Leaving behind many good diplomatic stories, learning in progress丨President Xi Jinping’s trip to three European countries Macron | Xi Jinping | Good Stories

Release time:May 12, 2024 08:35 AM

[Study in progress] On the morning of May 11, President Xi Jinping returned to Beijing by special plane after concluding his state visits to France, Serbia and Hungary. This is a journey to inherit friendship, enhance mutual trust, boost confidence and open up the future. Reaffirming friendship, talking about cooperation, seeking development, talking about the future... President Xi Jinping had in-depth communication and exchanges with the leaders of the three countries, leaving behind many classic moments and diplomatic good stories. "Learning in Progress" will be reviewed with you.

From the meeting at the Elysée Palace in Paris to the talks at the "Shepherd's Station" on the Tourmalet Pass, from the sea of ​​welcome people on the Serbian Building Square to the farewell at the Peace Villa in Belgrade, from the flowers at the Budapest Airport to the welcome ceremony in the inner courtyard of the Buda Palace... Xi Jinping The vivid scenes and diplomatic stories during the President's European trip are unforgettable for a long time.

In France, President Xi Jinping received a "special invitation" from French President Macron to visit the Hautes-Pyrenees province in southwestern France. The Hautes-Pyrenees department has special significance to Macron. The provincial capital Tarbes is the home of his maternal grandmother, which hosted his unforgettable childhood. This "special invitation" seemed very affectionate and meaningful.

On May 7, local time, in order to welcome President Xi Jinping, Macron and his wife arrived early. They were greeted warmly at the airport and then at the "Shepherd Station" at Tourmalai Pass.

On May 7, local time, at the "Shepherds Station" at the Tourmalai Mountain Pass, Xi Jinping and his wife Peng Liyuan, together with Macron and his wife Brigitte, enjoyed the shepherd's dance with a strong Southern French style performed by local villagers. Photo by reporter Yao Dawei

The two heads of state and their spouses enjoyed the shepherd's dance performed by local villagers. In the wooden house, they sat by the window, overlooking the mountains, tasting local delicacies, and discussing the world.

Leaving behind many good diplomatic stories, learning in progress丨President Xi Jinping’s trip to three European countries Macron | Xi Jinping | Good Stories

On May 7, local time, at the "Shepherd Station" at the Tourmalai Pass, Xi Jinping and his wife Peng Liyuan sat by the window with Macron and his wife Brigitte, and had strategic communication on some important issues in a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere. . Photo by reporter Yao Dawei

The day before, the two sides issued four joint statements and signed nearly 20 bilateral cooperation documents in the fields of green development, aviation, agriculture and food, business, and people-to-people and cultural exchanges. At this time, amid the falling spring snow and the vast sea of ​​clouds, the two heads of state communicated "without a tie" to deepen mutual understanding. This situation is in the same vein as the "Night Talk in Nice" and "Tea Talk in Yu Garden" held by the two heads of state in 2019 and the "Pine Garden Meeting" in 2023.

During this talk at the Tourmalai Pass, President Xi Jinping told Macron about the history of Chinese civilization that spans more than 5,000 years. He told Macron that the Chinese have a strong sense of family and country, especially attaching great importance to and cherishing national unity, and that China will surely realize the realization of the Chinese nation. The great rejuvenation of China is another in-depth strategic communication between the two heads of state from the perspective of history and civilization.

"Through in-depth exchanges with Mr. President, I have further understood China's history, culture, concepts and development process, and have a deeper understanding of China's stance on important issues." Macron said with sincerity.

On the afternoon of May 6, local time, President Xi Jinping held talks with French President Macron at the Elysée Palace in Paris. This is a group photo of Xi Jinping and his wife Peng Liyuan with Macron and his wife Brigitte. Photo by reporter Yin Bogu

During the visit to France, there was an exchange of gifts. The two heads of state and their spouses came to a row of books. President Xi Jinping said to Macron: "These are some books I want to give you. They are French novels translated in China, French novels in Chinese."

