Accumulate Revitalization Momentum and Write a New Development Chapter - From the Perspective of Five Years of Development to See the New Achievements of Comprehensive Revitalization in Northeast China

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 20:35 PM

Beijing, September 9th (Xinhua News Agency) - Accumulating Revitalization Momentum and Writing a New Development Chapter - Looking at the New Achievements of Comprehensive Revitalization in Northeast China from the Perspective of Five Years of Development

Xinhua News Agency reporter

Remember the instructions and forge ahead.

In the past five years, the three provinces and one district in Northeast China have anchored high-quality development goals, promoted reform and innovation, transformation and upgrading, opening up and cooperation, ecological restoration, and improvement of people's livelihoods. With new meteorology, new responsibilities, and new achievements, they have achieved new progress and results in the revitalization of Northeast China.

Reform and innovation unleash the momentum of revitalization

The sixth generation power battery project of BMW Brilliance with a total investment of 10 billion yuan is fully underway in Shenyang, Liaoning; At the 32nd Harbin International Fair, Heilongjiang Province signed a total of 224 cooperation projects with domestic and foreign enterprises, with a signing amount of 84.563 billion yuan; The key project of the "Ascending the Staircase" project of the automotive industry cluster with a total investment of 44 billion yuan is under construction in Jilin

The drawbacks of the business environment were once the pain of Northeast revitalization. Over the past five years, based on optimizing the business environment, we have comprehensively deepened reforms and generated sustained momentum for the revitalization of Northeast China.

"Last March, the company registered and landed in Harbin, and the production line started running by the end of June." Jing Changhong, Deputy General Manager of Heilongjiang Shanxing Medical Technology Co., Ltd., said that the government department took the initiative to "give us a green light" when handling various procedures, almost "carrying" us to complete all the procedures.

Once the business environment passes, investment can cross mountains and seas.

The reform of state-owned enterprises continues to deepen, with Northern Heavy Industry and Harbin Bearing completing bankruptcy restructuring, and state-owned enterprises represented by Jilin Chemical Fiber Group breaking through the old and establishing new ones. The reform and innovation of state-owned assets and enterprises are forging ahead.

Heilongjiang has launched measures such as the "45 Measures for Revitalizing and Developing the Private Economy" to promote policies that are direct and can be enjoyed without application; Liaoning has formulated the "Guidelines for Handling Matters without Finding Relationships" to solve the difficult problem of "what to do" for the masses; Jilin has established a standardized and unified data sharing and exchange system, creating space for enterprise digital upgrading; Inner Mongolia has promoted the "exemption from certification" of 118000 government service items in the entire region, continuously improving the convenience level of government services

Reshape the environment and revitalize the spirit. Northeast China opens up new development opportunities through reform and adds new impetus to development through innovation.

In the southwest of Changchun, Jilin Province, major projects such as Audi FAW new energy vehicles and FAW Fodi new energy vehicle power batteries are lining up one after another. The "Automobile City" is making efforts to expand the new energy vehicle industry cluster.

Focusing on cultivating and strengthening new driving forces, the Northeast region will transform and upgrade "old brand", deeply develop "original brand", cultivate and strengthen "new brand", and stimulate innovation driven endogenous driving force.

Shen Gu Group independently developed China's first large-scale compressor unit with an annual production capacity of 1.5 million tons of ethylene; The million kilowatt hydroelectric unit developed by Harbin Electric Power Group is driving China's hydropower industry to take solid steps towards becoming a world hydropower "no man's land"

Phoenix Nirvana, cage replacement, old industrial base is revitalizing with new vitality. In the first half of this year, the three northeastern provinces achieved a regional GDP of 2.7 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 5.8%, and Inner Mongolia's GDP increased by 7.3%, showing a stable and positive trend.

Developing and opening up potential energy accumulation areas

Opening the map of China, the Northeast region stands at the head of the rooster and is an important industrial and agricultural base in China. Maintaining national energy security, food security, and other strategic positions is of great importance, which is related to the overall development of the country.

In the boundless desert, photovoltaic panels are erected in sheets, like a blue ocean on the endless yellow sand; On the vast grasslands, wind turbines stand tall and white blades move with the wind... Inner Mongolia is experiencing a surge in new energy development, with an estimated investment of 300 billion yuan in new energy by 2023, approaching one-fifth of the national total.

"The rice bowl of energy must be in one's own hands." In the past five years, the Northeast region has continuously increased exploration and extraction of oil and gas resources, increased investment in energy technology, and continued to promote the energy supply revolution.

The annual production of tertiary oil recovery in Daqing Oilfield has exceeded 10 million tons for 21 consecutive years; The key energy projects of the "Three Gorges of Land Scenery" in western Jilin and the six major energy bases with a capacity of tens of millions of kilowatts, such as offshore wind power and new energy storage in Liaoning, are accelerating their construction. The supporting role of energy security in the Northeast region is constantly increasing.

