Focus Interview | Gathering at the Smart Expo to See the Future of "Intelligence" Together

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 16:59 PM

The 2023 China International Intelligent Industry Expo will be held in Chongqing from September 4th to 6th.Since 2018, the Smart Expo has been held in Chongqing for six consecutive sessions. As an important window to showcase the latest technologies and applications of global intelligence, what cutting-edge achievements have been made this year? What kind of impact will the intelligent industry and digital economy bring to our production and life?

Zhang Yan, President of the Western Branch of China Academy of Information and Communications Technology: For China, the most crucial aspect of grasping the digital, intelligent, and green transformation of industries is to fully integrate the supply of technologies such as 5G and artificial intelligence with the actual needs of enterprises. We should not only leverage the catalytic role of digital technology in leading industrial transformation, but also pay more attention to the transformation needs of enterprises in different types, development stages, and links, and promote the deepening and implementation of digital transformation.

Focus Interview | Gathering at the Smart Expo to See the Future of "Intelligence" Together

The theme of this year's Smart Expo is "Gathering the strengths of all parties", with a focus on showcasing innovative achievements in the fields of intelligent connected new energy vehicles, intelligent equipment, and intelligent manufacturing. More than 500 participating companies have showcased their "eighteen martial arts" in seven venues and an 80000 square meter exhibition area, welcoming the accelerating arrival of the intelligent era.

Have you ever seen a car with wings that can fly? In the central exhibition hall of the Smart Expo, a uniquely designed car attracted many people to take photos and check in. This car, which seems to be equipped with wings, is an intelligent electric flying car. It can fly at an altitude of about 1000 meters and has a maximum range of 35 minutes.

Huang Jiaming, the presenter of a certain automotive company, stated that it not only has a modern exterior design, but also incorporates a lot of intelligent technology, such as intelligent driving, precise radar ranging, and automatic obstacle avoidance function. At the same time, it has a fully automatic parachute that can ensure safety in case of emergency. It is currently mainly used for display or patrol in parks, or for sightseeing tourism, and has not yet undergone large-scale production.

Focus Interview | Gathering at the Smart Expo to See the Future of "Intelligence" Together

What will the future photovoltaic intelligent road look like? At the N6 exhibition hall, many people are queuing up to experience virtual driving of electric vehicles, simulating the feeling of driving on photovoltaic roads. With this new technology, one day in the future, you may no longer have to worry about running out of battery in your car.

Wang Di, the presenter of State Grid Chongqing Electric Power Exhibition: Our virtual driving of electric vehicles allows us to choose different new energy vehicles for driving experience. Photovoltaic roads can convert light energy into electricity and input it into the grid. The integrated street lights of wind, solar and energy storage can convert natural resources into light energy, illuminating our roads. In the future, we will continue to update this project and strive to achieve real-time charging of the photovoltaic road surface when the car is in motion.

The Sichuan Opera Face Changing Experience Area has also become a popular check-in point for audiences.

Focus Interview | Gathering at the Smart Expo to See the Future of "Intelligence" Together

Zheng Xiong, the spokesperson for China Telecom's exhibition: As long as you stand in front of the camera, the system will recognize your face. When your face changes, it will switch to the next face mask. When we swipe our hand over our face and the face disappears, the system will detect it and automatically switch to the next face mask.

Currently, electrification, networking, and intelligence have become the main directions for the development of the global automotive industry. In 2022, global sales of new energy vehicles exceeded 10 million for the first time. At this Smart Expo, intelligent connected new energy vehicles have become the most attention grabbing "protagonist". In the central exhibition hall, products from the upstream and downstream of the industry chain, including automotive vehicles, automotive chips, and intelligent connected components, have been showcased one after another.

A local new energy vehicle brand has been investing in electric drive, intelligent driving, and other areas for 5 years, especially focusing on the pain points related to battery life performance when users use new energy vehicles, and conducting core technology research and development.

Focus Interview | Gathering at the Smart Expo to See the Future of "Intelligence" Together

Wang Xiaofei, the exhibition leader of a certain automotive company: Our R&D team has spent 5 years developing a seven in one ultra collector electric drive, which has enabled the comprehensive efficiency of the system to reach the industry leading level of 95%. Our world's first micronucleus high-frequency pulse heating technology can quickly heat batteries in a low temperature environment of -30 ℃, greatly alleviating the problem of new energy vehicles' endurance in low temperature winter.

Whether smart cars are really smart or not depends on their application. This year's Smart Expo not only showcases new achievements in indoor venues, but also includes some outdoor events, including the first Intelligent Vehicle Application Scenario Challenge. The competition was held on the urban roads of Yongchuan, Chongqing, with off-road vehicles, intelligent buses, and unmanned express delivery vehicles joining the competition team. The competition is not closed, and participating vehicles mix with normal traffic, testing their ability to handle various real-life scenarios.

From the laboratory to the enclosed area, and then to the open area, Yongchuan has fully deployed the 5G communication road network environment, becoming the first place in the country to fully open the testing and application of intelligent connected new energy vehicles.

Focus Interview | Gathering at the Smart Expo to See the Future of "Intelligence" Together

Li Yong, Director of the Big Data Industrial Park in Yongchuan District, Chongqing: Yongchuan will take the opportunity of the Smart Expo and the Automotive Application Scenario Challenge to plan an intelligent connected new energy vehicle production and manufacturing base and an autonomous driving technology innovation industry base, build five centers for intelligent manufacturing, research and development innovation, data processing, talent cultivation, and testing and application, and accelerate the construction of the Western Intelligent Connected New Energy Vehicle City.