Leaving behind many good diplomatic stories, learning in progress丨President Xi Jinping’s trip to three European countries Macron | Xi Jinping | Good Stories

Macron carefully looked at the book list - this was proposed by President Xi Jinping on the eve of his visit, including "1993", "Madame Bovary", "The Red and the Black", "Petro Goriot", "La Traviata", "The Three Musketeers", " John Christopher" and so on.

President Xi Jinping pointed to these books and introduced them to Macron one by one. These books are well-known in China and have accompanied President Xi Jinping through his youth. Each one is particularly meaningful.

Macron also prepared a book for President Xi Jinping, Hugo's "Meditations" published in 1856. He remembered that President Xi Jinping mentioned the French writer Hugo several times.

There are two books worth mentioning among the gifts exchanged, namely the 1963 edition of the "Concise French-Chinese Dictionary" presented by President Xi Jinping and the "Chinese-French Dictionary" published in 1742 presented by Macron, which is quite meaningful.

As President Xi Jinping said: Although China and France belong to Eastern and Western civilizations with different values ​​and social systems, they both value exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations. Both sides can be harmonious but different, and make new contributions to world peace and development and human progress through dialogue and cooperation.

In the portrait hall on the first floor of the Elysée Palace in France, three Olympic torches stand side by side, which is particularly eye-catching. This is one of the gifts exchanged between the heads of state of China and France.

Leaving behind many good diplomatic stories, learning in progress丨President Xi Jinping’s trip to three European countries Macron | Xi Jinping | Good Stories

President Xi Jinping presented Macron with the Beijing Double Olympics torch on May 6, and Macron reciprocated with the Paris Olympics torch.

President Xi Jinping presented President Macron with the Beijing Double Olympics torch, and President Macron reciprocated with the Paris Olympics torch.

In more than two months, the Paris Olympics will be held. The Olympic Games is the crystallization of mutual learning among civilizations and a symbol of unity and friendship. This precious gift comes at the perfect time.

"France is a sports powerhouse, and I sincerely wish the Paris Olympics success. China will send a high-level delegation to France to compete." President Xi Jinping said with a smile.

The world today is very uneventful, and the Olympic Games also entrust the people of the world with their yearning for peace. In France, President Xi Jinping has repeatedly elaborated on his position and propositions on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and the Ukraine crisis. He also expressed his willingness to work with France and take the opportunity of the Paris Olympics to advocate a global ceasefire and cessation of war during the Games.

In order to welcome President Xi Jinping, Serbia, a "die-hard friend", made "unprecedented special arrangements."

Leaving behind many good diplomatic stories, learning in progress丨President Xi Jinping’s trip to three European countries Macron | Xi Jinping | Good Stories

On May 8, local time, the heads of state of China and Serbia held talks at the Serbian Building in Belgrade.

On the morning of May 8, local time, President Xi Jinping held talks with Serbian President Vucic at the Serbian Building in Belgrade. Before the talks, Vucic accompanied Xi Jinping to the platform of the Government Building. In the square of the building, 15,000 Serbian people waved the national flags of China and Serbia and expressed their warmest welcome to Xi Jinping. Photo by reporter Huang Jingwen and Ding Haitao

Before the talks, Serbian President Vucic accompanied President Xi Jinping to the building platform. At this time, in the square of the building outside the platform, the ocean of friendship was boiling - 15,000 local people waved the national flags of China and Serbia, chanted the names of the two countries in unison, and expressed their warmest welcome to the distinguished guests from afar.

These people came from all over Serbia, including the elderly, children, and young people, and have been waiting eagerly for a long time. President Xi Jinping waved to the welcoming crowd. Thunderous applause sounded in the square, and cheers came and went for a long time.

"I was shocked and deeply moved by that scene." President Xi Jinping specifically mentioned this scene when he met with reporters after the meeting with Vucic.

In Serbia, after the two heads of state held talks, President Xi Jinping gave Vucic two handicrafts made of steel, namely the Temple of Heaven and the shape of St. Sava Church. Vucic was very interested and stepped forward to take a closer look.