A guidance team has been dispatched to investigate and guide agricultural disaster prevention, reduction, and relief work, increase investment in machinery and manpower, and adjust and transport production materials such as fertilizers... Currently, a battle to fight against disasters and achieve abundant harvests is unfolding on the black soil.

In the past five years, the Northeast region has deeply implemented the strategy of storing grain in the land and storing grain in technology, organized and implemented the black soil protection project, and firmly held the red line of cultivated land. The grain production of the three northeastern provinces accounts for more than one-fifth of the national grain production, and the role of grain security as a ballast stone is further consolidated.

Jump out of the northeast to see the northeast. Over the past five years, the Northeast region has not only positioned itself to serve the overall national situation, but also opened up a development pattern through open cooperation.

99 cooperation projects with a total investment of 84.475 billion yuan... Recently, at the 14th China Northeast Asia Expo, thousands of enterprises from 42 countries and regions gathered in Northeast China.

"Northeast China is accelerating its opening up," said Li Runyu, Chairman of Korean Pharmaceutical, a South Korean pharmaceutical device company. "We used to focus on the coastal areas of China, and through this exhibition, we learned about high-end open platforms such as the China South Korea International Cooperation Demonstration Zone, hoping to establish closer cooperation with Northeast China.".

Northeast China is striving to build an important window for opening up to the north and a new frontier for opening up to the outside world in Northeast Asia.

The systems of Liaoning Pilot Free Trade Zone and Heilongjiang Pilot Free Trade Zone continue to innovate, and the development and opening up of national level new areas in Changchun, Dalian, and Harbin are deepening. The construction of China South Korea International Cooperation Demonstration Zone and China Germany High end Equipment Manufacturing Industrial Park is accelerating, and a number of major foreign-funded projects such as Changchun Audi FAW New Energy Vehicles and Shenyang Huachen BMW have been successfully implemented

Realize north-south interaction in regional development, establish a strategic layout on the grand chessboard of opening up to the outside world, and accelerate the opening up and cooperation in the revitalization of Northeast China.

Improving people's livelihoods and laying a solid foundation for development

The clear water is like a mirror, reflecting the afterglow of the setting sun, like a huge gemstone set in the mountains... In Baoqing County, Shuangyashan City, Heilongjiang Province, the autumn Feicui Lake Mine Park is beautiful and picturesque. It is hard to imagine that this was once an abandoned open-pit mine, with exposed mountains and severe damage to the original surface vegetation.

Zhao Zhenping, Deputy Director of the Natural Resources Bureau of Baoqing County, introduced that through the implementation of two phases of the mine restoration project and the Feicui Lake project, ecological function restoration and resource development and utilization are organically combined, and abandoned mines are transformed from decay to magic, transforming into "golden mountains and silver mountains".

Nowadays, the Feicui Lake Mine Park scenic area has driven a cumulative tourism revenue of 12 million yuan, attracted more than 100 poverty-stricken households to work nearby, driven the development of tourism economy in the surrounding areas, and assisted in the continuous acceleration of local rural revitalization.

A lake, a mirror, reflecting the ecological butterfly changes in Northeast China over the past five years.

Green waters and green mountains are like mountains of gold and silver, and ice and snow are also like mountains of gold and silver.

Over the past five years, the Northeast region has continuously promoted ecological protection and restoration with a holistic approach, achieving significant results: natural forests have been comprehensively and effectively protected; The water quality in the Liaohe River Basin has reached a good level; Northeast Tiger and Leopard National Park has become one of the first five national parks, with a stable increase in the number of tigers and leopards settling down; The industries of ice and snow tourism, ice and snow culture, and ice and snow equipment are constantly developing and growing, and the "golden signboard" of ecological advantages is becoming brighter and brighter.

Ecological governance beautifies appearance and urban renewal enhances quality.

Entering the hardware station community in Changyi District, Jilin City, Jilin Province, the courtyard of the nearly 30-year-old old community is clean and the building is painted new. "Now that the roads in the community have been repaired, the hallways are cleaner, and the new unit doors feel more secure. Walking and exercising can be satisfied on a daily basis. I didn't expect that even an old house that has lived in it for so many years can be like a new community," Miao Xuejin, a resident of the community, told reporters.

Make up for the shortcomings in people's livelihoods and share the achievements of revitalization.

Since 2021, Liaoning has renovated 2449 old urban communities, benefiting 1.111 million households; Heilongjiang Province is actively exploring direct settlement for medical treatment in other regions. Currently, insured individuals can achieve direct settlement in 1689 designated medical institutions that have opened online direct settlement services in the province; Jilin launched the "Grassroots Construction Year" activity, and in 2022, the province organized 370000 in-service party members to report to their residential communities, serving the people as caring people; Inner Mongolia focuses on the weak links of compulsory education and issues subsidy funds to expand the coverage of inclusive preschool education, mobilize various forces to increase the supply of elderly care and childcare services

The beautiful picture of Northeast revitalization is slowly unfolding, aiming for innovation, promoting development, benefiting people's livelihoods, and increasing well-being.

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