Mobile phones are the most commonly modified and secretly photographed. Industry chain investigation: Devices can easily be purchased with software | Cameras | Mobile phones

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 18:34 PM

The sale and modification of some micro cameras and pinhole cameras are common on online shopping platforms, especially in private chat software. As long as customers confirm their needs and pay a deposit, the merchant can send the camera equipment or modified complete set of camera products to customers by express delivery

Some items have been modified into surveillance devices, among which the most commonly modified is the mobile phone. The merchant stated that the modification of mobile phones includes options such as "bottom speaker hole", "top opening", "bottom or ear hole modification", and "side pin hole card", with a modification cost of approximately over 2000 yuan

Mobile phone manufacturers should strengthen the optimization of the internal structure and external design of mobile phones, reduce the space and opportunities left for modders, and improve the anti disassembly performance of mobile phones. Strengthen the security protection of mobile phone systems, promptly fix vulnerabilities and backdoors, and prevent software from stealing camera permissions and data

We should manage both upstream and downstream simultaneously. We should crack down severely on the modification, filming, and recording equipment of the upstream. We should also simultaneously crack down on the filming and sales groups of the downstream. Network platforms should actively fulfill the main responsibilities of each link

There is an extra small hole on the top of the phone; The buttons on the doll flashed with a red light; The legs of the glasses have thickened a circle... Who would have thought that there might be hidden cameras inside, and illegal filming is taking place.

A recent investigation by a reporter from the Legal Daily found that the sale and modification of some micro cameras and pinhole cameras are very common on online shopping platforms, especially in private chat software. As long as customers confirm their needs and pay a deposit, merchants can send their spy equipment or modified sets of spy products to customers by express delivery.

Recently, there have been a series of incidents of secret filming. Some privacy theft behaviors often involve the use of surveillance devices. How to cut off the industry chain of sales and modification of surveillance equipment has become a focus of attention.

Many items have hidden cameras

Sneak shooting equipment can be easily purchased

In the restroom of an office building, a middle-aged man was holding his phone and searching for shooting locations: behind the toilet, around the storage rack... Then, he sent the footage taken at each location to a secret photo exchange group.

The group members were full of gossip, discussing where to place the most inconspicuous and inconspicuous equipment: "The best way to install a ceiling is to open a seam inside the buckle plate, which is not abrupt." "Fix it to a pointed position with black tape."

Subsequently, the middle-aged man posted a picture of his secret shooting device to the group, making it easier for group members to come up with suggestions.

The reporter browsed through the pictures and saw that one of the sneak photography devices is a circular camera slightly smaller than a thumb nail, with flat wires at the back, and various logos on a square module at the tail: camera pattern, battery pattern, etc.

Soon, another photo was uploaded to the group, which was taken from a top-down perspective of a hotel double bed. Immediately, a group member asked, "How to operate hotel sneak shots? I also want to." Another group member replied that the pinhole camera used for hotel sneak shots can be purchased online or self-made, and the threshold is not high. This group member also provided specific operational details and precautions.

This secret shooting communication group is based on a certain private chat software, and reporters can find the group through keyword searches and other methods.

The journalist "diving" observed in the group for a few days and found that there were occasional discussions among group members about purchasing, modifying, and using secret filming equipment.

A group friend revealed that the simplest sneak photography equipment is very cheap. "There is a portable camera the size of a lighter, which costs only over 100 yuan, but the effect is not good. You get what you pay for.".

In this chat app, there are also sellers of secretly captured devices who post relevant information. The reporter contacted one of the sellers who provided multiple product samples, including Bluetooth speakers, ashtrays, sports shoes, and shampoo bottles. These seemingly ordinary items actually hide miniature cameras.

The reporter noticed that there was a pair of black glasses with a black body, thick legs, and a wide and thick crossbeam.

According to the seller, the design of these glasses is to hide miniature cameras, and the black appearance also helps to hide the openings.

"All products that have been modified and embedded with pinhole cameras are priced at a unified price of 1000 yuan." The seller explained that these modified items do not have particularly noticeable changes in appearance. For example, a black briefcase only has a small hole, and a charger only has a circular reflective hole.

The investigation by reporters found that these sneak camera devices are not only sold on private chat software, but can also be purchased on online shopping platforms. However, entering keywords such as "pinhole camera" and "hidden camera" directly cannot search for them. When searching with other keywords, many sneak camera devices will pop up.

On a certain shopping platform, when a reporter searches for "law enforcement device", it displays a modified "law enforcement device" that transforms into a sneak shooting device. Text introductions such as "not lighting up during shooting" immediately pop up, starting from 30 yuan. It has recording and recording functions, and its shape and size are the same as a recording pen.