Leaving behind many good diplomatic stories, learning in progress丨President Xi Jinping’s trip to three European countries Macron | Xi Jinping | Good Stories

President Xi Jinping gave Vucic two handicrafts, namely the steel Temple of Heaven and the shape of the St. Sava Church.

I say "special gift" because the steel used to make them is produced by HBIS Group's Smedelevo Steel Plant. This century-old factory that has regained its glory is an epitome of the "iron friendship" between China and Serbia.

In 2016, workers used the steel they produced to "exclusively customize" a gift for President Xi Jinping - a commemorative plaque with a silhouette of the Smedelevo Steel Plant. Eight years have passed, and the steel plant has developed even better, and the workers even wrote a letter to President Xi Jinping.

"We are 'steel pole' friends." President Xi Jinping's words were very interesting, and also showed the ever-lasting friendship between China and Serbia.

During this visit, the two heads of state jointly announced to deepen and enhance the China-Serbia comprehensive strategic partnership and build a China-Serbia community with a shared future in the new era. There are as many as 28 cooperation documents signed or agreed upon by both parties.

On the evening of May 8, local time, President Xi Jinping’s special plane arrived at Budapest International Airport. After 15 years, President Xi Jinping came to Hungary again.

Leaving behind many good diplomatic stories, learning in progress丨President Xi Jinping’s trip to three European countries Macron | Xi Jinping | Good Stories

When President Xi Jinping walked down the gangway, a young woman came forward to greet him, presented a bouquet of flowers, and said happily: "President Xi, welcome to Hungary!"

On the evening of May 8, local time, the Hungarian girl Ola Tamara in the team was welcomed at the Budapest International Airport in Hungary. Photo by reporter Xie Huanchi

According to the introduction, this young woman is the little girl Euler who presented flowers to President Xi Jinping 15 years ago. She was only 6 years old at the time.

"You have grown so big? You were only this tall back then." President Xi Jinping said while gesturing with his hands.

Later, Euler entered a Hungarian-Chinese bilingual school and now can speak fluent Chinese. He even gave himself the Chinese name Tongman.

After learning that she later learned Chinese, President Xi Jinping praised her: "She speaks Chinese very well."

Leaving behind many good diplomatic stories, learning in progress丨President Xi Jinping’s trip to three European countries Macron | Xi Jinping | Good Stories

“I was so moved at the time.” President Xi Jinping mentioned this special arrangement spanning 15 years during his meeting with Hungarian President Šuyuk. “From a little girl to a beautiful girl, isn’t this a symbol of China-Hungary friendship and friendship? Grow?"

On May 8, local time, President Xi Jinping arrived in Budapest by special plane for a state visit to Hungary. Hungarian Prime Minister Orban greeted President Xi Jinping and his wife at the airport. He said that you are welcome to "come home" and we feel a great honor.

In order to make President Xi Jinping feel "at home", the Hungarian side used the inner courtyard of the Buda Palace as the venue for the welcome ceremony for the first time. During the visit, President Xi Jinping had in-depth communication and exchanges with Hungarian leaders, and the relationship between the two countries was upgraded to an all-weather comprehensive strategic partnership in the new era. There are 18 cooperation documents signed or agreed upon by both parties.

At noon on May 10, local time, President Xi Jinping and his wife Peng Liyuan were invited to attend a farewell event held by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban and his wife in Budapest. Photo by reporter Xie Huanchi

On the occasion of parting, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban and his wife held a farewell event for President Xi Jinping and his wife Peng Liyuan.

The leaders of the two countries and their wives looked at the cityscape of Budapest together, with a panoramic view of the beautiful scenery on both sides of the Danube River. The leaders of the two countries sat by the window and looked out at the rolling clouds. They talked freely about their respective growth experiences and thoughts on state governance. They exchanged views on important issues of common concern and reached many consensuses.

Leaving behind many good diplomatic stories, learning in progress丨President Xi Jinping’s trip to three European countries Macron | Xi Jinping | Good Stories

Orban introduced the history, development changes and planning prospects of Budapest to Xi Jinping, saying that Chinese enterprises have made important contributions to Hungary's economic development and urban construction, and many projects undertaken by China have become flagship projects of cooperation between the two countries and symbols of friendship.

