Pinduoduo helps launch the "First in Shanghai" brand

Release time:May 11, 2024 14:08 PM

The level of subsidies reached a new high, and Pinduoduo joined hands with many well-known brands to launch the first "New Product Launch Season" event... With full sincerity, Pinduoduo once again presented more exciting "luxury gift packages" for the "May 5th Shopping Festival".

As an annual event in Shanghai, the "May 5th Shopping Festival" is not only a landmark event for the city to enhance the recovery momentum of the consumer market and build an international consumption center city, but also creates a model for government-enterprise cooperation that can be used for reference in the country's consumption replenishment, expansion and innovation. .

Pinduoduo is a new e-commerce platform that grew up in Shanghai. In the past three years, it has invested more than 12 billion yuan in consumer subsidies. This year, it has gathered its businesses and invested a total of 4.5 billion yuan in consumer subsidies, surpassing previous years.

“We value Shanghai’s leading role in leading high-quality consumption, and hope that through continued investment in subsidies for the Shanghai consumer market, we will strengthen the protection of consumer rights, improve supply levels, optimize the consumption environment, further stimulate consumption potential, and create a better future for consumers. Shanghai’s online new economic development contribution,” said Chen Lei, chairman and co-CEO of Pinduoduo Group.

"The products in the live broadcast room tonight are all discounted. Everyone is welcome to buy something." Outside the launch ceremony of the fifth Shanghai "May 5th Shopping Festival", China Central Radio and Television Station joined hands with Pinduoduo to jointly create a game with the theme "Enjoy life in Shanghai" special live broadcast of tens of billions of subsidies to bring goods. Hosts Zhou Yun and Guo Ruotian skillfully used Shanghainese to call on netizens in the live broadcast room to buy and place orders.

Throughout the live broadcast, agricultural specialty products attracted much attention, and order volume continued to rise. Pinduoduo started with agricultural products. With its unique "pin" culture, Pinduoduo has created a new agricultural product supply chain through the "farmland cloud shopping" model, allowing consumers to purchase fresh, high-quality agricultural products at affordable prices, and boosting the upward trend of domestic agricultural products. .

Taking Yunnan as an example, since Shanghai and Yunnan established a counterpart assistance relationship in 1996, Shanghai has mobilized resources such as capital, technology, and enterprises to complement Yunnan's advantages and promote regional development through innovative industry collaboration, consumption collaboration, group services, etc. .

As an e-commerce platform born in Shanghai and radiating across the country, Pinduoduo makes full use of its platform resources to support the development of Yunnan and creates convenient channels for Yunnan’s agricultural specialties to leave the province. Specialty niche fruits such as yacon and ginseng fruit have quickly become popular and become hot sellers on the Internet. product.

Fruits from Chucheng Manor in Yunnan are sold across the country through Pinduoduo.

Last year, the platform launched the "Agricultural Cloud Action", planning to pool resources to promote 100 agricultural belts across the country to "go to the cloud" faster, using digital transformation as the starting point to help solve the problems existing in the development of agricultural belts to encourage the development and standardization of new farmers. The three major pain points are quality control and branding operations.

The first stop for research was Yunnan. Pinduoduo’s special team provides special e-commerce operation training to local merchants of flowers, green plants, and fruits, encourages new farmers in the industry to open up sales channels for agricultural products, and provides more support to merchants with good supply chains to help them achieve “from 1 A leap to 100”.

With the strong support of the platform, Yunnan’s blueberries, oranges, flowers and other agricultural products have gone out of the mountains and entered thousands of households. The “Internet celebrity fruit” blueberry is one of them. Sales have increased significantly since this year, with a year-on-year increase of 300%. Among them, Shanghai citizens are particularly enthusiastic about blueberry consumption, with order volume quadrupling compared with the same period in 2023.

This enthusiasm continued into the live broadcast, and hundreds of boxes of blueberries were quickly sold before the host introduced it. "Joyvio blueberries are not only sweet and juicy, but also contain a variety of anthocyanins, which can protect eye health." As soon as Guo Ruotian finished speaking, netizens placed orders one after another, and the order transactions continued to rise.

