People’s Leader|Family Tradition Inherited in One Word

Release time:May 12, 2024 08:35 AM

A photo taken in March 1999 records the story of this family tradition——

Xi Jinping’s mother Qi Xin once completely copied an official motto that has been passed down since the Ming Dynasty: “Officials do not fear my strictness but fear my integrity; the people do not obey my ability but obey my father; if I am impartial, the people will not dare to be arrogant; if I am honest, the officials will not be arrogant.” Dare to bully; publicity breeds wisdom, integrity breeds prestige.”

In March 1999, Xi Zhongxun admired Qi Xin's calligraphy work "Guan Zhen".

This official motto was first spoken by Cao Duan, a beginner in the Ming Dynasty. Later, the Ming Dynasty official Nian Fu slightly changed its words and sentences. It means: my subordinates fear me not because I am strict but because I am honest; the people trust me not because I am talented but because I act fairly. If you are fair, the people will not dare to be deceived; if you are honest, your subordinates will not dare to be disrespectful. Only by being fair can one distinguish right from wrong, and by being honest can one establish prestige.

People’s Leader|Family Tradition Inherited in One Word

Thirty-six words, every word of caution, warn people to be impartial, selfless, honest and self-sufficient as officials.

This piece of calligraphy has beautiful handwriting and reflects the inheritance of excellent family tradition.

In June 1953, Xi Jinping was born in a revolutionary family that attached great importance to family, tutoring, and family tradition. His mother said that what worries parents the most is the growth of their children. "If something goes wrong with their children, it is a responsibility that parents cannot shirk."

In the winter of 1972, Qi Xin and her children. Front row from right: Qi Qiaoqiao, Qi Xin, Xi An'an. Back row, from right: Xi Jinping, Xi Yuanping.

People’s Leader|Family Tradition Inherited in One Word

When Xi Jinping was a child, he and his younger brother often wore clothes and shoes worn by their sisters. When Xi Jinping was less than 16 years old, he left home to join the army in northern Shaanxi. His mother worked together to make him a mattress. The colorful pieces of cloth on the mattress were cut and spliced ​​together from old clothes at home. When he went to work in Zhengding, Xi Jinping still used this mattress. He said, "I am very sentimental about it."

After Xi Jinping took up a leadership position, his mother held a family meeting together and asked other children not to engage in business activities in the field where Xi Jinping worked. In 2001, Xi Jinping missed his father's 88th birthday party because of his busy work schedule. He also did not go home to accompany his parents during the Spring Festival of that year. Qi Xin felt relieved to see his son devote himself to his work. She said to Xi Jinping: "As long as you do your job well, it is the greatest filial piety to your parents."

We work together to preach more than to teach by example, and have maintained a simple living habit for many years. Her workplace was far from home, and her family was often away from home. She had never considered using her husband's relationship to change jobs. Zhang Zhigong, who has worked beside Xi Zhongxun for 20 years, said that Qi Xin "never behaves special in life and is not willing to lag behind in work."

Each story is a vivid interpretation of "publicity" and "integrity" by this revolutionary family.

People’s Leader|Family Tradition Inherited in One Word

In 1972, Xi Jinping jumped in line and returned to Beijing to visit relatives.

Years go by. From a child who listened to his mother's stories of loyal service to the country, to a "hard-working young man" in the eyes of the Liangjiahe folks, from a "people's governor" in the eyes of the Fujian people, to leading more than 1.4 billion Chinese people on a new journey towards national rejuvenation. People, Xi Jinping always remembers the teachings of his parents.

He often said that serving the people and being honest and honest are the true qualities of Communists, and we must maintain this true character.

Influenced by family style, Xi Jinping lives a very simple life and does not pay attention to dressing and eating. In recent years, he has repeatedly issued instructions on "waste on the tip of the tongue" and called for the launch of "Operation CD-ROM". During a "group visit" in 2018, Xi Jinping said earnestly that the habit of diligence and thrift should be retained. "In my family, not a single grain of rice is left in the bowl."

People’s Leader|Family Tradition Inherited in One Word

Like his parents, Xi Jinping has very strict requirements on his family. After he became a leading cadre, wherever he went to work, he would warn his relatives and friends, "You can't engage in any commercial activities where I work, and you can't do anything under my banner." Xi Jinping and his wife Peng Liyuan named their daughter Mingze because they hope she will "live a clean life and be a useful person to society."

Xi Jinping kept in mind the lines of "Official Proverbs" that his mother copied in unison. He also quoted this official motto at an important meeting and earnestly warned all comrades in the party that "publicity breeds enlightenment, and integrity breeds authority."

"Public funds belong to the public, and no penny can be spent indiscriminately; public power is for the people, and no single penny can be used privately." After taking over the baton of history, Xi Jinping put the construction of work style into "relating to the support of the people and determining the party's mass foundation." "The height of the sky, above and below, stirs up the turbidity and raises the clearness. In recent years, the Political Bureau of the Central Committee has held a democratic life meeting every year. Xi Jinping presided over the meeting and delivered a speech, taking the lead in criticism and self-criticism. At the beginning of this year, at the third plenary session of the 20th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, Xi Jinping proposed taking the opportunity to study and implement the newly revised disciplinary regulations to launch a centralized disciplinary education throughout the party. At present, party discipline learning and education are in full swing, guiding party members and cadres to truly transform disciplines and rules into political consciousness, ideological consciousness, and action consciousness.

Xi Jinping draws strength from his parents and strives to be a pure person who is beneficial to the people. He has helped a poor student realize his "study dream" for 12 consecutive years. He has also visited the student 8 times and replied to the student 5 times to provide support and encouragement. When working in Ningde, he "entered the party three times" and made the decision to build roads and hydropower stations in the countryside. After becoming the general secretary, he asked party members and cadres at all levels to be stationed directly in the villages to carry out "one-on-one" poverty alleviation, leading China to create a miracle in the history of human poverty reduction.

People’s Leader|Family Tradition Inherited in One Word

Xi Jinping and Peng Liyuan took a group photo with Xi Zhongxun and Qi Xin.

Each story reflects the legacy of revolutionary families.

Xi Jinping always remembers, "No matter how much the times change, no matter how much the life pattern changes, we must pay attention to family construction, family, family education, and family tradition."

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President Xi Jinping's important speech when investigating border control and the construction of border defense forces in Inner Mongolia aroused strong repercussions in the entire army. Border Defense Forces | Chairman | Control

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 10th. Title: Resolutely obey the orders and strive to forge the Great Wall of Steel to defend the country and defend the border. Chairman Xi Jinping's important speech when investigating border control and border defense forces in Inner Mongolia aroused strong repercussions in the entire army. Xinhua News Agency reporter Mei Changwei, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the State, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission Xi Jinping investigated border control and border defense forces in Inner Mongolia on June 7th, he listened to reports on the situation in the northern theater, the army, the border defense brigade stationed in Inner Mongolia, and the Inner Mongolia Military Region and delivered important speeches. The whole army conscientiously studied and understood the spirit of the speech, and believed that President Xi's important speech profoundly answered a series of fundamental, overall, and directional major questions about the new situation of border defense work in the new era, and will certainly encourage the broad masses of officers and men to further strengthen their responsibilities and keep the border for the party and the people.

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