More than 90% of college graduates have confirmed their destinations, starting from the national and local grassroots level, and returning to their hometowns to work at their doorstep

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 03:59 AM

For four consecutive years, Shanghai University of Engineering and Technology, as one of the top 100 universities in China to monitor the employment situation of graduates, just celebrated its graduation ceremony in 2023 over the weekend. 6248 fresh graduates received good news: this year, the number of graduates from Shanghai University of Engineering who have participated in national and local grassroots projects has reached a new high. On site, graduates presented a special gift to their alma mater - the "Seedlings of Chengyuan". This pot of green seedlings, planted by graduates themselves, was carefully cultivated from camphor tree seeds on campus. Half of the soil was brought back from Chongqing by Tian Xinmeng, a 2023 graduate who went to work at the grassroots level, and the other half came from the alma mater campus.

Breaking through the ground and emerging towards the sun. It is reported that since 2020, Shanghai University of Engineering and Technology has trained about 6000 graduates annually, and the implementation rate of graduate destinations has remained above 95% for three consecutive years. As of now, over 90% of the 2023 graduates in the school have confirmed their graduation destinations. This monitoring of the employment situation of graduates provides decision-making basis for relevant departments of the Ministry of Education to formulate employment policies, and also gives confidence to millions of households who are concerned about the quality of employment for college students.

Jiefang Daily's Shangguan News reporter learned that during the job search season, in universities, graduation and employment work form a full-time and all-round closed loop for all employees. Each school strengthens departmental collaboration, multi-party linkage, and enhances precise guidance on employment. Secondary colleges and even departmental majors, from counselors, mentors, and horizontal employment guidance teachers, jointly respond to the personalized employment needs of each student, providing multi-dimensional employment promotion services, whether local or non local employment.

More than 90% of college graduates have confirmed their destinations, starting from the national and local grassroots level, and returning to their hometowns to work at their doorstep

"Success is not just in the distance, there are also poems and dreams in hometown." As a 2023 undergraduate graduate majoring in Electrical Engineering and Automation from the School of Information Science and Engineering at East China University of Science and Technology, Luo Lin is currently signing a contract with China Mobile Communications Group Fujian Co., Ltd. The greatest assistance given to her in Shanghai, university campuses, and other online platforms lies in information sources and internship platforms.

When facing the choice of graduation destination in her junior year, Luo Lin originally wanted to participate in the postgraduate entrance examination like most people, but when she thought about things related to "taking the postgraduate entrance examination" and "guaranteeing the postgraduate entrance examination", she felt anxious and uneasy, always feeling that there was a more suitable option for herself. She doesn't think she's a good researcher, and her hesitation about taking the postgraduate entrance exam also makes it difficult for her to calm down and study for the exam. However, during her four years of hard work and study, as well as working as a class youth league secretary in college, she has accumulated some abilities and experience for herself. After careful consideration, Luo Lin and his family decided to directly pursue employment.

Many students who choose employment will stay in Shanghai and may feel that they have finally obtained the exam, hoping to develop in the big city of Shanghai. As far as Luo Lin is concerned, she loves everything in Quanzhou, the city of Ertong. She wants to return home to build her hometown after learning. In addition, she doesn't want to be too far away from her family. She can only go home for a few days a year. So she always has the idea of returning to her hometown after reading.

More than 90% of college graduates have confirmed their destinations, starting from the national and local grassroots level, and returning to their hometowns to work at their doorstep

After deciding to return to his hometown for employment, Luo Lin targeted state-owned and central enterprises in his hometown. At the same time, she timely grasped the identity of "fresh graduates", because whether it is enterprise campus recruitment or civil service exams, there are many positions for fresh graduates. "If you miss campus recruitment and participate in social recruitment, it will be more difficult."

In fact, since the spring semester of this year, the Party Committee of Education and Health Work and the Municipal Education Commission of Shanghai have taken the lead in organizing more than 1500 online and offline recruitment activities at all levels and types. Various offline recruitment activities have been carried out through hierarchical classification to seize the current critical period of employment for graduates, provide sufficient employment opportunities for graduates, and help achieve high-quality employment.

The most convenient channels for students to search for positions on campus are the school employment center, employment information pushed by counselors and teachers, as well as large-scale lectures and job fairs on campus. However, for Luo Lin, the employment needs provided by this main channel are mainly in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Shanghai, while recruitment information in other regions is relatively scarce and scattered. This requires active attention to the recruitment needs of hometown, not only to find recruitment information on the official website and recruitment official account of target enterprises, but also to the employment official account of hometown or provincial universities. For example, she pays attention to the employment official account of Xiamen University and Huaqiao University, which also release employment information of provinces and cities near the university.

More than 90% of college graduates have confirmed their destinations, starting from the national and local grassroots level, and returning to their hometowns to work at their doorstep

There are still many channels for Luo Lin's information: his parents and teachers introduce recruitment information from related companies; The website of the local talent development association, official account and other platforms also release the recruitment information or job fair information of hometown enterprises, especially the "Huali Employment Pilot Account" official account and the employment information pushed by counselors, including the recruitment information of hometown enterprises, candidates or talent introduction. She also carefully considered enterprises with branch offices in every place, such as banks, communication operators, State Grid, etc.

Good opportunities are always given to those who are prepared. Luo Lin is well aware that internships before employment are necessary. They can not only enhance job competitiveness, but also help find industries and positions that are suitable for her. "I am lacking in this area, which is also a weakness in my resume." However, in addition to interning at a company, the on campus practice platform has also given her a good opportunity to exercise herself. Luo Lin has successively practiced in the work study gift house and the ideological and political office of the Ministry of Education, where he has learned many work skills and ways of dealing with people. "Finding opportunities, seizing opportunities, having connections at home, and returning home," said Yan, "Going out is an experience, and returning home is a meaning."

Nowadays, millions of young people are stepping onto the wave of returning to their hometowns for employment, reflecting the diverse life choices of young people in the new era. Compared to Luo Lin, Wu Bingyan's choice of "working at home" has also undergone some consideration, including hesitation, anxiety, and confusion. As an undergraduate student majoring in Food Hygiene and Nutrition at Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in 2023, she eventually returned to her hometown of Yunnan and worked at the Health Bureau of Wuhua District, Kunming City, Yunnan Province.

More than 90% of college graduates have confirmed their destinations, starting from the national and local grassroots level, and returning to their hometowns to work at their doorstep

"Don't ask where the guests come from, this place is my hometown." Wu Bingyan once aspired to take root in Shanghai, but every time he returned home during winter and summer vacations, seeing the old street scenery on the county streets and families who have not yet fully lifted themselves out of poverty would make his mood even heavier. Through news reports, she learned about how Huang Wenxiu, a "model of the times" village official, and his junior brother Su Tangjun, a 2018 graduate of the School of Literature at Beijing Normal University and now the first secretary of Taiping Village in Ludian Township, Yulong County, Lijiang City, Yunnan Province, rooted themselves in the grassroots, led the villagers to become rich, and wrote about their unique youth. At the same time, "grassroots internet celebrity" Li Ziqi and "male version of Li Ziqi" - Zhang, also capture the fun of life and promote rural style

Regardless of whether she is from sunny spring or snowy summer, under the guidance and influence of her elders and friends, she gradually put down the idea of working hard in the big city and is determined to return to her hometown for employment and start looking for roots. After careful consideration and thorough communication with her family, she actively searched for a position in her hometown during the golden period of autumn recruitment, and ultimately successfully joined the local health bureau. "There are many paths to ideals, and young people who struggle in the countryside can also create a beautiful and brilliant future," she said.

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