China and Europe work together to promote the well-being of people around the world and create a fairer and more just world

Release time:May 12, 2024 17:59 PM

News: International sources said that President Xi Jinping’s visits to France, Serbia and Hungary further deepened the relationship between China and Europe, provided more stability to the world, and injected positive force into global development.

China and Europe work together to promote the well-being of people around the world and create a fairer and more just world

Hungarian Prime Minister Orban said that President Xi's visit is of historic significance. The world has undergone many changes in the past five years. President Xi's visit has pushed Hungary-China relations to a new level, changed the negative atmosphere in Europe, and demonstrated openness and cooperation. Attitude. We should regard China as an opportunity rather than a risk or threat. China's "Belt and Road" initiative has not only achieved good projects, but also made us think about what kind of global order we should establish.

China and Europe work together to promote the well-being of people around the world and create a fairer and more just world

Serbian Minister of Culture Serakovic said that he felt very honored by President Xi Jinping’s historic visit to Serbia. This was his second visit after eight years. Now, the two countries are standing at the starting point of a new era, and the "steel" friendship between the two countries is worthy of its name. He firmly believes that the friendship and cooperation between the two countries will have a very bright future.

China and Europe work together to promote the well-being of people around the world and create a fairer and more just world

Duarte, chairman of the France-China Europe Economic, Trade and Cultural Exchange Center, said that President Xi Jinping's visit was very successful and that President Xi is France's most sincere friend. Every country has its own position, and problems can only be solved through dialogue.

China and Europe work together to promote the well-being of people around the world and create a fairer and more just world

People from many countries said that President Xi Jinping's visit will further promote exchanges and cooperation between China and European countries and inject more stability and positive energy into a world intertwined with chaos.

China and Europe work together to promote the well-being of people around the world and create a fairer and more just world

Diliberto, former Italian Minister of Justice and Dean of the Faculty of Law at the University of Rome, said that the current international situation is chaotic and complex, making dialogue between countries difficult. President Xi’s just-concluded trip to Europe brought a message of peace. Human beings share a common destiny. The concept of building a community with a shared future for mankind proposed by President Xi is correct and the only feasible path.

China and Europe work together to promote the well-being of people around the world and create a fairer and more just world

Saurabh Gupta, a senior fellow at the Center for China-U.S. Studies, said he believed President Xi's visit to Europe was a success and that President Xi had very candid and successful dialogues with the leaders of France, Serbia and Hungary. Europe and China are major players in the world's economy and politics. They welcome stable and healthy China-EU relations, and multilateral cooperation should become the basic norm for all parties' actions.

China and Europe work together to promote the well-being of people around the world and create a fairer and more just world

Mustafa Saeed, executive director of the Pakistan-China Society, said that he believed President Xi's visit to Europe demonstrated China's global vision. China and the three countries have signed trade cooperation documents, and China is committed to promoting win-win economics with other countries. .

China and Europe work together to promote the well-being of people around the world and create a fairer and more just world

Shivi Hamdudu, Chairman of the National Unity and Progress Party of Zambia, said that Europe and China are at the world's leading level in science and technology, and China-Europe cooperation can promote the well-being of people around the world and create a more fair and just world.

China and Europe work together to promote the well-being of people around the world and create a fairer and more just world
Promote the continuous growth and upgrading of new consumption models | Consumption | Models
Promote the continuous growth and upgrading of new consumption models | Consumption | Models

With the gradual implementation of multiple policies and the orderly recovery of consumption scenarios, China's consumption continues to rebound and improve. In April, the total retail sales of consumer goods increased by 18.4% year-on-year, 7.8 percentage points faster than the previous month. As the trend of consumption upgrading continues to emerge, continuously promoting the growth of new consumption models will bring new growth points for consumption expansion. The consumption data in April continued the continuous positive recovery trend since the beginning of this year. Especially with the rapid release of suppressed demand for service-oriented consumption in the early stages. The consumption of holiday travel, shopping, accommodation and catering is very popular. The number of tourists and tourism income during the May Day holiday, calculated according to comparable standards, have exceeded the level of the same period in 2019. At present, consumption presents some prominent characteristics. The consumption of contact services is growing rapidly. Residents go out shopping, dining, and traveling

