Adhere to the development of characteristic and advantageous industries as the main direction - One of a series of reviews on implementing the spirit of the symposium on promoting the development of the western region in the new era

Release time:May 12, 2024 12:14 PM

When industry thrives, all industries will prosper; when industry is strong, the economy will be strong. Looking back at the development process of the western region, industry has always been an important foundation for promoting high-quality development in the western region.

On the afternoon of April 23, General Secretary Xi Jinping presided over a symposium on promoting the development of the western region in the new era in Chongqing and delivered an important speech, using six "persistences" to provide clear guidance for further forming a new pattern of great protection, great openness, and high-quality development. . Among them, “persisting in developing characteristic and advantageous industries as the main direction” ranks first, highlighting the importance of industrial development in promoting the development of the western region in the new era.

To thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech, the western provinces have gathered consensus, seized opportunities, actively planned advantageous industries, and strived to open up a new chapter of high-quality development in the western region.

Work hard on the word "special": plan industrial development based on resource advantages

At this symposium, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized: “We must adhere to the development of characteristic and advantageous industries as the main direction, develop emerging industries according to local conditions, and accelerate the industrial transformation and upgrading of the western region.”

The vast area and rich natural conditions give the western region unique resource endowments and industrial development environment: the scenery resources in Gansu, Ningxia, Inner Mongolia and other places provide the basis for the development of new energy industry; Guizhou has many mineral types and large reserves, and is accelerating the development of mineral resources. High-end development and utilization; the geographical features and national culture of Xinjiang, Qinghai, Tibet and other places form unique tourism resources...

People visit Tianshan Mingyue City in Shuimogou District, Urumqi, Xinjiang. Photo by reporter Hu Huhu

Whether it is accelerating the technological transformation of traditional industries, developing emerging industries according to local conditions, or laying out and building future industries, we should persist in working hard on "characteristics" and strengthen our advantages with characteristics.

This is a photovoltaic power station located in Hexi Town, Tongxin County, Wuzhong City, Ningxia, taken on September 16, 2023. Photo by reporter Yang Zhisen

In Lingwu, Ningxia, the National Energy Ningdong 2-million-kilowatt composite photovoltaic base has more than 3.7 million photovoltaic panels undulating along the vast wasteland, creating "shimmering waves" under the scorching afternoon sun, and continuously delivering green electricity to Zhejiang and other places.

Ningxia, with its high altitude, strong sunshine and high radiation intensity, is one of the regions with the richest solar energy resources in my country. As China's first comprehensive new energy demonstration zone, Ningxia is accelerating its "chasing the wind and light". By the end of 2023, the installed capacity of new energy will exceed 36 million kilowatts, and the per capita installed capacity of new energy will reach 5 kilowatts.

Panoramic view of the 3×5.98 MW floating distributed photovoltaic power generation project of Ningdong Power Plant of Ningxia Electric Power Company of National Energy Group. Photo by reporter Wang Peng

Mao Zhonggen, dean of the China Western Economic Research Institute at Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, said that developing characteristic and advantageous industries in the western region will help give full play to regional comparative advantages, enhance industrial agglomeration and competitiveness, and enhance the economic competitiveness and sustainable development capabilities of the western region.

In Xinzhai Village, Lujiang Town, Baoshan, Yunnan, relying on the subtropical climate and Baoshan arabica coffee, coffee and cultural tourism have created new sparks; in Yulin, Shaanxi, cutting-edge technology has helped coal realize "from black to white", and the traditional coal city has accelerated its transformation into modern coal chemical industry ; In Liuzhou, Guangxi, the automobile industry has accelerated its transformation and upgrading to new energy vehicles. In the first quarter, new energy vehicle sales increased by 160.7% year-on-year...

Exhibitors from Baoshan, Yunnan introduce coffee products to visitors at the 7th China-South Asia Expo. Photo by reporter Chen Xinbo

By integrating superior resources and cultivating new business formats, a number of characteristic industries in the western region have taken advantage of the situation and shown strong momentum.

