Build the "the Belt and Road" into an open road (people's view)

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 19:12 PM

Jointly building the "the Belt and Road" has created a new model of win-win cooperation and has become a popular international public product and international cooperation platform in the world today

The construction of the "the Belt and Road" is not a solo of China alone, but a chorus of countries along the line. It is a sunny avenue for China to share opportunities and seek common development with the world

The sound of the whistle, the China Europe freight train carrying "Made in Europe" slowly entered the platform. Not far away, after the completion of loading of minerals, automotive parts and other commodities, they will be transported directly to Southeast Asia through the Western Land Sea New Channel. The entry and exit are orderly and bustling, and the Guoyuan Port in the Liangjiang New Area of Chongqing is bustling with activity. From the former inland port in the hinterland of southwest China to the hub of global connectivity today, the trading partners of Orchard Port are all over the world, becoming a vivid epitome of jointly building the "the Belt and Road" and maintaining and developing an open world economy.

Economic globalization has integrated the world economy, with me and you in each other. Any country pursuing modernization cannot rely solely on itself and achieve it under closed conditions. Strengthening connectivity is essential for common development. Rooted in the historical soil of the Silk Road, the "the Belt and Road" inherits the spirit of the Silk Road with peace and cooperation, openness and inclusiveness, mutual learning and mutual benefit as the core, and has been open and inclusive since the proposal was put forward.The key to the positive results of the "the Belt and Road" initiative over the past decade is that it conforms to the trend of world peace and development and meets the practical needs of development cooperation of countries along the line.

Openness brings progress, while closure leads to backwardness. In Indochina Peninsula, the China Laos railway has transformed Laos from a "land locked country" to a "land linked country", greatly facilitating the travel of people along the line and powerfully activating the economy along the line; In Kazakhstan, China and Kazakhstan have implemented the renovation of the Chimkent refinery, reducing pollutant emissions by 90% and cultivating a large number of technical personnel; In Kenya, the Inner Mongolia Railway has driven local economic growth by over 2 percentage points. Over the past decade, the joint construction of the "the Belt and Road" has effectively promoted connectivity, and helped countries and regions along the Belt and Road better integrate into the global supply chain, industrial chain, and value chain, opening up a broader space for development. The "the Belt and Road" initiative has so far formed more than 3000 cooperation projects, boosted the investment scale of nearly trillion dollars, and created "national landmarks", "livelihood projects" and "cooperation monuments". From ramming the foundation, erecting the columns and beams to taking root and lasting development, the joint construction of the "the Belt and Road" has created a new model of win-win cooperation. It has become a popular international public product and international cooperation platform in the world today, a "development belt" benefiting the world, and a "happy road" benefiting people all over the world.

Openness is an important driving force for the progress of human civilization and a necessary path for world prosperity and development. At present, the world is experiencing unprecedented changes and accelerating its evolution, with insufficient momentum for global economic recovery. No country can solve the challenges facing world economic development alone. If they are connected, they will advance together; if they are closed, they will retreat separately. Only by steadfastly developing an open world economy, sharing opportunities and benefits in openness, and achieving mutual benefit and win-win, can we lead the world economy out of difficulties, achieve inclusive growth, and achieve common prosperity. By building an open cooperation platform, the "the Belt and Road" initiative has promoted the establishment of a fair, reasonable and transparent system of international economic, trade and investment rules, promoted the orderly flow of production factors, efficient allocation of resources, and deep integration of markets, created an environment conducive to open development, maintained and developed an open world economy, pushed forward economic globalization, and achieved mutual benefit, common prosperity, and sustainable development of different countries.

Openness is a distinct symbol of contemporary China. Chinese path to modernization is constantly advancing in the process of expanding opening up and benign interaction with other countries. Jointly building the "the Belt and Road" adheres to the basic principle of joint discussion, joint construction and sharing, advocates genuine multilateralism, lets everyone discuss everything, promotes the strengths of all parties, and gives full play to the strengths and potential of all parties. The achievements of the ten-year construction are obvious to all, which reflects our firm determination and practical action to share China's market opportunities with the world and actively promote the construction of an open world economy, and strongly proves that the construction of the "the Belt and Road" is not a solo of China, but a chorus of countries along the line, and is a sunny avenue for China to share opportunities and seek common development with the world. Adhering to dialogue and consultation, co construction and sharing, win-win cooperation, exchange and mutual learning, and seeking the maximum common denominator of cooperation, this path of openness will become wider and extend to more and farther places.

The towers of Brahmanism, pillars with Hindu patterns, foundations with lion bodies and human faces, and wings of flying musicians... At the important starting point of the Maritime Silk Road in Quanzhou City, Fujian Province, the diverse decorations in Kaiyuan Temple vividly tell the prosperous scene of the ancient Maritime Silk Road. The prosperity of civilization and the progress of humanity cannot be separated from seeking common ground while reserving differences, being open and inclusive, and from cultural exchanges, mutual learning and mutual learning. At present, the joint construction of the "the Belt and Road" has stood at a new starting point. Adhere to the principle of joint consultation, joint construction and sharing, and connectivity and cooperation. By opening up to alleviate the difficulties of development, pooling the power of cooperation, pooling innovation with openness, and seeking the benefits of sharing with openness, high-quality joint construction of the "the Belt and Road" will surely continue to make new progress and new achievements, open up new space for world economic growth, and make new contributions to improving people's livelihood and well-being of all countries.

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