130 pieces in total, the 14th National People's Congress Standing Committee's legislative plan announced

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 19:00 PM

Legislative Plan of the 14th Standing Committee of the National People's Congress

Category 1 project: Legal drafts with relatively mature conditions and intended for review during the term of office

Legal name

Requesting review authority or leading drafting unit

1. National Development Planning Law

the State Council

2. State owned Assets Law

National People's Congress Finance and Economic Commission

Budget Working Committee of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress

3. Real Estate Registration Law

the State Council

4. Financial Stability Law

the State Council

5. Law on Rural Collective Economic Organizations

The Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee of the National People's Congress

6. Farmland Protection Law

the State Council

7. Foreign Relations Law

Chairman's Meeting

8. Foreign State Immunity Law

the State Council

9. Value added tax law

the State Council

10. Consumption Tax Law

the State Council

11. Tariff Law

the State Council

12. Civil Enforcement Law

The Supreme People's Court

13. Public Interest Litigation Law

The Supervisory and Judicial Commission of the National People's Congress

14. Anti Cross border Corruption Law

National Supervisory Commission

15. Preschool Education Law

the State Council

16. Degree Law

the State Council

17. Patriotic Education Law

Chairman's Meeting

18. Law on Legal Propaganda and Education

The Supervisory and Judicial Commission of the National People's Congress

19. Volunteer Service Law

The Social Affairs Committee of the National People's Congress

20. Social Assistance Law

the State Council

21. Pharmacist Method

the State Council

22. Emergency Response Law for Public Health Emergencies

the State Council

23. Accessible Environment Construction Law

The Social Affairs Committee of the National People's Congress

24. Qinghai Tibet Plateau Ecological Protection Law

National People's Congress Environmental and Resources Commission

25. Land and Space Planning Law

the State Council

26. National Park Law

the State Council

27. Energy Law

the State Council

28. Atomic Energy Method

the State Council

29. Food Security Law

the State Council

30. Emergency Response Management Law

the State Council

31. National Fire and Rescue Personnel Law

the State Council

32. Hazardous Chemical Safety Law

the State Council

33. Company Law

Chairman's Meeting

34. Enterprise Bankruptcy Law

National People's Congress Finance and Economic Commission

35. Anti Unfair Competition Law

the State Council

36. Accounting Law

the State Council

37. Law of the People's Bank of China

the State Council

38. Commercial Bank Law

the State Council

39. Insurance Law

the State Council

40. Anti Money Laundering Law

the State Council

41. Railway Law

the State Council

42. Mineral Resources Law

the State Council

43. Product Quality Law

the State Council

44. Metrology

the State Council

45. Agricultural Law

The Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee of the National People's Congress

46. Foreign Trade Law

the State Council

47. Maritime Law

the State Council

48. Customs Law

the State Council

49. Tax Collection and Management Law

the State Council

50. Legislative Law

Chairman's Meeting

51. Supervision Law of the Standing Committees of People's Congresses at All Levels

Chairman's Meeting

52. Law of the National People's Congress and Local People's Congresses on Deputies

Chairman's Meeting

53. Organizational Law of Urban Residents Committees

The Social Affairs Committee of the National People's Congress

54. Organizational Law of Village Committees

The Social Affairs Committee of the National People's Congress

55. Organizational Law of the State Council

Chairman's Meeting

56. Administrative Reconsideration Law

the State Council

57. National Compensation Law

Chairman's Meeting

58. Lawyer's Law

the State Council

59. Arbitration Law

the State Council

60. Prison Law

the State Council

61. Civil Procedure Law

The Supreme People's Court

62. Criminal Procedure Law

Chairman's Meeting

63. Teacher's Law

the State Council

64. Science and Technology Popularization Law

the State Council

65. Cultural Relics Protection Law

the State Council

66. National Common Language and Writing System

The National People's Congress Commission on Education, Science, Culture and Health

67. Charity Law

The Social Affairs Committee of the National People's Congress

68. Infectious Disease Prevention and Control Law

the State Council

69. Road Traffic Safety Law

the State Council

70. Marine Environmental Protection Law

National People's Congress Environmental and Resources Commission

71. Animal and Plant Quarantine Law for Entry and Exit

the State Council

72. Renewable Energy Law

National People's Congress Environmental and Resources Commission

73. Anti Espionage Law

The Supervisory and Judicial Commission of the National People's Congress

74. Law on Guarding State Secrets

the State Council

75. Active Service Officer Law

The State Council and the Central Military Commission

76. National Defense Education Law

Chairman's Meeting

77. Amendment to the Criminal Law

Chairman's Meeting

78. Public Security Management Punishment Law

the State Council

79. Cybersecurity Law

Chairman's Meeting

Actively research and promote the compilation of environmental codes and other mature fields of codes. Timely initiate legal clearance work.