Yunnan blueberries are sold nationwide through the Pinduoduo platform.

Flowers from Yunnan are also popular. The live broadcast focused on promoting roses from Yunnan, whose diverse colors, pleasant aroma and superior quality have won the favor of many consumers.

"Compared to the same period last year, the store's online business has doubled this year." Merchant Yang Pan has been deeply involved in the industry for a long time. He first engaged in the flower shop franchise business in Wuhan, and then began to enter the gift flower industry, slowly connecting from the front end to customers, and then to the supply chain.

According to store data, first-tier cities account for 70% of flower sales, and the total volume maintains a growth trend. Shanghai, where the hit drama "Flowers" was filmed, has always been one of the cities with the highest sales. Shanghai's "nymphomaniacs" have a particularly obvious preference for roses. Champagne, Roselle, and Elsa are all popular rose varieties in Shanghai. .

"At the same time, the proportion of first-tier cities in the national business has declined in recent years." Yang Pan explained that this is because third- and fourth-tier cities, even counties and villages, have begun to contact the flower market through online platforms such as Pinduoduo, which has driven the growth of the flower market. The national flower consumption market is booming.

When doing offline business in the past, the price of roses was very high. The price per branch was five or six yuan, and it might cost more than ten yuan to buy them at a flower shop during the holidays. Nowadays, thanks to the policies of helping farmers and benefiting farmers, such as zero commission on agricultural products and tens of billions of subsidies on the Pinduoduo platform, consumers can also buy fresh and inexpensive roses on the premise of ensuring the income of flower farmers, and even get free shipping for 9 yuan and 90 pieces. Arrive home.

This year is Yang Pan's first time to participate in the "May 5th Shopping Festival". For this, he made early preparations. Not only did he select relatively rare varieties to go online, but he also signed a direct air freight cooperation with the express company. Starting from the day of picking, customers About 10% of consumers receive flowers the next day, and 90% of consumers receive them in about 50 hours.

“We look forward to cultivating more people’s habit of online shopping for flowers during the ‘May 5th Shopping Festival’, with the help of the traffic and support of the Pinduoduo platform, and allowing the industry to develop better,” he said.

In recent years, Shanghai has made every effort to create a "global launch location for new products", and this city positioning has become increasingly mature. The latest data shows that Shanghai's first-ever economic activity index in 2023 is 88.2, including a competitiveness index of 87.51, a growth index of 88.38, and an influence index of 88.83. This means that Shanghai continues to be a well-deserved city for first store launches to attract fans and attract traffic.

As the "May 5th Shopping Festival" enters its fifth year, this event has become the preferred time for domestic and foreign brands to launch new products, debut, and first exhibitions. Pinduoduo keeps up with the development trend and launches the "New Product Launch Season" event for the first time during the "May 5th Shopping Festival" this year, covering many popular categories such as home appliances, beauty, sports, stationery, and food, setting off a wave of launch craze.

In a special live broadcast of tens of billions of subsidies, Xiaomi, a smartphone brand, selected four popular products, covering wearable and smart home categories, including the two major scenarios of "people" and "home". "The 'May 5th Shopping Festival' not only helps Shanghai promote consumption and enhance brand influence, but also allows consumers to better enjoy the fun of technology." Yu Peng, general manager of Xiaomi China's e-commerce department, said that it will be launched in the future. The Duoduo platform simultaneously launched dual-outlet cabinet air conditioners, oversized TVs, ultra-thin built-in multi-door French refrigerators and other technological goodies, allowing more people to see the brand new Xiaomi home appliance category.

Chenguang Stationery, a local company in Shanghai, has been maintaining close cooperation with Pinduoduo and launched two products in a special live broadcast: one is a seven-pen brush set that represents its advantages and strength in writing tools; the other is The classic and best-selling M&G multifunctional copy paper.