President Xi Jinping said that here I not only feel the historical tradition of Budapest, but also see the new vitality. I have deepened my understanding of Hungary and left a precious memory. After 15 years, I am deeply impressed by Hungary’s development achievements.

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Zhejiang has always been rich in Tibet and has led the country in terms of farmer income for 38 consecutive years. When it comes to village level collective economy, it has always been a weakness. In 2016, nearly a quarter of villages in Zhejiang had an annual income of less than 100000 yuan. Zhejiang, with beautiful mountains and rivers, boasts picturesque scenery. How to transform beautiful rural areas into a beautiful economy and do a good job in the big article "Green mountains and clear waters are invaluable assets"? How to develop and strengthen village level collective economy and achieve comprehensive rural revitalization? This has always been a topic in front of party committees and governments at all levels. However, how can the collective economy grow? The "wealthy villages" of the industrial era are difficult to replicate, and not every village can enjoy a "tourism meal". Many ordinary villages are lackluster, with limited resources and limited development prospects.

President Xi Jinping's important speech when investigating border control and the construction of border defense forces in Inner Mongolia aroused strong repercussions in the entire army. Border Defense Forces | Chairman | Control
President Xi Jinping's important speech when investigating border control and the construction of border defense forces in Inner Mongolia aroused strong repercussions in the entire army. Border Defense Forces | Chairman | Control

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 10th. Title: Resolutely obey the orders and strive to forge the Great Wall of Steel to defend the country and defend the border. Chairman Xi Jinping's important speech when investigating border control and border defense forces in Inner Mongolia aroused strong repercussions in the entire army. Xinhua News Agency reporter Mei Changwei, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the State, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission Xi Jinping investigated border control and border defense forces in Inner Mongolia on June 7th, he listened to reports on the situation in the northern theater, the army, the border defense brigade stationed in Inner Mongolia, and the Inner Mongolia Military Region and delivered important speeches. The whole army conscientiously studied and understood the spirit of the speech, and believed that President Xi's important speech profoundly answered a series of fundamental, overall, and directional major questions about the new situation of border defense work in the new era, and will certainly encourage the broad masses of officers and men to further strengthen their responsibilities and keep the border for the party and the people.

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Current and political micro-records | General Secretary Xi Jinping's Inner Mongolia travel micro-records | Xi Jinping

In June, General Secretary Xi Jinping went to Inner Mongolia to start his sixth domestic inspection this year. On the afternoon of June 5, Xi Jinping came to Wuliangsuhai to learn about the local situation of integrated protection and systematic management of grass and sand in mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes and lakes, and to observe the natural features and surrounding ecological environment of Wuliangsuhai. Subsequently, Xi Jinping came to the modern agricultural demonstration park on the south bank of Wuliangsuhai, inspected the display of soil and seed samples, went into the field, carefully observed the growth of wheat and pepper, and asked the agrotechnical personnel at the scene about the construction of high-standard farmland. On the morning of the 6th, Xi Jinping continued his inspection in Bayannur. At the state-run Xinhua Forest Farm in Linhe District, Xi Jinping learned about the construction of the "three north" shelterbelt system and inspected the sand under control on the spot. After that, Xi Jinping came to the water information monitoring center of Hetao Irrigation District to listen.

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CCTV News: As the national version resource repository and national version data center, the National Version Library of China currently houses over 25 million copies/piece of various versions. Among them, the Central Library has collected over 16 million copies per piece. In the Wenhua Hall of the Central Museum, the "Version Linlang" special exhibition showcases the exquisite and characteristic versions of contemporary Chinese publishing, with over 3000 volumes/pieces of valuable versions of reference books, primary and secondary school textbooks, literary works, journal founding numbers, audiovisual products, and more gathered here, which are highly characteristic of the times. "The Exhibition of Contemporary Chinese Publishing Boutique and Featured Editions" is the basic and distinctive collection exhibition of the National Version Museum. The reference book and textbook exhibition booth at the entrance showcases different versions of dictionaries, as well as the first four sets of the People's Education Press after the founding of New China