Mourning the hero! Family Heartbreak: 68 Days Old Daughter Has Not Seen Dad's Face Clearly

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 20:16 PM

Affected by typhoon "Haikui", Yongtai County in Fujian Province experienced the strongest rainfall since 1960 on September 5th. In the early morning of that day, 8 firefighters from Yongtai County Fire Rescue Brigade and 9 people led by Ke Jiayong, the director of Tangqian Police Station, rushed to the scene to rescue the trapped people. Unexpectedly, a flash flood broke out, and 9 rescue workers and their firefighting vehicles were washed away by the flood. In the end, six firefighters were rescued, and firefighters Chen Zuyan, Hu Xudong, and the director of Tangqian Police Station, Ke Jiayong, unfortunately sacrificed their lives heroically.

Fuzhou Public Security official account sends a message of condolences

In recent days, local residents and a large number of netizens have expressed condolences for the departure of the three heroes.

Netizens mourn one after another

He is about to be transferred to a new position after nearly 20 years as a police officer

On the morning of September 7th, in Geling Town, Yongtai County, Mr. Hu, the uncle of Ke Jiayong, couldn't conceal his grief and was preparing to go to the county town to comfort Ke Jiayong's parents.

Mourning the hero! Family Heartbreak: 68 Days Old Daughter Has Not Seen Dad's Face Clearly

Mr. Hu, who is 75 years old, is not only Ke Jiayong's uncle, but also his high school principal during his student days. The relationship between the two is very good. Mr. Hu is now a retired teacher who lives only a few tens of meters away from the house of Ke Jiayong's parents in the market town of Geling Town. The relationship between the two families is very good.

Mr. Hu introduced that Ke Jiayong is 43 years old and has a six-year-old daughter from Dongxing Village in Geling Town. Ke Jiayong's father was an elementary school teacher before retirement, and his mother worked at a local credit union before retirement. He was the only son in the family. Ke Jiayong grew up in the market town of Geling Town. After completing primary and junior high school in the town, he entered Yongtai County No.1 Middle School to attend high school. After graduating from high school, Ke Jiayong was admitted to a police academy in Fujian Province. After graduating from the police academy, he became a police officer in Yongtai County. In the nearly 20 years of his career as a police officer, Ke Jiayong has received training in multiple positions, including serving as a criminal police officer, economic investigation police officer, and police station director in rural police stations and county public security bureaus. "He had already received a transfer order and was about to take up his new position soon, but he didn't expect such a thing to happen," said Mr. Hu sorrowfully.

Mr. Hu said that Ke Jiayong has an easy-going and generous personality, is willing to help others, has strong work ability, takes work seriously and is responsible, and takes the lead in his work. He is highly praised by everyone.

On the morning of September 5th, Mr. Hu saw on the news that a local rescue fire truck was in danger while carrying out rescue missions, and there were reports of firefighters and police officers being washed away by floods. Thinking that Ke Jiayong was serving as the director of the Tangqian Police Station where the incident occurred, he was somewhat worried and immediately dialed Ke Jiayong's phone number, but the phone could not be connected. He immediately ran from home to the nearby Geling Police Station and asked the police there to inquire about the situation. He learned that Ke Jiayong had called the police in the early morning of the 5th. He then contacted a police officer from the Tangqian Police Station to confirm the news of Ke Jiayong's deployment. At this moment, Grandpa Hu felt very worried and suspected that the missing police officer was Ke Jiayong. He quickly contacted Ke Jiayong's parents who lived in the county to learn about the situation, but they knew very little about it.

Sacrificial police officer Ke Jiayong

Mr. Hu then called Ke Jiayong, an uncle who works in another city, to inform him of the relevant situation. This uncle immediately rushed back to Geling from out of town. Throughout the day, Grandpa Hu and his relatives were in a state of tension and anxiety, constantly contacting local parties to inquire about the news of Ke Jiayong.

Mourning the hero! Family Heartbreak: 68 Days Old Daughter Has Not Seen Dad's Face Clearly

On the afternoon of September 5th, as news came that two missing firefighters had been found and confirmed to have sacrificed themselves, Ke Jiayong still had no news. The mood of the family members has become increasingly heavy. After everyone had a sleepless night, on the noon of the 6th, Ke Jiayong's parents and relatives received a heartbreaking news: Ke Jiayong's body was found in the Lianjiang water area several tens of kilometers downstream of the incident site.

Mr. Hu said that after the incident, Ke Jiayong's parents were very sad, and his mother kept crying.

On the morning of September 7th, Mr. Li, a villager from Dongxing Village in Geling Town, introduced that his home is very close to the Ke family's old house, and he is several years older than Ke Jiayong. Ke Jiayong's parents both work in Geling Town, and their family moved to the market town of Geling Town very early. Some of Ke Jiayong's cousins still live in the village. After Ke Jiayong's accident, his relatives went to the funeral home.

"He often came back when he was a child, but he came back less often after work. He would come back every year and holiday. He was very kind and would greet him every time he came back from a long distance. Sometimes he would also come to my house to sit down." Mr. Li said, "Ke Jiayong has a straightforward personality, and his villagers have a good impression of him.". Upon hearing the news of his heroic sacrifice, the villagers felt very sad and regretful.