During the live broadcast of the "Enjoy Life in Shanghai" special event with tens of billions of subsidies, CCTV hosts Zhou Yun and Guo Ruotian recommended products to netizens. Meng Yungui-photographed

"The 'May 5th Shopping Festival' has played a positive role in boosting consumer confidence and has also provided companies with a good opportunity for brand display and product promotion. We are very honored to work with Pinduoduo to provide high-quality products and services to consumers online. "Jiang Wei, general manager of Morning Light's online business, said that the company plans to launch more than a dozen new products this year, including the Confucius Temple Blessing Series Exam Sets, the Golden List Title Series Exam Sets, etc., which will not only meet consumer demand in terms of functionality, but also provide candidates with more emotions. Value and send good wishes to all the students.

Pechoin, a classic Shanghai beauty brand with a history of more than 90 years, has also actively participated in the online market in recent years. Last year, it achieved continuous growth in sales on Pinduoduo. During this year’s “May 5th Shopping Festival”, Pechoin’s “Multi-effect Firming” anti-aging series of products customized and developed for platform consumers have been launched in April. In the next two months, the “Soothing and Refreshing” series of products will be launched one after another to meet the needs of consumers. More consumer demand.

"Xinxiangyin, Peak, Xtep, 361°, Zhense and other brands have also gathered in Pinduoduo to participate in the launch of new products." The project leader said that support resources such as tens of billions of subsidies will be allocated to the launch of new products to increase Expose high-quality products to create a novel, diverse and healthy consumer experience. “We must not only provide consumers with good quality products, but also create a sense of value and happiness during their purchases.”

Shanghai has long attached great importance to brand building, and strives to cultivate and develop various brands by building communication platforms and optimizing the business environment. The currently popular "May 5th Shopping Festival", after five years of development, has become an important window to strengthen the promotion of domestic and overseas brands, and its popularity and influence across the country continue to rise.

Pinduoduo, as a bridge connecting consumers and the source of production and manufacturing, has always been committed to linking online and offline consumption, "in and outside Shanghai", and helping "Shanghai brands" to go out of Shanghai and integrate into the broader market.

Shanlin Food is a well-established cooked food brand in Shanghai with a history of 75 years and has a high influence in Shanghai. However, the brand has previously focused on offline business, with 80%-90% of its business concentrated in Shanghai.

"We have been working in the cooked food track for many years, focusing on R&D and production. We rarely conducted brand marketing and product layout online before." It was not until the second half of last year that Shanlin Food began to expand online channels and use the Pinduoduo platform to "go out of Shanghai" . “We must not only reach out to local young people in Shanghai, but also reach national consumer groups in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and more regions.” Jiang Shiyuan, general manager of Shanlin Food E-commerce, said.

In order to better meet the needs of platform consumers, the team has done a lot of preparatory work and launched new products. For example, the currently hot-selling Shanlin Authentic Big Red Sausage is an exclusive product that comes with 400 grams of free 60 grams of extra volume at no price increase. While ensuring quality, it also brings more benefits to platform users.

The support of the platform has driven a significant increase in store sales. Two weeks after settling in, with the completion of the black label brand store certification, the daily sales of the online store maintained a steady growth of 10% to 20% every day. The brand also gained more traffic by participating in larger traffic activities such as tens of billions of platform subsidies. Exposure and order growth.

"We hope that by participating in the 'May 5th Shopping Festival', new Shanghainese and more young people can know and understand our products, so that more people can try Shanlin Dahong's products, promote sales, and drive brand development." Jiang Shiyuan said .

Liby, a long-established chemical daily necessities manufacturer in Shanghai, participated in the platform’s “May 5th Shopping Festival” for the first time this year and carefully launched a rich product series, including six categories: powder, essence, soap, liquid, beads, and detergent aids, as well as explosive Liby products. Master Bai's fragrance series is exclusively available in specifications and fragrances, and Liby's fragrances are exclusively available for underwear washing. We also prepare goods for warehousing in advance and communicate with logistics to ensure sufficient inventory and timely delivery to provide quality services to consumers. .

"The content of each May Five Consumer Season is constantly innovative and enriched. It not only continues to attract the attention of Shanghai consumers and radiates attention to surrounding areas, but also helps lead consumer trends, promote consumption upgrades, promote regional growth, and have a positive impact on our brand's reputation and share. Growth has brought positive effects.” Zheng Yining, general manager of Libai E-commerce, believes that the “May 5th Shopping Festival” is not only a city-level shopping feast, but also a way for Shanghai to build an international consumption center city, promote consumption upgrades, and lead new retail. trending strategic initiatives.

