, and plot. This animation has hundreds of episodes, but each episode is relatively short, typically lasting around 3 to 5 minutes.

Netizen: Suggest removing it!, Teach children to cry, make noise, and hang themselves? This animated short film was roast by parents

Perhaps due to receiving a large number of complaints recently, parents have pointed out that several video platforms that have launched the animation have taken down the relevant content. However, after careful searching, some "missing fish" can still be found on the platforms. It is worth noting that in addition to the animation reported by parents, there are also some animation short videos suspected of having similar issues on several larger video platforms.

After watching these videos, the Research Institute of Rule of Law Network found that these animated videos are generally poorly made, with exaggerated plots and a large number of children crying lines and actions. The image of parents in the video often presents a sharp and sarcastic attitude with extremely bad temper, and there are many scenes of getting angry and yelling at children. In addition, the animation content also includes many values that need to be discussed, such as the social hierarchy, consumption, and friendship concepts of the adult world.

Regarding the above-mentioned animated short videos, lawyer Dong Yuanyuan, a member of the legal expert database of the Rule of Law Daily and senior partner of Beijing Tianchi Juntai Law Firm, pointed out that for young children, watching animations is one of the important ways for them to understand the world and learn life skills. If animated videos contain a lot of content with "improper values" in the plot setting, it may indeed affect the physical and mental health development of children, have a negative impact on their outlook on life and values, and may even lead to inappropriate imitation of animated characters by children. In severe cases, it may even lead to family tragedies. Therefore, it is very important to monitor the content of animated videos that children are exposed to.

Netizen: Suggest removing it!, Teach children to cry, make noise, and hang themselves? This animated short film was roast by parents

Implying the plot of the induced download software into the animation, causing children to unintentionally recharge multiple times

The Rule of Law Network Research Institute has also noticed that some animations incorporate plot elements that encourage children to download games or other software, inducing them to do so. After downloading, some children were confused and clicked to pay or recharge, completing the payment through their parents' mobile phones, tablets, and other devices.

A few months ago, Ms. Liu from Shanghai noticed her child watching animated videos with inappropriate guidance because she suddenly received several fee deduction messages on her phone. Ms. Liu told the Rule of Law Network Research Institute that the loophole exploited by these online short video animations is that parents do not accompany their children to watch the animations.

Netizen: Suggest removing it!, Teach children to cry, make noise, and hang themselves? This animated short film was roast by parents

"Children are young and unable to understand the complete plot of the animation. Watching these quarreling and jealous scenes for a long time can easily affect their personality. As a parent, I completely cannot understand the educational significance of this animation..." Ms. Liu said. Ms. Liu lamented that in the context of mobile payment being so convenient, parents need to be careful not to let their children remember the payment password when their children are guided to download software and pay for it.

Lawyer Dong stated that according to laws and regulations such as the Law on the Protection of Minors and the Cybersecurity Law, the state encourages and supports the creation and dissemination of online content that is conducive to the healthy growth of minors. At the same time, it is necessary to punish activities that use the internet to harm the physical and mental health of minors in accordance with the law, and provide a safe and healthy online environment for minors. "In cases where children lack judgment, exposing them to inappropriate video content, inducing them to download software or games that are not suitable for their age group, and even causing financial losses to parents, such 'loopholes' videos should be discovered and dealt with in a timely manner." Lawyer Dong said.

Expert suggestion: For content related to young children, the platform should improve the dynamic feedback mechanism for content

Netizen: Suggest removing it!, Teach children to cry, make noise, and hang themselves? This animated short film was roast by parents

Liu Xiaochun, Executive Director of the Internet Rule of Law Research Center of the University of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, told the Institute of Rule of Law that, according to the provisions on ecological governance of network information content, in general, if video content constitutes prohibited content and undesirable content, the platform has the obligation to conduct corresponding content control. For content that is found to have serious value orientation issues and is likely to cause harm to children, the platform has the responsibility to block its continued spread through methods such as delisting.

However, at the same time, regarding the measure of removing harmful content from the platform, Liu Xiaochun added, "This requires the establishment of a corresponding recognition mechanism, which cannot be generalized. It is not appropriate to say that once parents or netizens complain, the platform will remove the content." Liu Xiaochun pointed out that the platform should establish a dynamic feedback mechanism for the content. For example, when there are many reported and complained about content, especially content related to young children, content review should be further strengthened, and whether to remove it should be further determined through manual review or technical tool review. For videos that have significant controversies but have not been identified as bad content, dynamic governance can also be implemented by adding prompts, controlling traffic distribution, and other methods. These are effective measures that can be taken within the scope of the platform's own content governance rules.

Lawyer Dong reminds that for young children, it is best for parents to accompany them to watch animations. If the child cannot understand or misunderstands the content, parents can provide timely guidance. If it is indeed impossible to accompany children to watch, parents can first understand the plot of the animation in advance, screen the quality of the animation, and select some animations that can cultivate children's good living habits and excellent character.

Netizen: Suggest removing it!, Teach children to cry, make noise, and hang themselves? This animated short film was roast by parents

"In today's era where online information is within reach, parents don't have to be too nervous about their children watching animations. With age and knowledge, children will gradually mature. As parents, the most important thing is to provide education and guidance in this process, giving children the ability to distinguish right from wrong." Liu Xiaochun said.

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