Tapping potential in the word "new": using innovation as an advantageous industry to improve quality and efficiency

From agriculture, energy and raw material industries to today's advanced manufacturing and modern service industries, since the implementation of the Western Development Strategy, the western region has realized a transformation in the main industrial structure.

At a new energy vehicle battery manufacturer in Liuzhou City, Guangxi, robots work on the production line. Photo by reporter Huang Xiaobang

"The industrial development in the western region has entered a critical stage of transformation and upgrading." Sheng Yi, a researcher at the Sichuan Academy of Social Sciences, said that currently, industrial development in the western region still faces many difficulties and challenges. The industrial structure is not high-level and is resource-intensive, labor-intensive, and capital-intensive. Industrial industries account for a high proportion, industrial innovation capabilities need to be improved, product added value is low, and isomorphism problems are still prominent.

At this symposium, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized "strengthening the deep integration of technological innovation and industrial innovation" and made detailed arrangements for innovation: "promoting the upgrading, quality improvement and efficiency improvement of traditional advantageous industries" and "exploring the development of modern manufacturing and strategic "Emerging industries" and "Layout and construction of future industries"...

Empower technological transformation, promote equipment updating, and accelerate the upgrading of traditional advantageous industries——

Improving the quality and efficiency of traditional industries has brought new opportunities for industrial structural adjustment in the western region. Qinghai is accelerating the construction of a new power system with a gradually increasing proportion of new energy, and Shaanxi is promoting the extension of coal-based chemicals to new chemical materials... A series of policy measures to strengthen muscles and bones have been implemented one after another.

This is a photovoltaic power station photographed in the Photovoltaic Industrial Park of Delingha City, Haixi Mongolian and Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Qinghai Province on April 23, 2024. Photo by reporter Zhang Long

"To achieve the upgrading of traditional industries, we must improve the efficiency of comprehensive utilization of resources and the degree of intensive processing of products." Li Hengchao, deputy mayor of Liupanshui City, Guizhou Province, said that based on the rich local mineral resources, we will strive to do a good job in "rich ore development" to make our advantages better. , stronger and stronger.

Capture core technologies, make good use of innovative talents, and promote the development of emerging industries——

China's first independently developed F-class 50MW heavy-duty gas turbine rolled off the assembly line in Sichuan; the advanced attosecond laser facility of the Xi'an Institute of Optics and Mechanics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences passed the preliminary design review; Chongqing and other western regions have established and improved talent performance assessment and incentive mechanisms to provide talent with long-term development The stable hard and soft support of the cycle...

To make up for shortcomings in development, innovation results must be accelerated and applied; to break through core technologies, innovative talents must also be continuously cultivated. Relying on innovation and development, the western region has built 9 national-level strategic emerging industry clusters such as new materials and biomedicine, and 5 national-level advanced manufacturing clusters such as electronic information and aviation.

Staff member Gao Qiaoli prepares catalyst small test samples in the process amplification platform laboratory of Zhongke Clean Energy Innovation Research Institute in Yulin, Shaanxi Province. Photo by reporter Zou Jingyi

Lay out and build future industries to form new driving forces for regional development——

Not long ago, the 2024 Western Low-altitude Economic Industrial Ecology Conference was held in Pengzhou, Sichuan. By creating dedicated airspace for drones, innovating drone food delivery services, and promoting several application scenarios, Pengzhou continues to explore the path to low-altitude economic development.

Future industries are the key to creating a new engine of economic growth. Looking at the western region, from accelerating the cultivation of a new generation of electronic information technology to actively building the "Western Digital Valley", new industrial stories for the future are being written.

Making a fuss about the word "integration": optimizing the layout of industrial space through cooperation

"Deepen scientific and technological innovation cooperation in the east, central and west regions" and "promote the integrated development of central enterprises and the western region"... At this symposium, General Secretary Xi Jinping gave guidance on the development of industrial cooperation in the western region.

