Coming for Peace, Cooperation, and Friendship (First Scene)

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 18:51 PM

In May 2018, elementary school students from Djibouti visited the Chinese People's Liberation Army's support base camp in Djibouti.

Tanlong Dragon Photography

On January 16, 2020, the then Chief of General Staff of Djibouti, Lieutenant General Zakaria, awarded the Independence Day Medal to 10 medical personnel at the base. This honor was signed by the President of the Republic of Djibouti, Gale, and is the highest honor bestowed by Djibouti to its citizens and international friends.

Tanlong Dragon Photography

On December 1, 2018, the Chinese People's Liberation Army's support base in Djibouti and the EU 456 formation conducted a joint medical evacuation and rescue drill.

Photo by Zhang Qingbao

The 43rd batch of escort fleet Weishan Lake ships docked at the Chinese People's Liberation Army support base in Djibouti for supply.

Photo by Wang Zongyang

On August 1, 2017, the ceremony for the troops of the People's Liberation Army stationed in Djibouti to enter the camp was held, and the Chinese overseas support base was completed and put into use. The picture shows the scene of the ceremony.

Photo by Zhang Qingbao

Coming for Peace, Cooperation, and Friendship (First Scene)

On the shore of the Red Sea, by the Gulf of Aden.

"Salute to the national flag!" At 6:30 am on September 7th, accompanied by the magnificent "March of the Volunteers", the bright five-star red flag slowly rose against the spraying sun. The place where the national flag is flying is China's overseas support base - the People's Liberation Army Support Base in Djibouti.

Since the opening of the camp, the daily flag raising ceremony has been uninterrupted, regardless of wind or rain. For over 6 years, the base has provided support and support for the People's Liberation Army of China to carry out missions such as escorting the Gulf of Aden and peacekeeping in the African region. It has actively participated in international actions such as humanitarian rescue and disaster prevention and reduction, effectively demonstrating the good image of the Chinese military as a mighty, civilized, and peaceful force.

Base construction——

"Overseas Home" provides professional service guarantee

Djibouti is located in the northwest of the Somali Peninsula, bordering the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea to the east, and adjacent to countries such as Ethiopia, Eritrea, and Somalia. "Djibouti" means "boiling steamer", and 90% of the country's land is desert and volcano. Looking around, there are exposed volcanic rocks on the surface, with sparse vegetation, and only camel thorns can grow tenaciously in the desert.

On August 1, 2017, the ceremony for the troops of the People's Liberation Army stationed in Djibouti to enter the base camp was held, and the Chinese overseas support base was completed and put into use.

The construction of a support base by the Chinese military in Djibouti was a decision made by the governments of China and Kyrgyzstan through friendly consultations. According to relevant resolutions of the United Nations Security Council, China has sent escort fleets to the Gulf of Aden and Somali waters since 2008 to carry out escort operations. During the execution of the mission, the escort fleets faced many practical difficulties in personnel rest and food and oil supply. Djibouti has provided logistical support for the Chinese escort fleet multiple times. The completion and put into use of the base is conducive to China's better fulfillment of international obligations such as escorting and conducting humanitarian aid in the Gulf of Aden and Somali waters, as well as driving the economic and social development of Kyrgyzstan. It is also beneficial for China to make new and greater contributions to maintaining peace and stability in Africa and the world.

After more than 6 years of construction and operation, the support capacity of the base has continuously improved. As of now, the base has provided professional and efficient support for escort fleets and our troops carrying out peacekeeping missions in South Sudan, Mali, and Congo. The construction and development of the support base not only provide strong support and guarantee for the Chinese military to carry out escort missions in the Gulf of Aden and peacekeeping missions in Africa, but also make outstanding contributions to promoting regional peace and stability and maintaining the security of international maritime channels. "China's guarantee base has played an important role in maintaining smooth regional trade," Abubaka Omar Hadi, Chairman of the Djibouti Port and Free Trade Zone Authority, told our reporter.

Walking at the dock of the base, the eight bright red characters "Welcome back to your overseas home" stand out. The Jingzhou ship carrying out the 44th batch of escort missions of the Chinese Navy is currently docked here.