The reporter clicked on a "wireless monitor" on this shopping platform, and the product promotion column read "No internet or electricity, 4K ultra clear picture quality, ultra clear night vision". Many users in the comments section below share their shopping experiences, saying that they have good concealment and work silently without light.

There are also buyers posting positive reviews on their stickers. In the picture, a button shaped camera is sewn onto a puppet toy. Without careful identification, it is difficult to distinguish which one is a button and which one is a camera. The reporter flipped through the comments section and found that many users purchased this camera precisely because of its concealment.

Converting a mobile phone into a surveillance device

The software can add a sneak shooting function

During the investigation, the reporter found that some items were modified to become surveillance devices, with mobile phones being the most commonly modified.

When undercover agents were working in a secret filming group, the reporter saw a demonstration video of a modified mobile phone being used for secret filming. Compared to a normal phone, the black edge on one side of the front screen of the phone in the video is wider, the body is slightly longer, and it is covered with a black shell.

The reporter found a merchant selling modified mobile phone camera positions on chat software. The opposite reporter sent a price list, which detailed different phone models, configurations, renovation plans, and prices. Even for the same phone, there may be a price difference of several hundred yuan depending on different renovation plans.

The mobile phone modification merchant explained that due to the inconsistent design and structure of different brands of phones, not all models can be modified, otherwise it may affect the shooting effect. At present, most models on the market can be modified, with a modification cost of approximately over 2000 yuan.

According to an article published by an information technology company, if you want to convert your phone into a surveillance device, the prerequisite is that the internal layout of the phone is reasonable and there is enough space on the top to install a camera.

In the price list sent to reporters by mobile phone modification merchants, different modification schemes such as "bottom horn hole", "top opening", "modified bottom or ear hole", and "side card pin hole" are listed. "4K phones will have thicker phone cases," the merchant reminded.

Faced with inquiries from reporters about how to conduct transactions. The merchant said, "After you confirm the model, pay me a deposit of 200 yuan first, then provide the shipping address, and I will send it out. Once you receive the goods and there are no problems, you can make up the remaining payment."

The reporter can see from the screenshots of past transactions provided by the merchants that their shipping locations are Jiangsu Province and Chongqing City. The merchant explained, "I have several studios that will ship in different places, which is safer."

"After receiving the goods, ask me for the lock screen software." The reporter saw this sentence in the chat records between the merchant and other customers. After inquiry, it was found that after receiving the modified phone sent by the merchant, the merchant will provide free sneak photography software, which can achieve sneak photography in the locked screen state of the phone.

"The top of the phone has a hole for taking photos, allowing the person to take photos without lifting their phone. This posture is completely imperceptible to most people," a netizen left a message saying.

During the investigation, the reporter found that some mobile application software can also add a sneak peek function, with extremely high concealment.

In a demonstration video of a blogger on a certain platform, the phone screen is displayed on the browser search interface. When the blogger swipes left, the screen gradually enters camera mode, and then swipes right to immediately restore the browser to its original state. Not only that, on the settings interface of this software, there are also auxiliary functions such as "camera transparency" and "continuous shooting interval".

In "continuous shooting" mode, the camera will automatically take photos every 10 seconds, and even if you slide to the browser search interface, the camera will continue to work. And these captured photos are stored in a separate browser album, with no traces in the phone's built-in gallery.

The blogger explained that there are many similar spy apps available. She casually opened a calculator app on her phone, operated it a few times, and the functions of the calculator were all working properly. "But all I need to do is enter the set password to enter camera mode," she said

Mobile phone manufacturers should optimize design

Control related equipment from the source

For the illegal production and sale of specialized equipment for eavesdropping and photo theft, China's Criminal Law has included it in the scope of crackdown, and those involved will bear criminal responsibility. In judicial practice, multiple courts have ruled on multiple criminal cases of illegal production and sale of specialized equipment for stealing photos.

Qin Ketian, Deputy Director of the Information Network and High tech Legal Affairs Department of Beijing Yingke Law Firm, explained that "illegal production and sales" refers to the act of producing and selling specialized equipment for eavesdropping and photo stealing without approval or permission from relevant competent authorities. The illegal production and sales violate relevant national regulations, disrupt the management of specialized equipment by the state, and allow specialized equipment to flow into society, which may seriously infringe on the personal privacy of citizens and business secrets of enterprises, and may seriously endanger national security and interests.