"2024 is the year of consumption promotion. We will continue to serve the needs of consumers, enrich product types and service forms, improve quality-price ratio, optimize shopping experience, increase user activity, and provide more high-quality merchants who are serious about doing business. Opportunities for consumers to see and recognize it will consolidate the positive cycle of the platform ecosystem," said Zhao Jiazhen, co-CEO of Pinduoduo Group.

Promote consumption upgrades with "more benefits and better services"

Shanghai's private economy develops and grows together with the city, playing an indispensable and key role in accelerating the construction of a modern socialist international metropolis with world influence.

In 2023, Shanghai's private economy will continue to recover and pick up for the better. During this year, Shanghai's private economy achieved an added value of 1.26 trillion yuan, accounting for 26.6% of Shanghai's GDP; tax revenue was 577.534 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 12.8%; total import and export volume was 1.30553 billion yuan, It increased by 6.2% year-on-year, accounting for 31% of Shanghai’s total import and export volume.

"Shanghai is a benchmark city for the business environment at home and abroad. It ranks among the top international metropolises in terms of investment convenience, operating factor costs and legal environment." Chen Lei, chairman and co-CEO of Pinduoduo Group, pointed out that Shanghai has successively issued Relevant plans to promote the development of e-commerce and online new economy provide high-quality growth soil for enterprises. The introduction of a series of policies not only enhances corporate confidence, but also builds a good ecosystem for the development and growth of strategic emerging industries such as artificial intelligence, new energy, and mobile Internet.

At the same time, Shanghai continues to launch talent service policies, and through the implementation of practical measures such as rental subsidies for talents, settlement of special talents, and rewards for senior management teams, it has attracted a large number of outstanding talents to gather here, injecting a steady stream of innovative vitality into companies such as Pinduoduo; through Various activities such as the "May 5th Shopping Festival" and China Brand Day promote consumption and brand building, promote the continued growth and transformation and upgrading of Shanghai's economy, and provide solid soft power support for the development of the platform.

Pinduoduo’s “May 5th Shopping Festival” event page has been launched, and users can receive consumption subsidies by entering the special area. Meng Yungui-photographed

In this fertile soil full of opportunities and challenges, Pinduoduo continues to explore its own development path. A year ago, when Pinduoduo Group co-founder Zhao Jiazhen was promoted to co-CEO, he firmly stated: "We must fully embrace high-quality development." Subsequently, in the first quarter financial report of 2023 released by Pinduoduo Group, the concept of high-quality development was also in-depth Interpretation.

Last year, Pinduoduo launched a series of measures to help business and benefit people based on this strategy. For example, in major festivals, it focused on people’s livelihood and well-being, lowered the threshold for consumption upgrades, and helped release consumption potential; it actively created more opportunities for merchants to be seen and seen by consumers. The opportunity of recognition will help high-quality agricultural products and domestic products to accelerate their "exiting the circle".

Under the guidance of high-quality development strategies, Pinduoduo has also focused its investment on technological innovation and agricultural strategies. In 2023, R&D investment once again exceeded 10 billion yuan, setting a record high. Through in-depth support for the holding of agricultural science and technology innovation competitions, and providing flow and subsidy support to scientific and technological agricultural products developed by agricultural universities and scientific research units, we will enhance the transformation of agricultural science and technology achievements and assist the development of agricultural modernization.

According to the latest financial report, Pinduoduo Group’s total revenue last year reached 247.639 billion yuan, a significant year-on-year increase of 90%. "The revenue growth of the platform is the result of our effective consumption promotion measures and the overall rebound in consumption. It is also the result of us creating more value for consumers and merchants." Zhao Jiazhen said.

In the future, Pinduoduo will continue to adhere to this strategy - make long-term investment around high-quality development, continue to increase investment from the two aspects of "more benefits" and "good services", help consumers achieve high-quality consumption upgrades, and provide high-quality services. Find stronger driving forces for development.

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