New miracle! ,Current Affairs Micro-Observation丨The New “Great Wall”

Release time:Jun 07, 2024 05:32 AM

Recently, about 400 kilometers above the earth, the crew of the Shenzhou 18th astronauts on a mission to the Chinese Space Station captured a set of images of the Three North region. Looking down at the Three Norths from space, a “Green Great Wall” stretching thousands of miles is constantly extending and expanding.

Starting from Xinjiang in the west and reaching Heilongjiang in the east, the world's largest ecological project, the "Three North" project, has created a "green miracle" on more than 4 million square kilometers of land in northern my country.

In June last year, General Secretary Xi Jinping inspected Inner Mongolia and chaired a symposium on strengthening comprehensive desertification control and promoting the construction of key ecological projects such as the "Three Norths". At the symposium, the General Secretary clarified the direction, developed ideas, and made arrangements, and issued the call of the times to "strive to create a new miracle of China's desertification prevention and control in the new era."

△On June 6, 2023, General Secretary Xi Jinping chaired a symposium on strengthening comprehensive desertification prevention and control and promoting the construction of key ecological projects such as the "Three Norths" in Bayannur, Inner Mongolia and delivered an important speech.

Implementing the "Three North" project is a major national strategy. It has planted new hope for the Three Northern Regions, which account for nearly half of China's land area.

New miracle! ,Current Affairs Micro-Observation丨The New “Great Wall”

How does the "Three North" project turn "thousands of miles of wind and sand" into a "Green Great Wall"? "Micro Observation of Current Affairs" explains it for you.

Systematic governance - coordinating mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grass and sand

Mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grass and sand are a community of life. In order to hold this symposium well, General Secretary Xi Jinping visited lakes, fields, forests, sand and water during his trip to Bayannur.

At the first stop of the inspection, the General Secretary came to Wuliangsuhai, located at the top of the "Several Bends" of the Yellow River. There used to be overflowing reeds and dense yellow algae here, and the "disease" was serious. Today, the water quality in the center of the lake remains at Category IV. Before reaching the shore, I could already hear the singing of birds.

△On June 5, 2023, General Secretary Xi Jinping inspected Wuliang Suhai.

New miracle! ,Current Affairs Micro-Observation丨The New “Great Wall”

In front of the display board, the local responsible comrades reported to General Secretary Xi Jinping the changes in governance thinking: initially "controlling water based on water" failed to achieve results. Following the General Secretary’s concept of systematic governance and considering mountains, water, forests, fields, lakes, grass and sand together, the pattern and effects have been significantly improved.

The general secretary affirmed: "The direction of governance and protection of Wuliang Suhai is clear. We must manage it carefully, take good care of it, be consistent and work hard for a long time, protect this 'Pearl Beyond the Great Wall', and leave a green mountain and beautiful water to future generations." , a beautiful home with new air.”

"We must adhere to the system concept and solidly promote the integrated protection and systematic management of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grass and sand." At the symposium, the general secretary warned that it is necessary to coordinate the ecological protection and restoration of forests, grasslands, wetlands, and deserts, and strengthen sand control, water control, and mountain control. Coordination and management of elements, and strive to cultivate healthy, stable, and fully functional forests, grasslands, wetlands, and desert ecosystems.

General Secretary Xi Jinping has always attached great importance to comprehensive prevention and control of desertification.

At the National Two Sessions in 2021, when the General Secretary talked about protecting the ecological environment of Inner Mongolia and building a solid ecological security barrier in the north of the motherland, he spoke with sincerity: "We must coordinate the management of the mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grass and sand systems, and the word 'sand' should be added here."

New miracle! ,Current Affairs Micro-Observation丨The New “Great Wall”

△In early summer, rows of poplar trees are lush in Kekeya Town, Aksu, Xinjiang. Once upon a time, there were sandstorms here 100 days a year, which could destroy 10,000 acres of farmland in one night.

By reviewing the development history of the "Three North" project, we can understand the significance of comprehensive desertification control for national ecological security.

