117 people injured for medical treatment, well-known Hong Kong actress driving on a rainy night exclaiming horror! Two deaths and one missing due to rainstorm

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 20:28 PM

Affected by the residual circulation of typhoon "Haikui" and monsoon, rainstorm has swept over the Pearl River Delta recently.

At around 10 a.m. on September 8th, the Hong Kong Fire Services Department discovered a man floating on the sea near the typhoon shelter in Causeway Bay. Rescue workers rescued the man and sent him to Luton Town Hospital for treatment, but it was later confirmed that he was not alive. At around 11am, a city newspaper reported that a suspected humanoid object was floating on the sea near the Shing Tak Centre in Sheung Wan, about 10 meters offshore. After the fire department arrived, a man was rescued and sent to the hospital, but he also passed away.

At present, the Hong Kong Fire Services Department has found two men floating on the sea in Causeway Bay and Sheung Wan. After rescue efforts, they have passed away, and one person is missing.

117 people injured for medical treatment, well-known Hong Kong actress driving on a rainy night exclaiming horror! Two deaths and one missing due to rainstorm

The Hong Kong Medical Authority said that as of 2:15 pm on the 8th, 117 people were injured in the emergency room of the public hospital during the rainstorm, of whom 4 were seriously injured and 32 were in stable condition. The Secretary for Security of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government, Tang Bingqiang, stated that among the four severely injured individuals, two were injured in traffic accidents and two fell and injured.

The Hong Kong Observatory issued a black rainstorm warning signal late at night

Multiple areas in Hong Kong have experienced flooding

117 people injured for medical treatment, well-known Hong Kong actress driving on a rainy night exclaiming horror! Two deaths and one missing due to rainstorm

The rainstorm warning signal was issued by the Hong Kong Observatory at 11:05 pm on the 7th. Heavy rain of more than 70mm per hour has been recorded or is expected to occur in a wide area of Hong Kong, and the rain may continue. Some New Territories areas may experience flooding.

Yes, it's a black rainstorm warning! Rainstorm rainstorm warning has three levels: yellow, red and black.

Affected by the residual low pressure trough of typhoon "Haikui", the weather in Hong Kong was bad from the night of 7th to the morning of 8th, with rainstorm and lightning weather in many regions. At 23:00 on the 7th, the Hong Kong Observatory issued the second black rainstorm signal of this year. According to the Hong Kong Observatory, the precipitation between 23:00 and 24:00 on the 7th was 158.1 millimeters, the highest record since records began in 1884.

117 people injured for medical treatment, well-known Hong Kong actress driving on a rainy night exclaiming horror! Two deaths and one missing due to rainstorm

On the evening of the 7th, the Hong Kong Observatory first issued a yellow rainstorm warning signal at 21:25, then changed to a red rainstorm warning signal 25 minutes later, and changed to a black rainstorm warning signal at 23:05. Under the rainstorm weather, many places in Hong Kong experienced serious flooding, especially the northern New Territories and the eastern Hong Kong Island.

In Causeway Bay, heavy rain has reached the bottom of the bus. Last night, Hong Kong actress Joey Yung drove another actress, Asa, home. Due to the heavy rain on the road, Joey Yung was afraid that her car would stall while driving. Asa couldn't help but say, how terrifying! Do you have a rubber boat

Hong Kong star Zheng Xiyi also shared the scene of her encounter with rainstorm on the social platform. She said that the car stalled and the rain had entered the car.

117 people injured for medical treatment, well-known Hong Kong actress driving on a rainy night exclaiming horror! Two deaths and one missing due to rainstorm

On the early morning of September 8th, the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Li Jiachao, posted on social media expressing great concern about the serious flooding situation in multiple regions of Hong Kong.

One hour rainfall in Hong Kong

Set the highest record since 1884

117 people injured for medical treatment, well-known Hong Kong actress driving on a rainy night exclaiming horror! Two deaths and one missing due to rainstorm

The Hong Kong Observatory pointed out that as of 7:00 am on September 8th, over the past 24 hours, most areas of Hong Kong have recorded rainfall of over 100 millimeters, while some areas on Hong Kong Island, Kowloon, and the New Territories have recorded rainfall of over 400 millimeters.

Website image of the Hong Kong Observatory

In the continuous rainstorm, many areas in Hong Kong were seriously flooded, vehicles were flooded, people were surrounded by water, and some subway stations were also flooded with rain. Trains could not stop, and public transport was severely blocked.

117 people injured for medical treatment, well-known Hong Kong actress driving on a rainy night exclaiming horror! Two deaths and one missing due to rainstorm

A female pedestrian on Huancui Slope was swept 50 meters away by a rapids.