Coming for Peace, Cooperation, and Friendship (First Scene)

"You can see these 8 words from a distance, and you can also hear the voices of our comrades on the shore welcoming us. At that time, our mood was particularly excited. Recalling the scene of our first docking at the base, Captain Zhang Xinguo still remembers it vividly." I have been working on the ship for more than 10 years, and it was my first time stopping at China's own overseas base, which felt particularly safe and reassuring. "

Supplying by port not only supplies, but also morale and spirit. In order to provide better service guarantee, the base organized a variety of cultural and sports activities. "After berthing yesterday, we participated in Al Qaeda's basketball and badminton matches." Jingzhou ship captain Zhong Qi participated in the Gulf of Aden escort mission for the second time. He told reporters that the escort officers and soldiers in this "overseas home" can alleviate the pain of homesickness.

The clean environment, complete departments, and advanced equipment are the most intuitive feelings that the base hospital brings to reporters. This 3-story hospital can provide emergency diagnosis and treatment, surgical treatment, traditional Chinese medicine therapy, and rehabilitation services for the base officers and soldiers. When escorting officers and soldiers dock at the base, they will come here to receive professional medical services. "The base doctors regularly conduct joint training with the military doctors and health personnel of the escort fleet, providing more reliable medical support for the escort fleet." The director of the base hospital introduced.

"The surging East African Cape, dust flying on the red coast. The Yellow Sand Hundred Battlefields, commanded to set out again." This is the poem "Journey to the West" written by Wang Lianbo, a recently replaced base officer and soldier, before returning to China. Over the past six years, batches of Chinese People's Liberation Army officers and soldiers have been working hard here, transforming the base from a barren area into a vibrant one. "The perseverance of hundreds of days and nights is an unwavering choice, and it is also an infinite honor!" This is the common aspiration of every base officer and soldier.

Carry out cooperation——

Jointly addressing common security threats and challenges

"The Tao Te Ching is one of the most widely circulated cultural classics in the world." "The Art of War of Sun Tzu advocates wisdom and a love for peace, reflecting the core values of Chinese culture." On July 30th, at the open day event of the base military camp, an introduction to traditional Chinese culture aroused strong interest from the Jifang political leaders and foreign military commanders present; Surrounding the venue, vivid pictures showcased the achievements of the base in humanitarian rescue, public welfare education, material assistance, joint performances and training, attracting guests from various countries to stop and watch.

Enhance mutual trust and understanding, and pass on peace and friendship. Since its opening, the base has conducted more than 10 "collaborative" joint exercises and training sessions with the Jilin military and foreign troops stationed in Jilin, participated in more than 200 bilateral and multilateral exchange activities, and held 5 "Friendship Cup" multi national basketball football matches, continuously promoting the deepening of bilateral and multilateral exchanges and cooperation, and demonstrating the image of the Chinese military's openness and confidence in the new era.

In the Dabara Desert in southern Djibouti, with strong sunlight and yellow sand covering the sky, a 15 kilometer off-road race begins. With strong spiritual will and excellent military literacy, the base officers and soldiers have achieved excellent results, showcasing the spirit and spirit of Chinese soldiers, and also winning praise from foreign military colleagues.

Not long ago, the Fourth International Medical Forum of the "East African Horn" was held at the base, with active participation from medical experts from the Republic of Djibouti Guard and foreign military stationed in Djibouti. Chinese and foreign medical experts expressed their opinions on the diagnosis and treatment of East African diseases, laboratory diagnosis of infectious diseases, and conducted in-depth exchanges on joint treatment of wounded and sick patients, prevention of infectious diseases, and other topics. "The medical facilities at the Chinese base are well-equipped, and the activity experience is great," praised Lieutenant Colonel Mattene Hughes, who attended the forum.

Coming for Peace, Cooperation, and Friendship (First Scene)

Starting from 2019, the base hospital has been cooperating with Jijun General Hospital in medical assistance. As of now, the Chinese side has dispatched over a hundred experts to assist in 45 surgeries, and has also held bilateral clinical skills training and assessment for advanced clinical application of bronchoscopy technology. "The base has become an important window for medical exchanges and exhibitions." Feng Dan, a military physician from the internal medicine department who has participated in exchange activities multiple times, said, "As doctors at the base, we feel very proud." Fran, a military physician at the Republic of Djibouti Guard Hospital, stated that the Chinese base has long provided important support to Djibouti in medical assistance and other aspects, and looks forward to continuing to expand communication channels with China in the future to improve local medical standards.