In order to better steer "smart" cars towards the "smart" path, Chongqing is trying the "vehicle road cloud integration" solution. Recently, 7 intelligent connected vehicles have just been put into operation in the Western Science City. These 7 vehicles have different manufacturers and models, but they can all operate in an orderly manner on a 50 kilometer road in the demonstration area, because all of them are connected to the cloud control platform. The millimeter wave radar, cameras and other facilities on both sides of the road transmit the collected data in real-time to the cloud, calculate it, and then send safe and efficient driving advice to relevant vehicles, so as to avoid safety hazards caused by human factors or emergencies.

In the central exhibition hall of the Smart Expo, there is a looping video introducing the highly anticipated "vehicle road cloud integration" solution at this year's Smart Expo.

Focus Interview | Gathering at the Smart Expo to See the Future of "Intelligence" Together

Liu Shijie, the presenter of Western Zhilian Exhibition: Currently, the main technological route of autonomous driving is bicycle intelligence, which is equivalent to adding a pair of "eyes" to the car. However, for obstacles beyond the line of sight and obstructed objects, it is difficult to see clearly. The "vehicle road cloud integration" solution not only adds "eyes" to the vehicle, but also adds "eyes" to the road, allowing the vehicle to see far, clearly, and comprehensively, walking safer and more efficiently.

"Smart" cars, "smart" roads and powerful "clouds" are supported by the profound evolution of new technologies such as Internet big data and artificial intelligence. Currently, digital technology and digital economy are the pioneers of the world's technological revolution and industrial transformation.

In 2022, the scale of China's digital economy will exceed 50 trillion yuan for the first time, accounting for 41.5% of GDP, providing a strong impetus for accelerating Chinese path to modernization.

Focus Interview | Gathering at the Smart Expo to See the Future of "Intelligence" Together

Chen Shanzhi, Director of the National Engineering Research Center for Mobile Communications and Internet of Vehicles: The development of China's digital economy has reached an explosive stage. We have a certain foundation in 5G, AI, cloud computing and big data. Our country's industries are also facing transformation and upgrading. Every industry needs 5G, AI, big data, cloud computing, AI and other empowerment. After industrial transformation and upgrading, it will greatly help and assist in improving production efficiency and enhancing industrial competitiveness.

Among the 7 venues of this year's Smart Expo, there are numerous innovative achievements showcasing the digital economy. The exhibition area of Chongqing Lianglu Guoyuan Port Comprehensive Bonded Zone is located in the N2 exhibition hall, where a "Digital Intelligence Show" is created around themes such as the Digital Intelligence Free Trade Port and the Computing Power Center. Rich "databases" such as smart city, smart security, and smart customs clearance are presented to the audience one by one.

The holding of the Smart Expo is a global exchange of intelligent industries, which has built a bridge of information communication and cooperation between China and the world.

Focus Interview | Gathering at the Smart Expo to See the Future of "Intelligence" Together

Luo Li, Deputy Director of the Chongqing Municipal Commission of Economy and Information Technology: In recent years, a total of 180 forums have been held, with hundreds of domestic and foreign academicians and experts, nearly 200 leaders of world leading enterprises attending to exchange ideas and views in depth, and more than 400 press conferences held. A series of new achievements such as cutting-edge technology, leading technology, and innovative products are constantly emerging, promoting technological exchange and industrial cooperation, and building a digital economy bridge connecting the world.

Since the first Smart Expo was held in 2018, with the help of this platform, the seeds of Digital China have quickly taken root, sprouted, and thrived. This year's Smart Expo has signed a total of 84 major projects with a contract amount exceeding 200 billion yuan. Among them, Chongqing has successfully signed multiple major projects in key industries such as the production and research and development of intelligent connected new energy vehicles.

Focus Interview | Gathering at the Smart Expo to See the Future of "Intelligence" Together

Luo Li, Deputy Director of the Chongqing Municipal Commission of Economy and Information Technology: Next, we will strive to create a new highland for the development of the digital economy, focusing on core industries such as new displays, intelligent terminals, and software information services. We will deeply implement the "Full Sky Star" action, accelerate the improvement of the "Industrial Brain+Future Factory" system, cultivate more new industries, new formats, and new models, and make every effort to build a strong digital economy city.

Zhang Yan, President of the Western Branch of China Academy of Information and Communications Technology: With a focus on the future, digital technology is entering an explosive period of accelerated innovation. We need to focus on digital technology innovation, digital infrastructure, industrial digital transformation, data element market construction, and digital governance modernization, continuously optimize institutional mechanisms, management structures, operational mechanisms, and policy support systems, and accelerate the integration and development of the digital economy and traditional industries.

Mobile payment, online education, smart factories, autonomous driving... these concepts may be familiar to everyone. After the agricultural and industrial economies, the digital economy, as a new form of economy, is deeply integrating into all aspects of people's production and life. The era of intelligence is accelerating. Next, we need to seize the development opportunities of a new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation, continuously promote the deep integration of the digital economy and the real economy, and assist in the high-quality development of China's economy.

Focus Interview | Gathering at the Smart Expo to See the Future of "Intelligence" Together

Editor | Tu Zhijuan, Fa Qimou Liang, Zhang Shuang, Deng Lijuan

Camera | Xie Peng, Ling Min, Yang Yang, Zhang Fan

Editing | Zhang Wenqing and Zhao Peng

Focus Interview | Gathering at the Smart Expo to See the Future of "Intelligence" Together
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