The number of clothing brands ranks among the top three in the top 100 fashion brands in Shanghai, a new force in instant design, and international first-line brands offer courses for students

Release time:Jun 06, 2024 18:40 PM

Shanghai, the magical city, is the capital of fashion. Even among the exhibitions of international first-tier brands, there are also works by college students who are the youngest designers. "I combined Burberry's classic plaid coat elements with the structure of sailor uniforms," ​​Liu Qiuke, a college student from Donghua University's Shanghai International College of Fashion and Innovation, told reporters. The mixed-style coat in front of her is a product of her experience. Months, from fabric selection to pattern cutting, every stitch is hand-sewn.

It turns out that at the "2024 Donghua University-Burberry Industry-Education Integrated Design Innovation Achievements Exhibition", which will be exhibited to the public from now on, Liu Qiuke's award-winning new outfit will be unveiled. She said, "Design is an expression, a dialogue, and clothing can also become a language."

What is fashion? Japanese philosopher Washita Seiichi wrote in the book "Strange Bodies" that "fashion begins with people's resistance to uniforms." This sentence inspired Liu Qiuke, a student majoring in fashion creative design. Try to explore and deconstruct uniforms and fashion: the main body of the plaid coat is combined with the typical back collar of the sailor suit, and the "punk" that represents rebellion and individuality is added. Leather elements are designed on the sleeves, pockets, etc. Hemming and drawstrings, etc.

The number of clothing brands ranks among the top three in the top 100 fashion brands in Shanghai, a new force in instant design, and international first-line brands offer courses for students

In Liu Qiuke's view, these seemingly contradictory aesthetic concepts are integrated into one, trying to find a balance between tradition and modernity, rules and freedom, touching on the core of the project of "continuing classics and introducing new ones." It turns out that the courses of the Donghua University-Burberry Industry-Education Integration Project are based on the theme of "meaningful design", and "sustainable", "environmentally friendly", "recycling" and "environmental protection" are all keywords in it. "Integrated course teaching, ranging from men's clothing customization, fashion photography to clothing accessories design, provides us with a full range of learning and practice opportunities, as well as creative space," she said.

"As future designers, we must strive to create works that can withstand the test of time and bring lasting and beautiful experiences to people's lives. This time we have the opportunity to learn and practice in a real brand environment. This experience has become a This valuable asset in our study career also inspires me to continue exploring and innovating in the future design path," said Mou Runhan, a student at the college who participated in this project.

Regarding various methods such as material selection, process application, detailed design, consumable reduction, and circular thinking, Li Jun, Dean of Shanghai International College of Fashion and Innovation at Donghua University, believes that “sustainable fashion will be one of the important trends in the future development of the fashion industry. This project allows us to see the younger generation’s concerns and thinking about sustainable fashion, and interpret the theme from their unique perspectives.”

The number of clothing brands ranks among the top three in the top 100 fashion brands in Shanghai, a new force in instant design, and international first-line brands offer courses for students

Interestingly, from "zero waste" inventory transformation to Coachtopia, these "Fashion Sustainable of the Year" brands have also become new additions to Shanghai's "Fashion 100" list this year. Professor Bian Xiangyang, director of the Shanghai Fashion City Promotion Center, revealed that "Fashion 100" began collecting extensively from 10 fashion dimensions in January this year. Through a combination of independent registration and recommended submission, a total of 272 units finally signed up.

From Lao Fengxiang to Jinba Men's "Fashion Clothing of the Year", from Lin Qingxuan to Xiangyi Materia Medica's "Fashion Beauty of the Year", the annual "Fashion 100" announced by the judges finally produced 19 fashion clothing, 10 fashion beauty, 10 fashion Activities, 4 fashion media, 4 fashion sustainability, 16 fashion culture and creativity, 25 fashion spaces, 8 fashion food, 7 fashion home, 10 fashion digital intelligence, a total of 113 finalists. Among them, fashion space, fashion clothing, and fashion culture and creation are the top three brands with the largest number.

According to the "Shanghai Three-Year Action Plan to Promote High-Quality Development of Manufacturing Industry", Shanghai proposes to build two 500-billion-level industrial clusters in advanced materials and fashion consumer goods. As new fashion design talents from home and abroad continue to make their debut, and as the new fashion brand force of Shanghai's "Top 100" fashion brands accelerates their growth, it is expected that more innovative design products with distinctive characteristics of Shanghai brands and Shanghai Intelligent Manufacturing will stand out and emerge one after another.

The number of clothing brands ranks among the top three in the top 100 fashion brands in Shanghai, a new force in instant design, and international first-line brands offer courses for students

[News Link] "Fashion Space of the Year" in "Fashion 100"

YANSpace Yanfeng Pudong Experience Center

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