"Sharing friendship and building peace together." Li Chaohui, the leader of the base, stated that the base hopes to strengthen exchanges with Kyrgyzstan and the military forces of various countries stationed in Kyrgyzstan, continuously deepen practical cooperation in various fields, effectively fulfill international responsibilities, work together to address common security threats and challenges, and make greater contributions to regional peace and stability.

Serving the local area——

Watering the Flower of Friendship between China and Kyrgyzstan Together

On the display wall of the base, there is a particularly eye-catching photo - in May 2018, Djibouti elementary school students dressed in clothing with the China Kyrgyzstan national flag pattern first walked into the Chinese base. The children carefully observed and listened, and bright smiles bloomed on their faces.

Teenagers are the future of Djibouti's economic and social development, as well as the endless hope of China Kyrgyzstan friendship. In order to improve the teaching conditions of local schools, the base has established a normalized education assistance mechanism with the Jilin side, and regularly and fixedly carry out public welfare learning assistance activities. In January of this year, the base donated office computers, projectors, desks and chairs, cultural and sports equipment, and other materials to three primary schools in Balabara District, Djibouti City. This is the third time the base has carried out public welfare assistance to local schools.

"The new desks, chairs, and equipment have made our school more beautiful!" Hassan, a student at PK12 Elementary School in Djibouti, picked up his blue new backpack and smiled happily on his face. Mustafa Mohammad Hamoud, Minister of National Education and Vocational Training of Djibouti, stated that with the help of the Chinese base, the teaching environment in schools has been improved, providing better conditions for children's growth.

"Cataracts have been bothering me for 6 years, and today I can finally see them again!" 66 year old Djibouti elderly Mohammad Ali Ahmed was extremely excited. "Thank you to the Chinese doctors and nurses!"

In December 2019, the base cooperated with the Ministry of Health of Djibouti to carry out a 25 day "Bright Action" special medical service, providing free surgical treatment for more than 100 cataract patients, including Ali Ahmed, and received widespread praise from the local people. After the successful completion of Operation Bright, Djibouti President Guelleh personally approved the awarding of the Independence Day Medal to 10 medical personnel at the base. The then Secretary General of the Ministry of Health of Djibouti, Duhab, stated that Chinese military doctors bring good news to local cataract patients, and such a great act of love will be remembered by the people of Djibouti.

In 2019, Djibouti experienced rare heavy rainfall and flooding, causing flooding in many areas and resulting in casualties. At the request of the Jilin side, the base dispatched officers and soldiers to provide assistance to the disaster stricken people, and thousands of people received timely assistance. Ider, a citizen of Djibouti, and his family and friends were deeply affected by floods at the time. "One of my friends' homes was almost engulfed by floods, and they were very desperate at one point." Ider said, "Fortunately, Chinese soldiers arrived quickly and helped everyone clear the floodwaters and silt." Thank you to Chinese soldiers! "

Coming for Peace, Cooperation, and Friendship (First Scene)

Since its opening, the base has been committed to helping the local economic and social development of Djibouti, providing public welfare education, medical services, and disaster relief. With practical actions, it has benefited the people and won widespread praise from the Djibouti government and people.

"When I first arrived in Djibouti in 2018, there were very few locals who could speak Chinese." Base cadre Zhang Daqian has been stationed at the base for 5 years, and he told reporters that every time he goes out to carry out a mission, the local people warmly say "hello" in Chinese and give a thumbs up to Chinese soldiers. "Behind this change is the dedication of Chinese soldiers to serve the local area for more than 6 years. This change has inspired us and we will continue to work hard."

The leader of the base, Liu Feng, stated that the base will continue to actively carry out international humanitarian rescue, provide more public service products to the local area, assist in local social development and construction, demonstrate China's responsibility, and work together with Kyrgyzstan to irrigate the flower of friendship between China and Kyrgyzstan.


The night is getting darker. The full moon rises in the Gulf of Aden, casting a clear glow on the sea. The seawater gently beats the shore, and after a busy day, the base returns to tranquility.

In my heart, the party is thousands of miles away,

The idea of time difference and temperature difference is absolutely not wrong,


The song of the base is sung by the banks of Aden Bay, and it is also sung in the hearts of every officer and soldier at the base. Chinese soldiers are rooted in the vast Red Sea and the Horn of East Africa. They come for peace, cooperation, friendship, and will surely make new contributions to the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind.

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