Current Affairs News丨A review of Xi Jinping’s first visit this year: a major diplomatic action of extraordinary significance

Release time:May 11, 2024 13:26 PM

On the morning of May 11, President Xi Jinping returned to Beijing by special plane after concluding his trip to Europe. His first overseas trip this year was a complete success.

In six days, President Xi visited three countries: France, Serbia, and Hungary, visited four cities, and attended many important events. From the banks of the Seine to the banks of the Danube, President Xi and European leaders discussed friendship, cooperation, development, and peace. What important results has this historic visit achieved, and what extraordinary significance does it carry? "Current Affairs News Eye" explains it for you.

From high mountain meetings to affectionate farewells, these conversations are profound

May 10, local time, is the last day of President Xi Jinping’s European trip. At noon that day, President Xi was invited to attend the farewell event held by the Hungarian Prime Minister in Budapest. It is located on the top floor of the tallest building in Hungary.

The leaders of the two countries sat by the window and looked out at the rolling clouds. They talked freely about their respective growth experiences and thoughts on state governance. They exchanged views on important issues of common concern and reached many consensuses.

△The Hungarian Moore Building, where the farewell event was held.

During this trip to Europe, in addition to welcoming ceremonies, talks, meetings with journalists, welcome banquets and other activities in every country he visited during this trip to Europe, President Xi was also invited to attend unique small-scale meetings, farewell tours and other activities.

From the Tourmalet Pass Station in the Hautes-Pyrenees, France, to the Peace Villa in Belgrade, Serbia, to the tallest building in Budapest, special places and relaxed atmosphere can open your heart and connect with your heart. Touch the scenery and make emotions, and discuss the situation. In an exclusive interview with China Central Television's "Forefront of Major Power Diplomacy," Chinese Ambassador to France Lu Shaye described it as "opening up a public place and talking to the world over wine."

During a meeting in the mountains of the Hautes-Pyrenees in France, President Xi told President Macron that although China and France belong to Eastern and Western civilizations with different values ​​and social systems, they both value exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations. Both sides can be harmonious but different, and make new contributions to world peace and development and human progress through dialogue and cooperation.

During the farewell speech at the Peace Villa in Belgrade, President Xi told President Vucic that China is a great country with a splendid civilization of more than 5,000 years. Our generation and the new generation of young people are determined to strive for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. "A powerful China is by no means a threat to the world."

At the farewell ceremony at the Moore Building in Budapest, President Xi told Prime Minister Orban that we are confident that we will continue to overcome various risks and challenges on the road ahead, maintain China's long-term stability and development, and not only allow the Chinese people to live a better and better life, but also It will also make greater contributions to world peace and development.

Most of the leaders of the three countries who extended warm invitations to President Xi this time are old friends. After Macron took office as President of France, he visited China three times. From the evening chat in Nice, the tea party in Yuyuan, the meeting in the Pine Garden to the meeting in the mountains, the diplomacy between the heads of state of China and France continues to write good stories. Serbian President Vucic has visited China many times and met with President Xi, and warmly invited President Xi to visit Serbia. Hungarian Prime Minister Orban said that since he met President Xi in 2009, he has met with him eight times.

Friends come to visit and are treated warmly. President Macron specially arranged this mountain meeting in the Hautes-Pyrenees where he spent his unforgettable childhood. President Vucic held a grand welcome ceremony for President Xi. Fifteen thousand Serbian people gathered in the square to express their welcome to the Chinese dignitaries. Hungarian President Sjoyuk and Prime Minister Orban jointly invited President Xi to visit. For the first time, the Hungarian side used the inner courtyard of the Buda Palace as the venue for the welcoming ceremony.

△Fifteen thousand Serbian people gathered in the Serbian Building Square to warmly welcome President Xi’s visit.

"Mountains do not meet each other, but people often communicate with each other." Through this visit, we have deeper friendship, greater understanding, and broader consensus.

President Macron said during the meeting in Gaoshan that through in-depth exchanges with Mr. President, I have further understood China’s history, culture, concepts and development process, and deepened my understanding of China’s stance on important issues.

President Vucic said that the iron-clad friendship between Serbia and China will not be interfered with or destroyed by any force. There is only one China in the world, and Serbia will continue to firmly support China without hesitation or wavering.

On the day President Xi ended his visit, Prime Minister Orban posted on social media: "Over the past 15 years, China-Hungary cooperation has reached new heights. The world is clouded, but thankfully, we cherish our all-weather comprehensive strategic partnership with China for a new era."

△The Hungarian side used the inner courtyard of the Buda Palace as the welcoming ceremony venue for the first time.

From reaching important consensus to announcing a new positioning of relations, these achievements are far-reaching.

During President Xi Jinping's trip to Europe, he reached multiple consensuses with the leaders of the three countries, announced a series of measures, and achieved fruitful results.

This year marks the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France. How will China-France relations start the next 60 years? During his visit to France, President Xi and President Macron agreed that both sides should pass on the baton of history, carry forward the spirit of establishing diplomatic relations between China and France and give it a new era connotation.

△The scene before the closing ceremony of the sixth meeting of the Sino-French Entrepreneurs Committee.

When the heads of state of China and France met with reporters, President Xi clarified the four aspects of work that the two sides decided to do well. The first is to consolidate the strategic stability of bilateral relations, the second is to tap the broad potential of mutually beneficial cooperation, and the third is to accelerate "two-way" people-to-people and cultural exchanges. The fourth is to build greater consensus on global cooperation.

During this visit, China and France issued four joint statements on the situation in the Middle East, artificial intelligence and global governance, biodiversity and oceans, and agricultural exchanges and cooperation, and signed nearly 20 projects in the fields of green development, aviation, agriculture and food, business, and humanities. Bilateral cooperation documents.

