It's just a big world, G20

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 20:36 PM


Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and G20 is a big river and lake.

Many people suddenly noticed that last year when Indonesia hosted the G20 summit, the table in front of Indian Prime Minister Modi also clearly stated INDIA; But this year India is the host country, and the table card in front of Modi has become BHARAT.

Not seen in a year, India changed its name and hosted the G20 summit.

Also, Modi is excited to announce that the G20 summit has finally reached a joint communiqu é. Previously, many people were concerned that if it was the Indian turn to host the G20, there might be no joint communiqu é for the first time.

But Ukraine was surprised to see that there was no mention of Russia's "invasion" of Ukraine. The West, you compromise without principles; India, you are making peace again.

Modi was very aggrieved: I would have longed for the bright moon, but the moon shines on the ditch.

But when people wander in the rivers and lakes, how can they not be stabbed, even if you are an old immortal Modi.

In fact, the history of the G20 is such a martial arts history.

14 years ago, it was Bush who initiated the first G20 summit. At that time, I was still working in Washington. I remember it was a rainy day, and outside it was pouring rain. Inside, George W. Bush forced a smile and welcomed his distinguished guests.

It's just a big world, G20

He has no reason not to be discouraged. The United States was caught in the quagmire of two wars, and the housing crisis occurred overnight. The 2008 international financial crisis suddenly broke out, and the most powerful United States was on the brink of collapse overnight.

What should we do?

After many sleepless nights, Bush made his last major decision during his term, convening a global summit. In other words, please ask the whole world to take action and help the United States overcome difficulties.

The international community does not lack summits, but lacks efficient and influential ones. Finally, George W. Bush made a decision, let's talk about the G20, which includes seven Western countries and many emerging powers. More importantly, as strongly suggested by Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd at the time, China must be included.

The world economy is in turmoil, and China's importance is unprecedented. I remember the catchphrase of American officials at that time, whether it was Paulson or Hillary, was that the United States and China were all on the same boat.

The rivers and lakes are far away, and we need the help of friends even more; Isolation from the world can only lead to self isolation.

The G20 summit emerged from this, marking the beginning of a new international economic order.

So, crisis crisis is always an organic part of crisis. Without an international financial crisis, the United States would not be willing to share economic decision-making power. But after the financial crisis, everything changed, and this is an irresistible trend of the times.

The United States is no longer the original United States, and China is no longer the original China. In 2010, China left Japan behind and became the world's second largest economy.

But good people may not always have good karma.

It's just a big world, G20

Today's United States owes China a saying? According to Western media, without China's continuous efforts, especially its 4 trillion yuan contribution back then, there would have been no rapid recovery of the world economy, let alone the current state of the US economy.

4 trillion yuan, ultimately causing China to pay a heavy price. But now, the United States has long turned its back and rarely mentions "we are on the same boat", but rather sharpens its swords.

In India, Biden said the wrong thing again. He trembled and delivered a speech, reading Saudi Crown Prince Salman as Saudi Crown Prince salmon.

Salman sitting nearby, awkwardly smiling

This is Biden, at least I still remember him, even though I described him as a fish.

This time in India, Biden did not see his old rival - Putin.

Speaking of which, on the G20 stage, the two have never met before. And the hostility between the United States and Russia had already become the norm before Biden took office.

The story may start from 2014.

This year, Putin experienced great sorrow and joy in his life. The good news is that the Sochi Winter Olympics were successfully held, but the sad news is that Ukraine suddenly changed its weather. Ukraine, Russia's closest neighbor, quickly approached the European Union and NATO.

The seeds of crisis are planted here. As soon as the Winter Olympics ended, Putin quickly turned around and Russian soldiers suddenly appeared in Crimea. This strategic location, which was gifted to Ukraine by Khrushchev back then, dramatically returned to Russia's hands during the Putin era.

It's just a big world, G20

Then, there was the Ukrainian civil war; In 2022, it will evolve into a more intense Russia-Ukraine conflict.

Ukraine is crying, and Russia has also paid a heavy price. The West has completely turned its back. Putin was subsequently expelled from the G8 summit. When he enthusiastically went to Australia to attend the G20 summit, the host Australian Prime Minister Abbott publicly declared that he would "throw" Putin.

Is it tolerable or not? In the end, angry Putin swept away, publicly stating that he needed to return to his home country early to sleep.

But history is mysterious. In 2019, Canada held the G7 summit, and one of the major demands of then US President Trump was to bring Russia back and reorganize the G8.

