Hunan Xiangxi: Carry out systematic rectification, multiple leading cadres hold banquets and set up bureaus during the learning and training period | Central | Set up bureaus

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 20:35 PM

Recently, the Hunan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision organized the Xiangxi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision to seriously investigate and punish 11 leading cadres in Xiangxi Prefecture who violated the spirit of the central eight point regulations. During the concentrated rotation training to study and implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the inspection of the Xiangxi Prefecture Committee by the Hunan Provincial Committee, Deng Wanxue, the then director of the State Labor Security Supervision Bureau and a fourth level researcher, disregarded disciplinary requirements and went out to have meals and drinks, violating the spirit of the eight point regulations of the central government. They were punished by party discipline and government, and four of them were dismissed from their positions.

According to the "Tuanjie Daily" in Xiangxi, on the afternoon of September 7th, Guo Zhenggui, the Secretary of the Xiangxi Prefecture Party Committee, presided over a meeting of the Standing Committee of the Xiangxi Prefecture Party Committee to convey and study the report of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection on 11 leading cadres in Xiangxi Prefecture who violated the spirit of the Central Eight point Regulations. The members of the Standing Committee of the State Party Committee deeply reflected and expressed their opinions one by one, unanimously expressing their firm support for the decisions of the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection. They learned from cases, clarified discipline through cases, and promoted reform through cases. They were strict with themselves, held accountable, and managed their jurisdiction, and resolutely implemented the political responsibility of strictly governing the Party.

"11 leading cadres in our state have violated the spirit of the central eight point regulations, which is a typical example of disregarding the central government's repeated orders and violating discipline. The problem is extremely serious, the impact is extremely bad, and the lesson is extremely profound." The meeting requires all levels and departments in the state to quickly convey the spirit of the provincial discipline inspection commission's report.

The meeting also emphasized that for future violations of food, drink, and alcohol consumption, we must resolutely implement the "three unifications": namely, implementing the "four investigations", implementing the "ten prohibitions" for rectifying hidden variations in illegal food and drink, implementing the "one case, three investigations", resolutely cutting off the chain from wind to corruption, and from wind to corruption, in order to comprehensively and strictly govern the Party and ensure the construction of a modern new Xiangxi with new results. We must vigorously carry forward the spirit of struggle, be brave enough to turn the blade inward, expose shortcomings and expose ugliness, and be brave enough to scrape bones and treat toxins. We must deepen the promotion of reform through cases, and achieve strict rectification based on "small cases", and take measures to address both symptoms and root causes. We need to carry out systematic rectification against prominent issues such as illegal eating and drinking, and illegal drinking that violate the spirit of the central eight point regulations, further refine and improve institutional mechanisms, strengthen institutional barriers, focus on key nodes and key targets, and increase the intensity of open investigations and secret investigations.

According to a report from the Hunan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision on September 6th, from May 14th to 19th this year, the Xiangxi Prefecture Party Committee held the eighth round of concentrated rotation training on learning and implementing the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China at the Party School of the Prefecture Committee. At around 17:00 on the 18th, Deng Wanxue, a trainee who was then the director of the State Labor Security Supervision Bureau and a fourth level researcher, illegally organized Qu Min, the deputy director of the State Finance Bureau, Zhang Zhonghua, a member of the Party Working Committee and Deputy Director of the Management Committee of Xiangxi High tech Zone, Lu Mingyan, a member of the Party Group and Deputy County Mayor of Guzhang County Government, and Song Xiaobo, a member of the Party Group and Deputy County Mayor of Guzhang County Government and Secretary of the Party Committee of Pingba Town, among other trainees, to go out for a meal and drink.

On the way, Zhang Zhonghua invited Yang Yongfang, Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of the State People's Congress who had not participated in the training, Liang Yuanping, Deputy Secretary General of the State Government and Deputy Director of the State Government Office, and his spouse Tian to attend together. The dinner lasted for more than 2 hours. Three bottles of Baijiu and some beer were drunk. The 1900 yuan meal fee was paid by a private enterprise owner. After the gathering, Zhang Zhonghua went out alone that night to have a late night snack and drink alcohol.

Another illegal eating and drinking issue also occurred around 17:00 on May 18th. According to the announcement, three trainees, including Li Honglin, Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Xiangxi National Agricultural Science and Technology Demonstration Park, Zhang Shengjun, Standing Committee Member and Director of the Huayuan County Party Committee Office, and Zhang Yuanjun, Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Huayuan Industrial Development Zone, were invited by Li Xiangji, former Deputy Director and Second level Researcher of the State Bureau of Statistics, to go out for a meal and drink. Li Xiangji paid 1400 yuan for drinking 1 bottle of Baijiu and 3 bottles of beer.

