Many people have kidney rupture in 4 days! 28 year old girl's hobby, 30 minutes per day

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 20:36 PM

Due to the high work pressure and frequent physical fatigue, various household massage chairs have emerged.

Hangzhou girl Xinyi used a hot compress waist massager, which relieved back pain and soreness. However, due to vigorous use, her kidneys were crushed and cracked.

Gift from boyfriend

The maximum gear has been used for 4 days, and people are not doing well anymore

Xinyi, 28 years old and from Hangzhou, is an English teacher at a training institution. She is 1.66 meters tall and weighs less than 100 pounds.

My work is extremely busy, and I always feel pain for a few days when my aunt comes to visit. At this time, she drinks hot water, motherwort, hot water bags... and uses all the "eighteen martial arts". Even on hot days, she puts warmth on her belly and back, but Xinyi still feels uncomfortable.

My boyfriend was very worried about Xinyi's condition and asked her to use a hot compress waist massager. This is a gift he specially bought for his girlfriend on June 18th. Although it is not used every day, the "little motor" of hot compress and massage can effectively relieve fatigue when the back is sore.

Due to continuous bloating in her lower abdomen, Xinyi extended the massage time from the original 20 minutes to 30 minutes. After pressing on her lower back and waist, she also pressed on her lower abdomen for nearly 30 minutes, and adjusted the massage intensity to the maximum level. This cycle lasted for 4 consecutive days.

After "Auntie" ended, Xinyi's lower abdomen no longer sagged and bloated, but her right waist began to ache and swell, which lasted for nearly a week. Xinyi initially thought it was due to excessive exercise and even stopped classes for a few days, but the situation did not improve.

As time went by, Xinyi's right waist became increasingly sore and swollen. She increased the frequency of using the massage device, massaging for at least 30 minutes every day, sometimes for an hour. The pain in the lower back has not relieved.

Two or three days later, the pain even spread to the entire lower abdomen, and the body temperature soared to 38.5 ℃. It was then that Xinyi went to the nearby hospital for treatment.

Abdominal CT examination showed that there was blood accumulation around her right kidney. The doctor suggested that she go to the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine for further treatment.

After the pain eased, Xinyi made an appointment with the expert account the next day. In the evening of that day, she suffered unbearable swelling and pain in her right waist, and her boyfriend sent her to the emergency department of Zhejiang Province for treatment.

Based on various examinations, Dr. Lu Yuanqiang, the director of the emergency department, considered Xinyi to have a right renal contusion and laceration, as well as a subcapsular hematoma. At the same time, urology and radiology experts were consulted.

Just massage for a little longer

Why does it cause kidney damage

The expert team believes that Xinyi's hematoma is limited to the perirenal fascia. Conservative treatments such as absolute bed rest, fluid replacement and hemostasis, pain relief, and antibiotics should be closely observed. If symptoms do not improve but worsen or further decrease in hemoglobin, further treatment such as interventional embolization surgery is recommended. In severe cases, urological surgery may be necessary.

At present, although Xinyi has been safely discharged from the hospital, she still needs to follow the doctor's advice and undergo at least half a month of absolute bed rest and close follow-up.

Director Lu Yuanqiang explained that the kidney is a retroperitoneal organ, which is surrounded by a layer of renal capsule. Generally, the kidney is not easily injured. But if the impact site happens to be on both sides of the waist, the kidneys are like being forced into a dead corner, with nowhere to hide, and can only withstand the impact, which will result in injury.

"The patient is relatively thin and has relatively less waist fat. She adjusted the household massage device to the highest level and placed it on the back waist and abdomen for massage. Long term and intense vibrations transmit excessive impact force to the kidneys, which can easily lead to kidney contusion and rupture, bleeding and accumulation under the renal capsule, forming a subcapsular hematoma. If the condition is not controlled and continues to worsen, it may cause renal function damage!"

Director Lu said that kidney contusions caused by massage can actually be very confusing. Patients may not initially feel particularly uncomfortable, or only feel soreness and bloating in their lower back, thinking it is lumbar muscle strain. They may apply heat or apply plaster. This may result in mild to moderate renal subcapsular hematoma not receiving timely treatment, leading to further deterioration of the condition.

At the emergency department of the First Hospital of Zhejiang University, patients with various types of kidney injuries will be treated. These kidney injury patients may be mild to severe, some may be injured due to intense exercise, heavy object handling, falls, while others may be injured by car accidents and collisions, often resulting in "kidney contusion and laceration", "kidney rupture", etc. If the trauma is severe, it may even cause massive bleeding, shock, and even death. If there are kidney diseases such as hydronephrosis, renal cysts, stones, or tumors that occur first, even without trauma, spontaneous kidney rupture may still occur. It is necessary to seek medical treatment in a timely manner!

These parts of the body

Cannot press randomly

So can we still have a pleasant massage?

Experts emphasize that when massaging, do not blindly pursue "forcefulness", especially do not casually perform knee to waist, foot to back, etc.

In addition to the kidneys, there are several areas of the human body that are very fragile. When massaging, it is important to decisively avoid intense pressure and pay extra attention to protection in daily life.

△ Back of the head spoon

The skull at the back of the head is relatively weak, but it contains a brainstem responsible for controlling functions such as breathing, heartbeat, body temperature, and sleep. Once this "center of life" is subjected to a huge external force, people's most basic reflex activities will be unable to proceed, and ultimately there will be a risk of life.

△ Neck

The neck is also a very fragile part of the human body. In a relatively shallow position, it hides all the blood vessels and rich nerve plexus that supply the brain. These important blood vessels and nerves are highly susceptible to damage and even death under compression or violent action. And in the fragile neck, there is also a "seven inch" of the human body - the carotid sinus, which can instantly take a person's life with just a few fingers and strong pressure.


The spleen is a blood rich organ with an internal structure resembling a sponge and a texture similar to tofu. It is one of the most vulnerable organs in the abdominal cavity to external damage. When severely damaged, even suture repair is impossible, making hemostasis difficult. In order to save lives, it can only be removed.

△ Eyes

Massaging the acupoints around the eye socket and eye can protect our "window of the soul", but the eyeball is very fragile, and the eyeball wall is only about 1mm thick. The huge pressure and impact from the outside can cause retinal detachment, incomplete lens dislocation, etc. Especially for highly myopic individuals who have undergone myopia laser surgery, do not press the eyeball casually.

Male testicles and female breasts

The testicles of men and the breasts of women are extremely sensitive to pain and pressure, so do not rub them randomly or squeeze them forcefully without any problems. Pressing the "egg" vigorously can even cause painful shock and even infertility, while improper breast massage can damage the glandular ducts, leading to necrotic small point calcification of the breast, which is harmful to mastitis, breast tumors, breast fibroadenomas, and breast hyperplasia.

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