Western countries have been knocked unconscious, and Trump has also been besieged. In the end, Trump swept away and the G7 joint statement was not issued. On Air Force One leaving Canada, angry Trump couldn't help but curse Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau on Twitter for being despicable, "too hypocritical, too weak.".

At this summit, Merkel silently posted a photo of the six major sects besieging the Bright Summit.

Later, in the US election, Trump failed to besiege Capitol Hill and Biden took office. The Russia-Ukraine conflict broke out, and the US Russian relations turned sharply downward.

Therefore, Trump often said that if he were president instead of Biden, the Russia-Ukraine conflict would not break out.

People in the world are really involuntary. Even Trump, even Putin. But now, Trump is trying to make a comeback.

Modi was particularly pleased with India's visit to the East this time, because the former suzerain country, Britain, had a Prime Minister who was still of Indian descent and married the daughter of an Indian tycoon.

It's just a big world, G20

Oh, we can't talk about India or Brahmins anymore.

But French President Macron arrived late and became the last foreign leader to be present. So much so that the opening ceremony of the G20 was attended by French Finance Minister Le Maire on his behalf.

Macron probably regrets it too. The reason he was late was to attend the opening ceremony of the Rugby World Cup. But unexpectedly, his speech was met with boos from the whole audience, and the scene was extremely awkward.

There are indeed too many unexpected things in this world.

I remember in 2019 when Argentina opened the G20, Macron's plane had already arrived in Argentina, but he waited left and right, but he didn't wait for the Argentine airport officials to pick him up.

When the hatch opened, the person shaking hands warmly with Macron was actually a staff member wearing a yellow vest.

So much so that this "yellow vest" immediately became a buzzword among the French. The French joked that Macron, who had escaped the "yellow vest" protests in China, never expected to escape the new yellow vest when he ran to Argentina.

Of course, some people also joke that this is Argentinians retaliating. Who knows, in the World Cup that year, the French team eliminated the Argentine team.

The devil always hides in the details.

In the 2019 G20, the German Chancellor was still Merkel, and she did not expect that her private plane had just taken off for an hour when a technical malfunction suddenly occurred. She had to immediately return to Germany and then change planes to continue crossing the Atlantic, so she also missed the opening ceremony that year. Of course, she also avoided Trump's criticism that the Germans were too bad.

It's just a big world, G20

The current German private planes still have problems, including the German Prime Minister. Not long before the G20 summit, German Chancellor Scholz fell while jogging and injured himself, which was not light. Therefore, he wore a black eye mask and went to India.

Many people joke that Germany has a pirate prime minister this time.

In addition to Putin and other leaders, Spanish Prime Minister Sanchez was absent from the G20 Summit this time. He was the new champion a few days ago and could only miss it. COVID-19 is still a problem.

Sanchez is recovering, but Spain has been holding back a breath.

Because the main criterion for joining the G20 is economic scale. However, Spain's GDP has exceeded that of South Korea, Mexico, Türkiye, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia and many other countries, but it is not eligible to join the EU.

At the first G20 summit in 2008, Spain was indignant and suggested that Argentina should be removed and replaced by Spain, as Argentina's GDP is less than half of that of Spain.

In the 2011 Cannes G20 summit in France, the Spanish Prime Minister strongly protested, stating that regardless of whether he received an invitation or not, he must attend in a hurry. French President Sarkozy, who knows how to be a person, quickly invited Spain to attend. As a result, it has become customary for Spain to be a permanent guest country in all future G20 summits.

In international politics, unfairness is obvious, but making a fuss can be somewhat beneficial.

Is there still less turmoil in this world?

After the India conference, Biden quickly went to Vietnam.

It's just a big world, G20

After Modi changed the country's name, there were various opposing voices domestically.

Even worse, during the G20 summit, there was a major earthquake in Morocco, and the current death toll has exceeded 2000.

Alas, poor Africa!

The only good news for Africa recently is that at this G20 summit, the African Union has become an official member. China has previously actively advocated that if there is an EU among G20 members, why cannot there be an African Union?

The theme of the G20 in India this time is "One Earth, One Home, One Future", but many people are amazed. Isn't this the human destiny proposed by the Chinese?

So, the Chinese Premier solemnly proposed in the G20: we must unite without division, cooperate without confrontation, be inclusive without exclusion.

But in this world, will some countries agree?

This is the world of rivers and lakes.

Today's story has become tomorrow's legend.

Personal opinion does not represent any organization

It's just a big world, G20
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