Until 11:00 this morning, the Hong Kong Observatory still hung a black rainstorm warning, which was the longest black rainstorm warning since rainstorm warning was issued in Hong Kong, breaking the record of August 23, 1999.

Hong Kong media: rainstorm paralyzes the Kwun Tong Line of MTR

117 people injured for medical treatment, well-known Hong Kong actress driving on a rainy night exclaiming horror! Two deaths and one missing due to rainstorm

Emergency shutdown of rainwater backflow at Wong Tai Sin Station

MTR announced that due to rain entering Wong Tai Sin Station on the Kwun Tong Line during the rainstorm, Wong Tai Sin Station needs to be closed to ensure safety. Trains on the Kwun Tong Line do not stop at Wong Tai Sin Station.

According to videos circulating online, there is a serious situation of rainwater backflow at Exit E from Wong Tai Sin Station to Sha Tin Au Road. Yellow mud water flows into the station along the escalator and stairs, and the escalator has been damaged.

117 people injured for medical treatment, well-known Hong Kong actress driving on a rainy night exclaiming horror! Two deaths and one missing due to rainstorm

Rainwater enters the platform of Wong Tai Sin Station on the Kwun Tong Line. Video screenshot

Pig farmers claim losses exceeding one million:

Even if floods flood in, there's not enough time to rescue them

117 people injured for medical treatment, well-known Hong Kong actress driving on a rainy night exclaiming horror! Two deaths and one missing due to rainstorm

According to Hong Kong media reports, Hong Kong issued a black rainstorm warning, and hundreds of pigs on Yu Qiuming Pig Farm, a pig farmer in Daguling, were washed away or drowned, resulting in a loss of more than one million yuan. Yu Qiuming has been operating a pig farm in Dinosaur Pit for more than 30 years, raising hundreds of pigs. This place has always been the hardest hit by rainstorm, and he will be frightened every rainy season. Yu Qiuming recalled that at around 9 pm on the 7th, heavy rain continued to pour, and floodwaters flooded into the pig farm. Soon, the water depth reached its limit, and he and his friends, along with five others, couldn't save them in time. Some of the pigs that escaped the disaster became quite weak, and he was worried that after the flood, the pigs might suffer from sequelae and die one after another, causing even more severe losses. Yu Qiuming said that he lost 40 pigs and hundreds of thousands of yuan in a rainstorm two years ago. This year's losses are more than three times that of the previous year, and he said it was the most terrifying rain disaster he had ever encountered.

Special Administrative Region Government: Employees should not be required to

Return to work location for work

117 people injured for medical treatment, well-known Hong Kong actress driving on a rainy night exclaiming horror! Two deaths and one missing due to rainstorm

On the 8th, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government announced an "extreme situation", and the Hong Kong Labour Department reminded employers that employees should not be required to return to their workplace for work except for necessary personnel.

A spokesperson for the Labour Department said that during "extreme circumstances", employees should stay at their original or safe location and not depart for work, except for those who have a necessary agreement with the employer to return to work. The SAR government will examine the situation and both employers and employees are required to pay attention to further government announcements during this period.

The Hong Kong Education Bureau announced that all schools will be closed today

117 people injured for medical treatment, well-known Hong Kong actress driving on a rainy night exclaiming horror! Two deaths and one missing due to rainstorm

On September 8th, the Education Bureau of Hong Kong announced that all schools in Hong Kong will be closed today.

Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government Hospital Authority: General and specialist outpatient services suspended

The Hospital Authority of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government announced on September 8th that due to adverse weather conditions, all general clinics, specialty clinics, full-time medical services, and other daytime services under its jurisdiction will continue to be suspended on the afternoon of September 8th. Public hospital emergency rooms maintain normal services.

117 people injured for medical treatment, well-known Hong Kong actress driving on a rainy night exclaiming horror! Two deaths and one missing due to rainstorm

The Hong Kong Stock Exchange announces a suspension of trading today

The Hong Kong Stock Exchange reported on September 8 that due to the black rainstorm warning now taking effect, the securities and derivatives market will suspend trading this morning. If the warning still takes effect at 12:00 noon, trading will be suspended for the entire day.

Before the deadline, the Orange Persimmon reporter checked the official Weibo account of the Hong Kong Observatory and found that the landmine storm warning had been cancelled at 17:05.

117 people injured for medical treatment, well-known Hong Kong actress driving on a rainy night exclaiming horror! Two deaths and one missing due to rainstorm

Orange and Persimmon Interactive Comprehensive News, CCTV News, Southern Metropolis Daily, and other reports

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