Just 14 milliseconds! This is the speed at which data is transmitted from Ningbo in the east to Guiyang in the west. Relying on the 400G all-optical inter-provincial backbone network, Guiyang can provide more efficient computing services to eastern cities, with inter-hub delays of less than 20 milliseconds. This artery of “counting from the East to the West” is a microcosm of the new round of in-depth cooperation between the East and the West.

Staff members inspected the operating status of the micro-module computer room at China Unicom Gui'an Data Center. Photo by reporter Tao Liang

Sheng Yi believes that from the past "transmitting electricity from the west to the east" and "transmitting gas from the west to the east" to the current "numbering from the east to the west", the industrial division of labor between the western region and the eastern and central regions has formed a "me among you, you among me" , division of labor, cooperation, and coordinated progress”.

Not long ago, the 2024 China Industrial Transfer and Development Matchmaking Event was held in Sichuan, Guizhou, Ningxia and other places. Sichuan launched promotions focusing on characteristic industries such as electronic information, equipment manufacturing, and materials and chemicals; in Guizhou, 298 projects signed involved areas such as resource intensive processing and new energy vehicles; Ningxia combined resource endowments and development status with the Yangtze River Delta region's digital information, modern Negotiated with more than 50 companies including chemical industry...

Professor Che Wenhui from the Economics Teaching and Research Department of the Party School of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China said that based on the industrial foundation and resource endowment, the western region will undertake the industrial transfer from the eastern region according to local conditions, focus on introducing industries with market prospects, and combine the undertaking of industrial transfer with the adjustment of its own industrial structure and the establishment of modern industries. The system is combined to cultivate and develop new momentum.

With the implementation of a series of measures such as "Science and Technology Aiding Youth", "Science and Technology Entering Yunnan" and "Science and Technology Supporting Ningbo", the independent innovation capabilities and the transfer and transformation level of scientific and technological achievements in the western region have significantly improved. More and more enterprises have integrated key processes, production Bases and R&D centers are located in the west.

By the end of 2023, the number of national key laboratories and 3,197 major science and technology platforms in Sichuan and Chongqing has reached 27; Ningxia has organized and implemented more than 1,700 east-west science and technology cooperation projects; Guizhou actively explores "Guizhou Resources for Eastern Enterprises" and "Guizhou Manufacturing for Eastern R&D" and other models... The surging momentum of high-quality development continues to be released in the western region.

Taking the development of new productive forces as an important focus, guiding the orderly transfer of industries, and optimizing the spatial layout of industries, the western region is accelerating the construction of a modern industrial system supported by advanced manufacturing.

Plan to recruit over 3000 people! Central authorities and their directly affiliated institutions will apply for supplementary recruitment of civil servants starting tomorrow
Plan to recruit over 3000 people! Central authorities and their directly affiliated institutions will apply for supplementary recruitment of civil servants starting tomorrow

According to the official website of the National Civil Service Bureau, the registration for the 2023 supplementary recruitment of civil servants by central organs and their affiliated institutions is about to begin. Applicants can log in to the "Central Organs and Their Affiliated Institutions 2023 Examination Recruitment Civil Servant Special Website" from 8:00 on June 6 to 6:00 on June 8 to register online. The interview will take place in mid June. A total of 15 departments participated in this supplementary recruitment, with a planned recruitment of 3249 people, of which more than 2300 are planned to recruit fresh college graduates. Individuals who have participated in the written examination for the recruitment of civil servants in the central government and its affiliated institutions in 2023, passed the written examination for public subjects, but have not been recruited for the original position can apply. Announcement on Supplementary Recruitment of Civil Servants by Central Organs and Their Directly Affiliated Institutions in 2023

Guangdong has created a new landscape of green beauty, and the level of ecological livability has steadily improved. Ecological parks have also improved their level
Guangdong has created a new landscape of green beauty, and the level of ecological livability has steadily improved. Ecological parks have also improved their level

