Release time:Apr 16, 2024 20:36 PM

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, September 9th (Xinhua) - Being a Good Guide for Student Growth - A Frontline Story of High Quality Education Development

Xinhua News Agency reporter

Education is the great plan of the country and the Party; Teachers are the foundation of education and the source of promoting education.

As the 39th Teacher's Day approaches, let us approach the guides of student growth and listen to stories from the front line of high-quality education development.

Repeatedly "retrograde" towards remote mountain villages

"I am about to return from the urban school to the village primary school to teach."

At the beginning of the new semester, when discussing the new work plan with Yang Ming, his answer was very firm.

At the age of 25, Yang Ming was moved by a news report about caring volunteer teaching. He gave up his high paying job in coastal areas and volunteered to teach in the remote mountainous areas of Wumeng. He stayed at a primary school in a remote village in Qianxi City for 11 years. Now, he has been teaching at the Jinxiu School located in the relocation and resettlement community of poverty alleviation in Qianxi City for less than 3 years, and he is about to return to a rural primary school.

In 2009, just as he embarked on the road of volunteer teaching in Guizhou, Yang Ming chose the most remote Wachang Primary School in Yangjiadian Village, Jinbi Town, Qianxi City.

That day, along the rugged mountain road, Yang Ming rode a motorcycle to the entrance of the elementary school. In front of me, a dilapidated teaching building is the entirety of the school. The location of the school is severely short of water and has inconvenient transportation. Yang Ming has to carry water and cook for himself, and he relies solely on walking for outings and home visits.

That year, he focused on visiting more than 20 remote and impoverished families, sometimes having to stay with farmers due to the long distance.

A year passed quickly, and the same group of people left one after another, but Yang Ming chose to stay. "Watching children pursue their dreams while reading, I am determined to be a good rural teacher," said Yang Ming.

When Yang Ming learned that there was a shortage of teachers at Jingshan Primary School in Guanyindong Town, a more remote area, he decisively chose to go there to teach.

This is a rural primary school located halfway up the mountain, with over 100 students. Yang Ming not only needs to prepare for classes, attend classes, and conduct home visits, but also needs to install water pipes, repair the roof, and maintain the aging facilities of the school.

There are more left behind children in schools, and the dropout rate is also relatively high. Yang Ming talks to the children and makes friends. Patient guidance and care make children feel warm and better at learning.

From volunteering as a teacher to staying at a special post, he had many opportunities to leave the countryside, but he chose to stay time and time again.

"Working anywhere actually makes sense, but for me, rural primary schools here require teachers more," said Yang Ming.

When interviewing Yang Ming, he repeatedly muttered three words - being needed.

Over the years, Yang Ming has never been able to let go of rural education and the children there. He said, "I just want children to believe in the power of reading and constantly pursue their dreams."

Only a teacher with ideals and beliefs can sow the seeds of dreams in children's hearts. They follow their most genuine thoughts and focus on achieving their ideal of teaching and educating people.

This pure belief supports millions of teachers like Yang Ming, constantly engraving their youth on the development journey of rural education.

Three generations of gardeners jointly cultivate peaches and plums

"My family has been teaching for three generations. My father is a teacher, I am a teacher, and my children are also teachers." Academic group leaders, researchers, experts who enjoy special allowances from the State Council... Among many identities, only teachers make Zhang Ruifu the most proud.

Zhang Ruifu is a professor at the School of Marxism, Qufu Normal University, Shandong. As the first college student after the resumption of the college entrance examination, he has been active in teaching and research since graduating and staying on campus as a teacher.

"Influenced by my father back then, I applied for the teacher training major," said Zhang Ruifu.

In the eyes of his son Zhang Qiankun, the words and deeds of his grandfather and father always accompany him. Zhang Qiankun recalled, "When I was a child, students often came home to ask my father for advice. We chatted while making dumplings, and the living room became the second lecture hall." The lively scene subtly influenced Zhang Qiankun and his sister, and they also became teachers after graduation.

What pleased Zhang Ruifu was that the students had made progress in their studies and achieved fruitful results in their careers.

A student wants to give up his studies due to financial difficulties caused by an elderly family member's illness. After learning about it, Zhang Ruifu donated his salary and went around to help him raise money. He also advised him, "University is a great time for learning, we must cherish it." After several communications, the student settled down to study and successfully completed his studies. "You treat me as both a teacher and a father..." Zhang Ruifu's eyes moistened when he saw the words in the student's letter.

The university stage is a crucial stage in life, and we need to help them establish a correct worldview, outlook on life, and values. As a national model teacher and an excellent ideological and political theory course teacher in universities, Zhang Ruifu's students are spread throughout the country, shining brightly in their respective positions.

"Whenever I hear students say 'Hello Teacher Zhang', I feel a great sense of achievement," Zhang Ruifu sighed.

"Our family now has over 50 teachers," Zhang Ruifu said proudly.

During the interview, I always wanted to explore what power can make this career of teaching and educating pass down the torch?

When Zhang Ruifu was young, he asked his father how to choose a career. His father said, "Be a teacher, it's a noble profession."