△This is the scene before the start of the joint meeting between the heads of state of China and Serbia. Reporters gathered.

The joint announcement to build a China-Serbia community with a shared future in the new era is the most important outcome of President Xi's visit to Serbia. Serbia has thus become the first European country to jointly build a community with a shared future with China.

President Xi said that the China-Serbia community with a shared future in the new era is the sublimation of the iron-clad friendship between China and Serbia and also represents the common values ​​​​and goal pursuits of both parties.

During this visit, President Xi also announced the first six pragmatic measures for China to support the construction of a community with a shared future between China and Serbia in the new era.

△Hegang Smederevo Steel Plant in Serbia.

This year marks the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Hungary, and the development of China-Hungary relations has ushered in new important opportunities.

During President Xi's visit to Hungary, the leaders of the two countries announced that they would upgrade China-Hungary relations to an all-weather comprehensive strategic partnership in the new era. This is also the most eye-catching result of this visit to Hungary.

The leaders of China and Hungary jointly witnessed the exchange of a number of bilateral cooperation documents in the fields of jointly building the "Belt and Road", economy and trade, investment, science and technology, culture, agriculture and other fields.

During President Xi’s visit to Europe, he announced that China’s visa-free policy for citizens of 12 countries including France to come to China for short periods of time would be extended until the end of next year, and that China would independently expand the opening up of its telecommunications, medical and other service industries to the outside world. It also announced that the China-Serbia Free Trade Agreement will be Taking effect on July 1 this year, it is clear that China and Hungary will further optimize their respective entry and exit policies and strengthen direct flights between the two countries. A series of practical measures have been widely praised.

△On May 9, President Xi held talks with Hungarian Prime Minister Orban here. This is the scene before the talks begin.

From facing the Three Kingdoms to influencing the world, this visit is of extraordinary significance

From France in Western Europe, to Serbia in the Balkans, and then to Hungary in the middle Danube plain, President Xi Jinping’s first overseas visit this year is not only oriented to the three countries, but also to Europe. It is a landmark diplomatic action.

Europe is an important pole in a multipolar world. In the current international situation of increasing turmoil, China-EU relations have strategic significance and global influence, and are related to world peace, stability and prosperity.

△The tripartite meeting between leaders of China, France and Europe was held at the Elysee Palace in Paris.

During this visit, the first meeting that President Xi attended was the trilateral meeting between China, France and EU leaders upon invitation with French President Macron and European Commission President von der Leyen.

Why this invitation? Macron said that this meeting is not only a continuation of previous trilateral meetings between France, China and EU leaders, but also an urgent need to respond to various international challenges. Von der Leyen said that China plays an important role in global affairs and maintaining good relations with China is crucial for the EU.

This meeting enhanced the European significance of this visit.

During the meeting, President Xi said that China has always viewed China-EU relations from a strategic and long-term perspective, and regarded Europe as an important direction for major country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics and an important partner in realizing Chinese-style modernization.

President Xi hopes that EU institutions will establish a correct understanding of China and formulate a positive policy towards China. He emphasized that there is no so-called "China's overcapacity problem" whether from the perspective of comparative advantages or global market demand.

During this visit, President Xi repeatedly talked about the development of China-EU relations.

In Paris, France, President Xi attended the closing ceremony of the sixth meeting of the China-France Entrepreneurs Committee. He said that facing the future, we are willing to work with France to promote mutually beneficial cooperation between China and Europe.

In the second half of this year, Hungary will hold the rotating EU presidency. During his talks with Hungarian leaders, President Xi hoped that Hungary would take this opportunity to promote the stable and healthy development of China-EU relations.

It is worth mentioning that Serbia and Hungary, which President Xi visited this time, are both Central and Eastern European countries. President Xi said that China is willing to work with each other to continue to lead the cooperation between China and Central and Eastern European countries in the right direction and promote deepening and solid cooperation.

At present, chaos occurs frequently around the world, hot issues arise one after another, risks and challenges come one after another, and the international community is worried.

During the visit, President Xi had an in-depth exchange of views with European leaders on the Ukraine crisis, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, etc., reiterated China's plans and expressed China's propositions.

Regarding the crisis in Ukraine, President Xi pointed out that we must jointly oppose the spillover and escalation of the war, jointly create conditions for peace talks, and jointly maintain international energy and food security and the stability of industrial and supply chains. On the occasion of President Xi's visit to Europe, the Chinese government's Special Representative for Eurasian Affairs launched the third round of shuttle diplomacy on the political solution to the Ukrainian crisis.

Regarding the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, President Xi pointed out that the delay of this tragedy to this day is a test of human conscience, and the international community must take action. During the visit to France, China and France issued a joint statement on the situation in the Middle East. In their statement, the two heads of state emphasized that the top priority is to achieve a sustainable ceasefire immediately.

"Work together to inject hope into a confused world and explore the direction for human progress." This is China's wish. When meeting reporters together with French President Macron, President Xi expressed the deep feelings of the Chinese people:

"This year marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of New China. After 75 years of arduous struggle, China's national appearance and people's lives have undergone earth-shaking changes, but one thing has never changed, and that is our peaceful and kind nature, broad and inclusive mind and The pursuit of fairness and justice is rooted in more than 5,000 years of Chinese civilization and grows deep in the soul of the Chinese people.”

Ten years ago, in the spring of 2014, President Xi Jinping delivered a speech at the College of Europe and said that we must build a bridge of peace and stability, a bridge of growth and prosperity, a bridge of reform and progress, and a bridge of common prosperity among civilizations. Ten years later, President Xi’s trip to Europe showed the world that China’s vision has never changed, and there is a long way to go to build these four bridges.

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