To implement the decisions and deployments of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, and to promote comprehensive deepening of reform, implement regional coordinated development strategies and major regional strategies, national defense and military construction, maintain national security, promote scientific and technological innovation and healthy development of artificial intelligence, and improve the foreign-related legal system, it is required to formulate, modify, abolish, and interpret relevant laws, or to make relevant decisions by the National People's Congress and its Standing Committee, timely arrangements for deliberation shall be made.

Category 2 project: Legal drafts that require urgent work and are submitted for review when conditions are ripe

Legal name

Requesting review authority or leading drafting unit

1. Telecommunications Law

the State Council

2. Transportation Law

the State Council

3. Aerospace Law

The State Council and the Central Military Commission

4. Aviation Law

The State Council and the Central Military Commission

5. Industry Association Chamber of Commerce Law

the State Council

6. Law on Promoting National Unity and Progress

The National People's Congress Civil Affairs Commission

7. Overseas Chinese Rights and Interests Protection Law

The Overseas Chinese Committee of the National People's Congress

8. Office Affairs Management Law

the State Council

9. Detention Center Law

the State Council

10. Judicial Appraisal Law

the State Council

11. Digital Economy Promotion Law

National People's Congress Finance and Economic Commission

12. Social Credit Construction Law

the State Council

13. Reward and Guarantee Law for Brave and Righteous Personnel

The Social Affairs Committee of the National People's Congress

14. Cultural Industry Promotion Law

the State Council

15. Law on the Protection of Historical and Cultural Heritage

the State Council

16. Broadcasting and Television Law

the State Council

17. Industrial Worker Team Construction Law

All China Federation of Trade Unions

18. Medical Security Law

the State Council

19. Medical Device Management Law

the State Council

20. Childcare Services Act

The National People's Congress Commission on Education, Science, Culture and Health

21. Elderly Care Services Law

the State Council

22. registered residence Law

the State Council

23. Electromagnetic Radiation Pollution Prevention and Control Law

the State Council

24. Law of the Sea

Chairman's Meeting

25. National Reserve Security Law

the State Council

26. Militia Law

The State Council and the Central Military Commission

27. Natural Disaster Prevention and Control Law

the State Council

28. Cybercrime Prevention and Control Law

the State Council

29. Tendering and Bidding Law

the State Council

National People's Congress Finance and Economic Commission

30. Budget method

the State Council

31. Price method

the State Council

32. Trademark Law

the State Council

33. Statistical methods

the State Council

34. Banking Supervision and Administration Law

the State Council

35. Electricity Law

the State Council

36. Fisheries Law

the State Council

37. Notarization Law

the State Council

38. Maritime Litigation Special Procedure Law

The Supreme People's Court

39. Social Insurance Law

the State Council

40. Meteorological Law

the State Council

41. Tourism Law

National People's Congress Finance and Economic Commission

42. Water method

the State Council

43. Energy Conservation Law

National People's Congress Finance and Economic Commission

44. Civil Air Defense Law

The State Council and the Central Military Commission

45. National Defense Mobilization Law

The State Council and the Central Military Commission

46. National Defense Traffic Law

The State Council and the Central Military Commission

47. Flood Control Law

the State Council

48. Exit and Entry Administration Law

the State Council

49. Firearms Control Law

the State Council

50. Anti Drug Law

the State Council

51. People's Police Law

the State Council

Third category of projects: legislative projects that are not yet fully met and require further research and argumentation

Standardize the fiscal and tax systems for non tax revenue, government debt, and transfer payments, protect important river basins, address climate change and peak carbon neutrality, promote high-quality population development, establish basic labor standards and new forms of employment, implement legislative projects in areas such as petitioning, diversified resolution of conflicts and disputes, data ownership and network governance, as well as other projects that require research and argumentation to modify laws. After research and argumentation, when conditions are ripe, deliberation can be arranged.

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Multiple "85 generation" cadres have been promoted to department level, and another "85 generation" cadre has taken over! Recently, member of the Standing Committee | Yu Zhou | assumed new positions

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