The glorious cause pursued by Zhang Ruifu's family is to uphold virtue and kindness, respect teachers and education, and cultivate virtue and talent.

Having a continuous stream of good teachers is the fundamental and future support for national development. "Three inch chalk and three foot podium represent the national destiny; one heart, holding a candle throughout one's life, casts the soul of the people." More educators are taking on the responsibility and mission of building an education strong country.

Bring programming languages to life

Gao Kening's classes are lively and interesting, even non computer major students can understand them.

At the School of Computer Science and Engineering at Northeastern University, Professor Gao Kening's course on Computer Public Fundamentals and Programming Fundamentals is often packed.

After teaching for 24 years, Gao Kening has encountered many non computer major students who have a headache for the C language course, but she is good at applying the latest information and communication technology and teaching subject knowledge.

She said, "Just like memorizing English words, memorizing words is boring, but memorizing scenarios is very easy. I combine C language with application scenarios, which can help students complete program design."

In class, Gao Kening designed various application scenarios that could attract students, such as "How to use code to design a confession of heart?" "What are the programming ideas for segmented billing of shared bicycles?" "How to identify different car license plates?"

She and several teachers once built an online learning website for C language courses, using lecture notes, code resources, and interactive animation courseware to make programming languages "live".

The programming training system developed by Gao Kening and his team allows students to write their own questions and challenge others, greatly enhancing their learning enthusiasm.

"Mr. Gao is taking us to launch teaching materials printed with two-dimensional code, so that we can see the courseware by scanning the code, realizing the deep combination of traditional paper teaching materials and Internet resources," said colleague Zhao Changkuan.

Gao Kening said, "A solid foundation in computer science courses bears an important mission of cultivating talents in science and engineering in the new era. I want to apply cutting-edge technology to enable students to think about the problems of their major from the perspective of computer science."

Let Gao Kening talk about herself, she was momentarily speechless. Faced with three national teaching awards and honors such as the National May Day Women's Model, she said, "I am just an ordinary teacher, I just love my career."

Frontline teachers like Gao Kening vigorously strengthen the construction of basic disciplines, emerging disciplines, and interdisciplinary fields, aim at the forefront of world science and technology and major national strategic needs to promote scientific research and innovation, deeply grasp the trend of the times and national needs, continuously innovate teaching methods, and cultivate students' diverse thinking abilities.

Strong education requires strong teachers first. Gao Kening constantly updates cutting-edge knowledge. Their achievements are never based on luck, but on the confidence bestowed by solid knowledge.

Feel the world with your soul

Her vision suddenly dropped from 0.2 to 0.04, and Kuang Minhui had also experienced a breakdown.

22 years ago, 32 year old Kuang Minhui had to leave her 14 year job as a regular school teacher. On the advice of her parents, who were also special education teachers, she devoted herself to special education and came to Qiming School in Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, which specializes in educating visually impaired students.

"My eyes, like yours, lack radiance. Although we cannot see, we can feel the world with our hearts." As soon as we arrived at school, Kuang Minhui encouraged her students and herself with this sentence.

With her love for education, Kuang Minhui mastered Braille in just two months and quickly immersed herself in teaching.

Visually impaired children need more auxiliary means to understand language. "We must respect the learning patterns of visually impaired children, calm down, and slow down." Kuang Minhui set a goal to explore teaching methods that are more suitable for visually impaired children with "love".

When learning "The Crow Drinks Water", in order to help children understand how the crow drinks water, Kuang Minhui asked the students to put their fingers in a water cup and then place stones one by one. "The water used to only reach the fingertips, but now it reaches the middle of the fingers and finally reaches the base of the fingers. This process is called 'gradually'. As the water level rises, the crow drinks water." She guided each child to touch it hand by hand.

A quarter of the children in Rio de Janeiro have multiple obstacles that require teachers to accept and resolve with smiles, caresses, and hugs.

Xiaofen is an orphan with severe emotional disorders, often making noise and lifting the table. Kuang Minhui tried to approach her, comfort her, and even play the role of a mother, helping her through the special stage of teenage girls.

Once, Kuang Minhui gave personalized teaching to a visually impaired child with autism, and as soon as the child entered the door, she tightly hugged her neck. "The more I wanted to let him down, the tighter he hugged me. I just hugged him and slowly shook and sang to him." The child finally calmed down.

Many of the children taught by Kuang Minhui have been admitted to colleges and universities, started working, and had a happy family... Her love and encouragement have taught children that just like six Braille, they can write wonderful lives.

Interviewing Kuang Minhui again after 11 years, her smile grew even more.

"Do you still remember the right to visit my home with me? He has already been admitted to university." "Bin Bin, who is completely blind and slightly autistic, also passed the entrance exam for the Piano Department of Xinghai Conservatory of Music two years ago." "Xiao Fen called and said she has become a mother." When she proudly talked about her students, Kuang Minhui was both relieved and choked up.

Those who spend time with special education teachers are children with visual, auditory, verbal, physical, intellectual, mental, and even multiple disabilities. It is precisely because of the love and dedication of teachers that more and more disabled children are able to pursue their dreams and achieve a beautiful life that belongs to them.

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