In the 1970s, the forest coverage rate in the three northern regions was 5.05%, with over 80 days of sandstorms per year. Even in the late 1970s, a ten thousand mile sandstorm line was formed from Heilongjiang in the east to Xinjiang in the west.

Since the implementation of the "Three North" project in 1978, through the unremitting efforts of several generations, a total of 480 million acres of afforestation and conservation area have been completed, and a total of 500 million acres of desertified land have been controlled. The forest coverage rate in the project area has increased to 13.84%, and the ecological environment quality is stable and improving.

The Three-North region has firmly established the idea of ​​​​a "game of chess" and twisted it into a "rope" to coordinate the promotion of coordinated governance, joint prevention and joint treatment. Since the beginning of this year, the battle against the "Three North" project has been accelerated and phased progress has been made.

New miracle! ,Current Affairs Micro-Observation丨The New “Great Wall”

Highlight the key points - fight the three iconic battles with all your strength

"The ecology of the Three North Areas is very fragile. Preventing and controlling desertification is a long-term historical task. We must continue to do a good job in this work and be worthy of our ancestors and future generations." At the Xinhua Forest Farm in Bayannur, General Secretary Xi Jinping walked into the ongoing governance On the sandy ground, I looked at the trees planted year after year and day after day for a long time.

“We cannot rest or relax on this matter.” The general secretary compared desertification prevention and control to “rolling a stone up a mountain”, “a big stone will roll down if you don’t pay attention.”

△State-owned Xinhua Forest Farm in Linhe District, Bayannur, Inner Mongolia

Our country is one of the countries with the most serious desertification in the world, and the "Three North" project is the main front for national ecological restoration. From 2021 to 2030, it is the construction period of the sixth phase of the "Three North" project. It is a critical period for consolidating and expanding the results of desertification prevention and control, and a critical period for promoting the high-quality development of the "Three North" project.

New miracle! ,Current Affairs Micro-Observation丨The New “Great Wall”

"Strive to use about 10 years to fight a tough battle for the 'Three North' project." At the symposium, General Secretary Xi Jinping proposed to fight three major iconic battles with all our strength - the battle to attack the "Several Bends" of the Yellow River, the battle to annihilate the two sandy areas of Horqin and Hunshandake, and the battle to block the edge of the Hexi Corridor-Taklimakan Desert.

The "several bends" of the Yellow River span North and Northwest China, involving five provinces and regions including Inner Mongolia, Shaanxi, Gansu, Ningxia, and Shanxi. It is an important sand source area and path area that affects sandstorms in Beijing, Tianjin, and the eastern region. It is also an important sand source area and path area for sandstorms in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River. main place of origin. Since 2023, the five provinces and regions have focused on the management of the Mu Us Sandy Land, Kubuqi Desert, and Ulan Bhe Desert, focusing on ecological problems such as sand disasters, floods, salinization, and overgrazing of grasslands, and increased the number of Greening and expanding greening, the battle against the Yellow River's "several bends" has achieved a good start.

The Horqin and Hunshandake sand annihilation wars cover five provinces and regions including Liaoning, Hebei, Inner Mongolia, Jilin and Heilongjiang, and are the closest sand sources to the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region. Over the past year, the five provinces and regions have coordinated and promoted coordinated management of the desert edge and hinterland, upwind and downwind vents, sand source areas and path areas, and the annihilation war has continued to make new progress.

△On September 23, 2023, the Hexi Corridor-Taklimakan Desert edge interception war was officially launched in Minqin County, Wuwei, Gansu.

The Hexi Corridor-Taklimakan Desert Edge Blocking War Area involves four provinces and regions including Inner Mongolia, Gansu, Qinghai, Xinjiang and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps. It is the source of sand and dust in northern my country with the most frequent sandstorm activities and the most serious disasters. Last year, the blocking campaign was launched in Minqin County, Wuwei, Gansu. The four provinces and regions have deployed key projects in key areas, focusing on the construction of windbreak and sand-fixing forest and grass belts on the edge of the desert, and strengthening the restoration of degraded forests and degraded grasslands to ensure that sand sources do not spread.

