Check in "Tide" - Interpretation of the Hangzhou Asian Games Emblem Part Three: Hangzhou Asian Games | City Walk

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 18:42 PM

Hangzhou, September 7th (Xinhua News Agency) - "Hold a good meeting, enhance a city.". The 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou is getting closer, and a Citywalk will be held in the main host cities and co organizers, with Asian Games elements everywhere. Whether in competition venues, Asian Games villages, main media centers, or at airport stations, subway buses, or urban commercial centers, the atmosphere of the Asian Games has been filled, and a "surge" can be seen everywhere.

On August 4th, at Hangzhou West Station, passengers took a group photo next to the Fuxing Asian Games intelligent multiple unit train. Shen Jizhong

Welcome to the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou! At 9 o'clock in the morning, at Hangzhou West Station, through the waiting room with a viewing platform covering about 300 square meters, Wushan and Qiaoshan complement each other. On the electronic display screen of the central service area, promotional videos of the Hangzhou Asian Games are scrolling through.

The crowd surged and gathered happily together.

As an important arrival and departure channel during the Asian Games, the Hangzhou West Station hub currently has an average daily passenger flow of over 10000 people. Here, many people have left their first impression of the Hangzhou Asian Games. The main entrance and exit road intersections, urban corridors within the station, and surrounding roads are all fully integrated with Asian Games elements in spatial design, and the "surging" landscape complements the surrounding green decoration.

Check in "Tide" - Interpretation of the Hangzhou Asian Games Emblem Part Three: Hangzhou Asian Games | City Walk

On August 4th, passengers boarded the Fuxing Asian Games intelligent multiple unit train at the high-speed railway Deqing Station. Shen Jizhong

At 10 o'clock in the morning, I boarded the smart train "Asian Games" on the Hangzhou Metro. On the gray black track, a flash of "Rainbow Rhyme Purple" speeding by was particularly eye-catching.

The reporter found that the Hangzhou Asian Games emblem "Tide" was specially hung on the front of the "Asian Games" train, and core elements such as the Asian Games emblem and slogan were also painted on the inside and outside of the vehicle. "The embellishments of these elements make specialized trains a unique presence, and passengers can also feel the vitality and charm of the Asian Games when commuting on public transportation," said the train staff.

Welcome guests from all over the world and join in the grand event.

On September 1st, a journalist stamped a commemorative medal at the China Post exhibition hall in the main media center lobby. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Xu Yu

Check in "Tide" - Interpretation of the Hangzhou Asian Games Emblem Part Three: Hangzhou Asian Games | City Walk

In the main media center of the Asian Games, a temporary post office of China Post attracted the attention of reporters. Intelligent devices such as sonic postcard printers, personalized stamp printers, and self-service stamping machines showcase the "Asian Games image" of postal services to media professionals from various Asian countries and regions. The commemorative postcards printed with images of various Asian Games projects have attracted many journalists to stop and purchase for collection, hoping to freeze this unique imprint of the Hangzhou Asian Games.

Night falls, shining brightly. The lighting fixtures on both sides of the lakeside pedestrian street by West Lake in Hangzhou are decorated with LED screens, with Asian Games mascots, venue logos, and other Asian Games symbols dancing on electronic screens. The road supporting electrical boxes and other equipment have also been repackaged with Asian Games themed stickers, adorned with "Tide" signs. The stopping area on the side of the street is centered on a decorative wall composed of green plants, with a three-dimensional combination of colors and layers of plants forming a "tidal wave" pattern, which looks quite elegant from a distance.

The Asian Games is not only a grand event in the city, but also a grand event for the people.

On May 18, 2019, the first set of personalized special stamps for the Hangzhou Asian Games was displayed in the West Lake scenic area. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Huang Zongzhi

"For the general public, the emblem is an expression of urban culture." Yuan Youmin, the main designer of the "Tide" emblem of the Hangzhou Asian Games and a professor at the China Academy of Fine Arts, once said, "In four years, if you don't look outdated, you will be successful."

Check in "Tide" - Interpretation of the Hangzhou Asian Games Emblem Part Three: Hangzhou Asian Games | City Walk

Nowadays, the tide has deeply penetrated people's hearts. In the Twenty Three Li Street of Yiwu City, students used 792 Rubik's Cubes to create a "surging" pixel painting; In the contiguous rice fields of Lushansi Village, Hemudu Town, Yuyao City, a colorful rice painting covering an area of about 35 acres has been painted, depicting the emblem and three mascots; On a hand-painted blackboard newspaper in a residential area of Jinhua City, the emblem and mascot are eye-catching. 86 year old hand-painted artist Hu Yanju said, "We all come up with our own efforts to hold the Asian Games at our doorstep and look forward to the grand event."

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