After the news of Ke Jiayong's sacrifice came out, a netizen who had worked in the local area said, "I met Ke Jiayong while working in Yongtai in 2020. He has a slightly hoarse voice, is tall and strong, works with determination, and treats people warmly."

A staff member from a local clinic in Yongtai wrote in the comment section of a news report, "Director Ke Jiayong's voice and smile are still from yesterday! Director Ke is generous and enthusiastic, helping people in need, driving them to see a doctor, and paying fees. These things are vividly remembered! Remembering the hero! Saluting the hero!"

Mourning the hero! Family Heartbreak: 68 Days Old Daughter Has Not Seen Dad's Face Clearly

The youngest daughter of 68 days hasn't seen her father's face clearly yet

On the afternoon of September 7th, in Mayang Community, Yongtai County, at the doorstep of the deceased firefighter Chen Zuyan, Chen Zuyan's brother Chen Bizhi and cousin relatives gathered here to silently comfort Chen Zuyan's wife and parents in grief.

Chen Bizhi introduced that their hometown is in the rural area of Songkou Town, Yongtai County. Over 20 years ago, their parents moved from the countryside to the county town. Chen Zuyan, the younger brother born in September 1992, also transferred from the countryside to a primary school in the county town for education. Later, he attended junior high school in the county town and graduated from high school to study at a university in Xiamen. After graduating from university, my younger brother worked in construction companies in Xiamen and other places. In July 2018, my younger brother became a local firefighter and worked at Geling Station of Yongtai County Fire Rescue Brigade.

Chen Bizhi said that his younger brother has a lively personality and good relationships with himself and his cousins. He is also very filial to his parents. After my younger brother's sacrifice, the whole family was deeply saddened.

After Chen Zuyan's sacrifice, his wife Zhang Hui posted pictures and texts on social media to commemorate her lover. In the picture, Chen Zuyan squatted on the ground to wash his eldest daughter's hair, holding her in his arms. The father and daughter looked at each other warmly, and the family stood hand in hand in the sunlight, happily casting long shadows on the ground

Sacrificial firefighter Chen Zuyan holds his daughter

Mourning the hero! Family Heartbreak: 68 Days Old Daughter Has Not Seen Dad's Face Clearly

"I don't want you to be a hero, come back!" My lover has passed away, and Zhang Hui wrote a long farewell in his social circle: "It's a pity to get to know everyone in this way. I am Zhang Hui, the wife of Zuyan. The time was set on September 5, 2023, which was the most agonizing day of my life. Every moment was agonizing, one hour, two hours... I didn't even receive your peace call, so I guessed it. I know, I no longer have you, never will... God took you away like this, you left me, your 3-year-old and 9-month sister, and 68." My dear sister, I haven't even seen my dad's face clearly yet. How can you bear to leave?... Don't worry, my two children have me, and my family has me. In the next life, you have to wait for me. Don't run away alone again, okay? "

Chen Zuyan's Wife Sends a Long Message to Say Goodbye to Lover

Fuzhou Fire forwarded this farewell message on an account on a certain short video platform, with an attachment: "For the sake of his faith, he is worthy of the Party and the people, but only sorry for his parents, wife, and daughter."

Hu Xudong's mother: Serving the country is his long-standing wish

"When I heard the news of Xu Dong's sacrifice, I was both shocked and heartbroken, unable to believe it." On the morning of September 8th, Mr. Hu, Hu Xudong's cousin, told Jimu News reporters that he learned about Hu Xudong's sacrifice on the afternoon of September 5th. His home is only over 100 meters away from Hu Xudong's, and he is more than ten years older than Hu Xudong. It can be said that he watched Hu Xudong grow up. Mr. Hu said that Hu Xudong has been a sincere and righteous child since childhood. After receiving the news of his sacrifice, Hu Xudong's parents, accompanied by relatives, rushed to Yongtai, Fuzhou.

Hu Xudong

Mourning the hero! Family Heartbreak: 68 Days Old Daughter Has Not Seen Dad's Face Clearly

Hu Xudong's mother told Jimu News reporters that Hu Xudong had a dream of serving the country since childhood. He applied for the position of firefighter without informing his parents beforehand. "He never tells us about the dangers and hardships in his work, but only tells us that his colleagues treat him well and share any happy things in his work with us. He always reports good news instead of bad news."

Hu Xudong's aunt introduced that Xudong is an ambitious child. After joining the firefighter team, he felt that his educational level was not high, and even bought a computer specifically. He worked hard to self-study and prepared to take exams to improve his education.

Hu's mother said that in March this year, Xudong had a 20 day vacation and he returned from Fujian to live in his hometown for a period of time. In early April, she and Xudong's father escorted Xudong back to the team.

After Hu Xudong's sacrifice, Hu's mother posted pictures and texts on social media to commemorate her son: "I don't want you to be a hero, I just want you to be safe, marry and have children. Son, I miss you!"

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