New miracle! ,Current Affairs Micro-Observation丨The New “Great Wall”

Judging from the map, if you win these three major battles and unplug these dark yellow dots, you will be able to connect sections of green lines. The "Three North" project will also be connected into a more complete and thick green northern Xinjiang. Great Wall, ecological security barrier.

Recently, the scene of a "desert with flat sand" in the China Central Radio and Television Station's "Conquering the Three Norths" program aroused heated discussions among netizens.

In the vast sea of ​​​​sand in Ordos, Inner Mongolia, nearly 200 bulldozers travel back and forth, flattening the undulating and continuous sand dunes for the subsequent installation of photovoltaic panels. This is exactly a link in the latest photovoltaic desert control model.

Deserts and sandy lands are vast and sparsely populated, and contain huge wind and solar resources. Photovoltaic desertification control is to generate electricity through solar photovoltaic panels, and plant desertification control plants under the panels. The photovoltaic panels are used to block sunlight, reduce surface water evaporation, and help surface vegetation recover. It can not only generate electricity and "generate gold" but also reduce desertification and land sandification. dual effects.

This is a vivid epitome of the "Three North" project's exploration of scientific desertification control.

New miracle! ,Current Affairs Micro-Observation丨The New “Great Wall”

The desert control manual in the Sanbei region is filled with the hard work and wisdom of the people: building terraces, dams, reservoirs, diverting water to remove sand, locking edges to fix sand, auger planting methods, water-saving container planting methods...

General Secretary Xi Jinping profoundly pointed out at the forum: "it is necessary to adjust measures to local conditions and scientifically popularize and apply effective governance models." Over the past 40 years, we have innovated and explored a large number of effective sand control models, such as the Shapotou model in Ningxia, the Dengkou model in Inner Mongolia, the Kubuqi model, and the Keya model in Xinjiang. "

In the late 1970s, sandstorms posed a serious threat. In order to turn green, trees were planted, often with seven out of ten withering. Now, if it is suitable for Qiao, then Qiao; if it is suitable for grass, then grass; if it is suitable for irrigation, then irrigation; if it is suitable for sand, then sand; precise sand prevention and control.

△June 7, 2023, Baijitan National Nature Reserve, Lingwu City, Ningxia.

Baijitan, Lingwu City, Ningxia, located on the southwest edge of the Mu Us Sandy Land, has changed the passive sand control model of afforestation in one season and relying on the sky for survival in the past. It has explored a model of sand fixation with grass grids, afforestation in three seasons, and afforestation in the rainy season, all relying on rain. The survival rate that year can reach more than 75%.

New miracle! ,Current Affairs Micro-Observation丨The New “Great Wall”

In the Xidahe Xiaojingzi area in Minqin County, Gansu Province, grass grid-shaped double-eyebrow sand barriers, straw bundled upright sand barriers, nylon net sand barriers, etc. are arranged in staggered rows at intervals. After measuring the width and height of the sand barriers one by one, the researchers planted Haloxylon ammodendron, tops, and Shaguai dates and other tree species according to local water resources and other conditions...

China has taken the lead in the world to achieve "zero growth" in land degradation and has "double reduction" in the area of ​​desertified land and sandy land. Touches of eye-catching green, some connecting dots to form a line, or connecting to form a forest, are composing a magnificent poem about the harmonious coexistence of man and nature.

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The Wuliangsuhai Lake, located at the top of the "Jizi Bend" of the Yellow River, is the largest lake and wetland in the Yellow River Basin. It undertakes important functions such as water volume regulation, water quality purification, ice and flood prevention, and is a natural ecological barrier for controlling the sources of wind and sand in Beijing and Tianjin. It is a convergence area of multiple ecological functions in northern China.The arrival of General Secretary has greatly inspired the crowd on site, and everyone expressed that the ideas for the governance of Wuliangsuhai have been clarified and have achieved relatively obvious results. The next step is still to follow the instructions given by General Secretary, work hard for a long time, and strive to turn green mountains and clear waters into golden mountains and silver mountains.

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