Mothers should be given more flowers like this. Huang Daopo Memorial Park held a Mother’s Day theme event: Compared with carnations

Release time:May 12, 2024 17:43 PM

"Far away in the sky, daylilies bloom." May 12th is Mother's Day. Waves of pure singing echoed in the Jiangnan Courtyard of Huang Daopo Memorial Park in Xuhui District. A group of children holding white cotton bundles surrounded " In front of the statue of "Xianmian" Huang Daopo, he sang "Hemerocallis".

Hemerocallis is the mother flower of China. It has a history of nearly 3,000 years since it was recorded in the Book of Songs. From "How can I get the hemero, just talk about the back of the tree" to Wang Rong in the Southern and Northern Dynasties, "I miss you like a daylily, and I forget my worries at the first sight." From Li Bai in the Tang Dynasty to "Du Kang can relieve boredom, and daylily relieves forgetfulness", and Zhu Xi in the Southern Song Dynasty to "Tree Hemerocallis in front of the steps, both of them forget their worries", Hemerocallis has been praised by literati in the past dynasties. Hemerocallis is also known as the "forget-you grass" because before a wanderer leaves for a long journey, he or she will plant daylilies in front and behind the Beitang where his mother lives to express his longing for his mother and reduce his mother's pain of lovesickness. As a result, Hemerocallis fulva gradually became closely related to mother, and Hemerocallis fulva gradually expanded from the image of "forgetting one's worries" to refer to "mother".

Fang Yun, academic consultant of Huang Daopo Memorial Hall and head of the Intangible Cultural Heritage Theory and Application Innovation Base of Shanghai Vocational College of Arts and Crafts

As the god of the cotton textile industry, Huang Daopo is regarded as the "Huang Mother" by the people. Fang Yun, academic consultant of Huang Daopo Memorial Hall and head of the Intangible Cultural Heritage Theory and Application Innovation Base of Shanghai Vocational College of Arts and Crafts, said that Shanghai folk have always had a tradition of offering sacrifices to Xian Mian on "Huang Mu's birthday". This year's Mother's Day is exactly one day apart from Huang Mu's birthday. The event "Xuan Hua Reflects Mother's Love and Childlike Heart Respects Xian Mian" was specially held at the Huang Dao Po Memorial Hall. It is hoped that relying on Xian Mian's hometown and the national intangible heritage Wunijing cotton textile, Create "Huang Mu's Birthday - Shanghai Mother's Day" in Huang Mu's hometown to inherit the cotton textile intangible cultural heritage and the pioneering cotton spirit.

An academic dialogue titled "The Cultural Imagery and Contemporary Inheritance of the Chinese Mother Daylily" explained China's culture of kindness and filial piety to 15 groups of families and on-site guests who participated in the event. Tian Zhaoyuan, director of the Intangible Heritage Inheritance and Application Center of East China Normal University, believes that mother is the soul and core of the family. Blessing and praising mother, praying for and remembering mother are our yearning for a harmonious and beautiful family life, and also a symbol of national peace and prosperity. of prayer. Many outstanding mother representatives form the genealogy of Chinese mothers. For example, Xiancan Leizu is the representative of mothers in the southwest region, Queen Mother of the West is the representative of mothers in the northwest region, Meng Mu is the representative of Shandong region, and Xian Mianhuang Daopo is a well-deserved Representative of mothers in Jiangnan area.

Tian Zhaoyuan, Director of the Intangible Heritage Inheritance and Application Center of East China Normal University

Zhang Zhiguo, professor of the Institute of Beautiful China and Ecological Civilization at Shanghai University of Applied Technology and chief expert of Shanghai University Think Tank

At the event, Zhang Zhiguo, professor at the Institute of Beautiful China and Ecological Civilization at Shanghai University of Technology and chief expert at the Shanghai University Think Tank, talked about the cultural imagery and contemporary applications and cultivation techniques of the Chinese mother flower Hemerocallis fulva. Zhang Zhiguo introduced that Hemerocallis fulva has a long history of cultivation in China. It is a traditional Chinese flower and one of the Chinese plants that has influenced the world. It has profound cultural heritage and has become a synonym for mother since the Tang Dynasty. Thanks to contemporary scientific research and development and cultivation techniques, China has a wide variety of daylilies with high ornamental value and good resistance. They also have a wide range of uses such as ornamental, edible, medical, and cosmetics. Regrettably, since the beginning of the last century, the exotic plant carnation was introduced to China and gradually spread, and the image of China's daylily mother has been declining day by day. He believes that today, when cultural confidence is being established, especially in the hometown of Xian Mian, it is necessary to spread the Chinese mother's daylily culture to young people.

At the cotton spinning practice base, tea ceremony has become the best way for children to pay tribute to their mothers. Under the leadership of teachers from Memorial Park, parent-child families jointly made plant-dyed daylily flowers and cotton handicrafts, trying to use the warmth of traditional hand-woven fabrics to add brilliance to this bright bouquet of Chinese mother flowers. The event also invited the Jinqiao International Happy Children's Chorus to perform Chinese songs such as "Hemerocallis", "Twenty-Four Solar Terms Song" and "Like a Dream".

The event was hosted by the Social Development Office of Huajing Town, Xuhui District and the Women's Federation of Huajing Town, and hosted by Huang Daopo Memorial Park and the Intangible Cultural Heritage Theory and Application Innovation Base of Shanghai Vocational College of Arts and Crafts.

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