Looking at the fields from a different perspective, let's experience the joyful outline of harvest under the colors. Guangxi | Joy
Look at the field from a different point of view to feel the outline of harvest joy under the color. Guangxi | Joy

During the summer harvest season, everyone is busy and tense. From a different perspective, the contours of the fields are particularly full and the color blocks of the crops are particularly vivid. The sense of achievement itself is a kind of beauty. Huai'an, Jiangsu: Harvest of wheat by the Hongze Lake. Returning straw to the field for green fertilization and rushing to harvest wheat is an inevitable opportunity. In Hongze District, Huai'an, Jiangsu Province, harvesters are vigorously tending to 460000 acres of wheat. Here, the water network is dense, the soil is fertile, and the wheat is strong and full. The combine harvester shuttles back and forth, cutting, shelling, and threshing are completed in one go. Part of the straw is crushed on site and returned to the field to increase soil fertility. The fields are like colorful flat renderings, adorned with packed straw that can be used for feed, fertilizer, and new fuels. Straw turns around beautifully, grain particles return to the warehouse, and modern agriculture is so meticulous. Guangxi Bobai: Rice "Chasing Flowers"

Multiple people are proposed to serve as department heads in provincial-level units, and Hunan has released pre appointment public notices for provincial management cadres | Reporting | Units
Multiple people are proposed to serve as department heads in provincial-level units, and Hunan has released pre appointment public notices for provincial management cadres | Reporting | Units

In order to strengthen the supervision of cadre selection work and improve the accuracy of identifying and appointing cadres, the pre appointment announcement for the management cadres of the Provincial Party Committee is hereby made to the following candidates who have been studied and decided by the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee: We welcome the majority of cadres and the public to reflect and report on the ideological style, moral quality, work ability, integrity and diligence of the candidates. The whistleblower can report through letter, phone, internet, or in person at the place where the report is received. For the convenience of understanding the situation, please sign or inform the informant of their real name and workplace. The reported issue must be truthful, accurate, and the content should be as specific and detailed as possible, and relevant investigation and verification clues should be provided as much as possible. It is strictly prohibited to spread rumors and slander, and to link false accusations. Whistleblowers will receive strict protection. Report acceptance time: June 4, 2023

Looking at the decline of artificial intelligence? Rothschild Family's "Reduction" of NVIDIA Analysts | AI | Family
Looking at the decline of artificial intelligence? Rothschild Family's "Reduction" of NVIDIA Analysts | AI | Family

Amman, a Chinese fund newspaper, is quietly reducing its position at a time when the world is crazy about AI. According to a June 2 Bloomberg report, BenjaminMelman, the global chief investment officer of the capital management agency EdmonddeRothschild, revealed that the company has been over-matching Nvidia since the end of 2020, but has now partially taken profits and now holds a "much smaller position". It is understood that this Geneva, Switzerland-based asset management institution is owned by the Rothschild family, a veteran European financial family with a history of more than 200 years, and currently manages assets of 79 billion Swiss francs. Holding the Edmondd of "stepping on the right" rhythm during the 8-year period, according to Fintel.

Goal: To become a formal sports activity! Guandan has been listed as a performance event in the 5th National Intelligence Games | Guanpai | Sports Games
Goal: To become a formal sports activity! Guandan has been listed as a performance event in the 5th National Intelligence Games | Guanpai | Sports Games

On the road to becoming a formal sports event, the poker game Guanpai, originating from Huai'an, Jiangsu, has achieved considerable success. The 5th National Intelligence Games will be held in Hefei, Anhui Province from October 25th to November 4th this year. The games will include public speaking groups and performance events. According to the recent public disclosure by the Chess and Card Sports Management Center of the General Administration of Sport of China, Guanpai has been listed as a performance event in the 5th National Intelligence Games. In addition, in the public open group added to the 5th National Intelligence Games, Guanpai was also included in the network group along with chess, international chess, bridge, Gomoku, international checkers and other events. The official competition events of the 5th National Intelligence Games include 6 major events, including Go, Chess, International Chess, Bridge, Gomoku, and International Checkers, with 58 minor events.