June 5th, 2023 is the 52nd World Environment Day. On the 4th, it was learned from the Forestry Bureau of Guangdong Province that in recent years, Guangdong has continuously promoted forest protection and management, improved the living environment, promoted ecological livability construction, and enhanced the happiness and sense of gain of the people. Since the beginning of this year, Guangdong Province has completed the optimization and improvement of 1.83 million mu of forest stands, voluntarily planted 2.01 million trees from all sectors of society, and launched 180 green and beautiful ecological construction demonstration sites in Guangdong. In 40 years, the forest area has increased by 67%. Guangdong has been "greening" its modern living environment, and greenery and forests are important indicators. In recent years, the forestry system in Guangdong has regarded ecological protection and restoration as a systematic project, starting from the overall integrity of the ecosystem, adhering to the priority of protection and natural restoration, and deepening the promotion of the forest grass wet sand ecosystem

Co painting the harmonious coexistence of humans and nature, creating a beautiful picture of humanity | the world | the picture
Co painting the harmonious coexistence of humans and nature, creating a beautiful picture of humanity | the world | the picture

June 5th is World Environment Day. The theme of World Environment Day set by the United Nations this year is "reducing plastic and picking up plastic". The theme of China's June 5th Environmental Day is "Building a Modernization of Harmonious Coexistence between Human and Nature". In the current context of prominent global ecological and environmental issues, these themes embody the hope of humanity to jointly address environmental challenges and build a clean and beautiful world. The Earth is the home on which humanity relies for survival. However, it is facing increasingly severe challenges. Every year, over 14 million metric tons of plastic enter and damage aquatic ecosystems. Currently, more than 3 billion people worldwide are affected by ecosystem degradation. Environmental pollution causes about 9 million premature deaths each year, and over 1 million species of flora and fauna are at risk of extinction. Global warming is expected to rise by 1.5 degrees Celsius or even earlier around 2040... United Nations Environment

The firefighter dug for two and a half hours and found that... feet are hot! At the doorstep of a resident's house in Hangzhou, there is an area with a temperature of 80 ℃. Residents | firefighters | on the ground
The firefighter dug for two and a half hours and found that... feet are hot! At the doorstep of a resident's house in Hangzhou, there is an area with a temperature of 80 ℃. Residents | firefighters | on the ground

Yesterday afternoon at around 5 o'clock, the fire station in Pingyao Town, Yuhang District received a request for help from a resident of Pingyao, stating that a cement floor in front of their farmhouse was very hot and the temperature was unusually high. Upon receiving instructions from the command center, two fire trucks and 14 firefighters who had just disposed of a fire immediately rushed to the scene. This rural residential building is located at 183 Dongxing Road, Pingyao Town. It is a three story standalone building with a cement floor in front of the door and a water pool next to it. The heated area is close to the water pool. The landlord said that he washed the car yesterday morning and stepped barefoot on the ground, only to find that the ground was very hot. "We use a medical thermometer to measure the temperature. It was over 40 degrees in the morning, but now it's over 70 degrees. I don't know why, but I feel uneasy." The firefighter took out a professional thermometer to measure, and the temperature in this ground area was close to 80 ℃. We suspect it is

Someone almost disfigured or lost their sight, don't take pictures of such insects! Venom is comparable to sulfuric acid. Cryptoptera | Netizens | Sulfuric acid
Someone almost disfigured or lost their sight, don't take pictures of such insects! Venom is comparable to sulfuric acid. Cryptoptera | Netizens | Sulfuric acid

On the 4th, the topic # My face was disfigured by a caterpillar # topped the trending list and sparked a discussion. If you encounter this type of insect, don't slap it off again! Be careful it will cause skin to ulcerate! Cryptoptera, what's the origin? Cryptoptera, also known as "flying ants". It is yellow and black, looking like an ant with wings. From June to September each year, a large number of cryptopters appear. After the rain in summer and autumn, it is the active period for cryptopters, which usually appear in damp grasslands. Cryptoptera have phototaxis and fly towards light at night. The various segments of the body of the hidden winged insect contain toxins, are highly acidic, and highly corrosive, known as the "flying sulfuric acid.". There is an anus at the end of the insect's abdomen, which secretes venom, leading to cryptoptera dermatitis. This refers to contact dermatitis caused by skin contact with the venom inside the body of cryptoptera