In August 2023, the Xiangxi Prefectural Committee decided to give Deng Wanxue a serious warning within the party, demote and dismiss him in government affairs, give Qu Min a serious demerit and dismiss him in government affairs, give Zhang Zhonghua a serious warning and dismiss him within the party, adjust his pre probationary rank to a second level chief clerk, give Zhang Yuanjun an intra party warning and dismiss him, and adjust his pre probationary rank to a seventh level staff member of the Huayuan County Political Consultative Conference. Lu Mingyan, Song Xiaobo, Liang Yuanping, Li Honglin, Zhang Shengjun, and Li Xiangji were warned and punished within the party. In September, after research and approval by the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, Yang Yongfang was given a government warning.

Pengpai News noticed that among the 11 leading cadres invited to have a meal and drink during the training period, some came from Guzhang County, such as Qu Min, Deputy Director of the Finance Bureau of Xiangxi Prefecture, Zhang Zhonghua, Deputy Director of the Management Committee of Xiangxi High tech Zone, and Yang Yongfang, Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress, all from Guzhang County, Hunan Province, while some came from Huayuan County.

On September 7th, Guzhang County held the 2023 Clean Guzhang Construction Work Promotion Conference and Leadership Education Warning Conference. Deng Xiaodong, Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the State People's Congress and Secretary of the Guzhang County Party Committee, conveyed and studied the spirit of the document "Public Notice of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection on 11 Leading Cadres in Xiangxi Prefecture Violating the Spirit of the Central Eight point Regulations".

He demanded that we further implement the spirit of the document, deeply learn from the lessons of the case, and deeply analyze the prominent problems in the current cadre team in our county. To accurately grasp the phased characteristics of the anti-corruption struggle, conduct in-depth research on the current ways, characteristics, and manifestations of corruption in our county, improve the ability to timely discover and respond to new problems and trends, and effectively prevent and solve them with greater efforts and more practical measures.

At the meeting of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee presided over by Liao Lianghui, Secretary of the County Party Committee, on September 6th in Huayuan, it was emphasized that we should fully learn from the profound lessons of illegal and disciplinary gatherings and drinking, persistently implement the spirit of the central eight point regulations and their implementation rules, resolutely oppose and resist the "four winds" problem, and promote the comprehensive and strict governance of the Party to go deep and practical. We need to strengthen the construction and education management of the cadre team, create a clean and upright political environment, and build a cadre team that can shoulder the responsibilities of the times.

On September 8th, a related commentary article on the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission pointed out that as party member leaders, they should have devoted all their thoughts and energy to strengthening theoretical learning and improving political abilities during the centralized rotation training period. However, the 11 leaders who were notified saw the opportunity for learning and training as an opportunity to set up a banquet and invited them to have a dinner and drink. The private enterprise owner paid 1900 yuan for the meal together. These negative cases reflect that some party members and cadres lack a clear understanding of the Party Central Committee's firm determination and will to promote comprehensive and strict governance of the Party, their political sensitivity is not strong, and they lack awareness of the political harm caused by illegal eating and drinking; It reflects that some party members and cadres have a weak sense of discipline and are accustomed to "pretending to sleep" in the face of discipline and rules, "not treating others' lessons as lessons", and not using discipline as a standard and adherence to their own behavior; It reflects that some responsible units and individuals have not fulfilled their duties strictly or truthfully, implemented management regulations at a discount, implemented procedures not in place, lacked daily supervision and supervision, and the transmission of pressure has gradually decreased.

The article states that in fact, there is a precedent for party members and cadres to be punished for illegal gatherings and drinking. The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission have publicly announced that six party members and leading cadres in Qinghai Province have seriously violated the spirit of the central eight point regulations by eating and drinking in violation of regulations, resulting in one person being drunk and dying; The Yunnan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision has publicly announced that some leading cadres in Jianchuan County have violated the spirit of the central eight point regulations by accepting banquets, gatherings, and drinking alcohol multiple times during their participation in party school learning and training; The Anhui Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision has reported that a small number of Party members and leading cadres in Fuyang City have violated the rules of eating and drinking during their training at the Municipal Party School... Under the high-pressure situation of work style construction, there are still some Party members and cadres who take chances and refuse to change their minds, disregarding the repeated orders of the central government to violate the rules and regulations of eating and drinking. The serious handling of relevant party members and cadres is a price that must be paid for ignoring discipline, ignoring rules, and touching the red line.

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