It is worth noting that currently, there are various devices used for secretly taking photos, especially those used to modify mobile phones and other devices to have the function of secretly taking photos, instead of traditional micro cameras and pinhole cameras. Can the current legal regulations "manage" this?

Zhou Junli, senior partner of Beijing Zhongyin Law Firm, believes that this needs to be analyzed based on specific circumstances. If the modified equipment is identified as specialized equipment for eavesdropping or stealing photos, it is suspected of producing specialized equipment for eavesdropping or stealing photos.

In Qin Ketian's view, modifying mobile phones, law enforcement devices, household items, and devices to have the function of secretly taking photos is clearly to illegally obtain the privacy of others. Therefore, modifying mobile phones and other devices to take photos is an illegal act that infringes on the privacy of others.

So, how should we address this issue?

Zhu Wei, Deputy Director of the Communication Law Research Center of China University of Political Science and Law, believes that both upstream and downstream should be governed simultaneously. Strict crackdowns should be imposed on the modification of filming and recording equipment in the upstream, and the crackdown on filming and sales groups in the downstream should also be carried out simultaneously. Network platforms should actively fulfill the main responsibilities of each link.

"At the regulatory level, it is also necessary to strengthen post event supervision, that is, to trace through the chain of secretly captured equipment." Zhu Wei suggested.

Xing Hongfei, a police officer from the Cybersecurity Detachment of Xiangyang Public Security Bureau in Hubei Province, said that the production and sale of secret filming equipment is considered a huge profit. Regulatory authorities need to strengthen their supervision and law enforcement efforts, conduct strict inspections and supervision of manufacturers who produce and sell such equipment, and curb the production and sale of "secret filming artifacts" from the source to plug loopholes. Law enforcement agencies should strictly enforce the law and increase their crackdown on illegal production, sales, and filming of specialized equipment.

How should mobile phone manufacturers and software application providers respond to the issue of some phones being modified or installed with surveillance software?

Zhou Junli suggests that mobile phone manufacturers should strengthen the optimization of the internal structure and external design of their phones, minimize the space and opportunities left for modders, and improve the anti disassembly performance of their phones. At the same time, it is possible to strengthen the security protection of the mobile phone system, promptly fix potential vulnerabilities and backdoors, and prevent unauthorized software from exploiting system vulnerabilities to obtain camera permissions and data. Application providers should strengthen the protection of user privacy data, and shall not collect, use, transmit or leak user camera data without authorization. Once discovered, it shall be immediately stopped and processed. Strengthen the review and management of the application market, strictly prohibit the release and download of any software involving sneak shooting functions. Once discovered, it will be immediately taken down and dealt with.

Rao Wei, Deputy Director of the Consumer Rights Professional Committee of the Beijing Lawyers Association, called on mobile phone manufacturers and software application providers to conduct legality and security audits of their developed and provided applications in accordance with laws and regulations such as the Cybersecurity Law and the Data Security Law, as well as relevant national regulations.

Qin Ketianze believes that a reporting and feedback mechanism can also be established to encourage users to report mobile phones that have been modified or equipped with surveillance software. By doing so, timely understanding and taking measures to prevent the spread of surveillance software can be achieved. Actively monitor modified mobile phones in the market, strengthen cooperation with relevant government departments, law enforcement agencies, industry associations, etc., and jointly crack down on the manufacturing and dissemination of modified mobile phones and surveillance software.

"It is recommended that software application providers establish strict application review and filtering mechanisms to prevent software from being uploaded to the app store for sneak shots. By strengthening review and supervision, applications with sneak shot functions should be promptly discovered and banned to protect user privacy and security." Qin Ketian said that application providers require developers to update their applications in a timely manner and ensure that there is no content that violates privacy rights and inappropriate functions.

Zhang Yanxia, Senior Partner of Beijing Jingshi Law Firm, suggests that the industry chain of secret filming can be cut off through a three-pronged approach from the front-end, mid-range, and back-end. At the front-end, strictly control the production and sales of professional monitoring equipment, implement a special equipment production license system, and prevent the misuse of tools from the source; In the mid-range, efforts should be made to avoid the risk of secretly taking photos. Hotels, fitting rooms, and other places that involve personal privacy should strengthen the responsibility of managers. Consumers who are secretly taken photos should bear legal and joint compensation responsibilities; In the backend, it is necessary to severely crack down on illegal filming and dissemination, improve relevant laws and regulations at the national level as soon as possible, and punish website managers who spread illegal filming, social accounts that share videos, etc. according to the crime of spreading obscene materials, infringing on personal information of citizens, and illegally using information networks, under the premise of meeting the criminal composition, to form a deterrent.

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